MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > There was no super deal with Mexico this...

There was no super deal with Mexico this week

Donald is conducting trade policy by tweets.

Also, Donald flinched.

Mexico received an offer over 6 months ago.

But they agreed to no deal.

So then Trump withdrew a threat of 5% tariffs on all Mexican goods. And Yesterday, 6/8/19, it was reported that Mexico already agreed to key provisions.

But once again. Trump flinched from his tough talk.

Also? Don-Don's threat of tariffs met with bipartisan criticism & Republicans (REPUBLICANS!) in the Senate demanded (DEMANDED!) the president delay his plans and meet with them directly (COME TO OUR OFFICE, IMMEDIATELY!)

And? The deal isn't a deal until Congress says it's a deal (Got Constitution?)
& even though MUCH of this is NAFTA lite - the deal faces significant hurdles in Congress.

Meanwhile, there are child deaths, kids spending the night in vans, rapes, murders of people IN US CUSTODY at the border. And even a US Citizen was shot last week by CBP.

But Donald is never stingy & is never one to flinch on his own MARKETING!

So, Donald & his minions are taking victory laps.

(remember: Toilet Plunger Lips!)


Something tells me the echo chamber isn’t going to like this.


The echo chamber is suddenly silent on this one....


Which is weird. I’ve not been here long, but from my limited experience it seems they don’t often pass up the opportunity to call some one a “lib” something or other. You must be scary to them lol.


Yes, The New York Times reported on this over the weekend, and the cable news shows also ran with this -just about everywhere except T-rump TV.


He's been making that TOLIET PLUNGER FACE ever since he was AN INFANT (which he still is and has been PROVEN by the way the BRITS keep flying the INFANT BALLOON that has the CELL PHONE in it's hand).

A lady also posted a VIDEO where her INFANT makes the SAME KIND OF FACE.

Anyhow, the SCAM MAN who ran the FAKE UNIVERSITY and the FAKE CHARITY also put a SIGN on a BORDER WALL that someone else BUILT and tried to CREDIT for having done it himself.

So his ATTMEPT to try and TAKE CREDIT for having BULLIED MEXICO into doing something that they'd already done is just PAR for the COURSE (so to speak).

Because he also goes around putting HIS NAME onto BUILDINGS that he didn't BULID so that others will think he's the one who OWNS THEM and has BUILT them.

And he also BRAGGED and said that he would TAKE ALL of the CREDIT for the SHUT DOWN of the GOVERNMENT, and then proceeded to try and BLAME the DEMOCRATS for doing it.

And speaking of SHUT DOWNS …

Come SEPTEMBER he'll NO DOUBT be trying to have ANOTHER ONE again when it comes time to VOTE on the BUDGET AGAIN.

So be PREPARED for things to go from being BAD to EVEN WORSE again after the SUMMER ENDS.

Because we also saw how much he LOVES to THROW HIS TEMPER TANTRUMS when he had one before with NANCY and SHUMER over SHUTTING DOWN the GOVERNMENT because they REFUSED to FUND the WALL that he wanted.


Great post!
