MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > T-rump shakes hands with the Queen, righ...

T-rump shakes hands with the Queen, right after calling London's mayor 'a loser'

Days without T-rump embarrassing America on the world stage since he took Office: 0

T-rump's embarrassment to America continues to roll on as he nears his 900th day in the Oval Office, this time it took place shortly before shaking hands with the Queen in a 'royal welcome' to the UK.

Minutes before the grand gesture with appropriate pomp and circumstance, T-rump decided to insult London's mayor in a pair of Tweets.

".@SadiqKhan, who by all accounts has done a terrible job as Mayor of London, has been foolishly “nasty” to the visiting President of the United States, by far the most important ally of the United Kingdom. He is a stone cold loser who should focus on crime in London, not me......"

This was paired with:

"....Kahn reminds me very much of our very dumb and incompetent Mayor of NYC, de Blasio, who has also done a terrible job - only half his height. In any event, I look forward to being a great friend to the United Kingdom, and am looking very much forward to my visit. Landing now!"


We don't have a president, there is no diplomacy in any of his diplomatic visits.

We have Andrew Dice Clay as a leader.

Notice Donald's attacks are like MOST of the rethug attacks we see on here from the Right wing trolls on this board? Here's an example: SadiqKahn - who by all accounts has done a terrible job . . . RECORD SCRATCH . . . Stop right there.

By what accounts? Donald says ALL of them. What sort of bullshit rhetoric is that?
By wealth, crime, infant mortality, gun violence, education & business start ups, London is CALLING.

So what does Donald mean? He means to insult because he was insulted. That's mature. But when Khan insulted Donald, he hit MEAT. He gave chapters & verse & named names & dates.

You don't see DETAILS from the Wuchaks, AmerGirls & Bubbas here. You see broad & empty smears. (Narrator voice: These smears are brought to you by reich wing-approved Breitbartian/GOPFox news/Daily Stormer websites filtered through Trump's own Toilet Plunger lips!)


That’s so true. They think they can get away with a smear campaign and not back up what they’re saying. They do it without facts - just talk in general terms.


Facts are not always fact, sometimes cannot be fact.


Check out the STATE DINNER that's taking place where the QUEEN just made a SPEECH where she gave him an EDUCATION in past HISTORY while he kept looking around like he was BORED to death.

And when he stood up to say a few words after she was done he also LOOKED like he was 9 MONTHS PREGNANT dressed up in that WHITE VEST he's wearing that's part of the TUX he has on.

So now we also know the reason why we've never seen him with his SUIT COAT BUTTONED UP before today, because of the way doing that REVEALS how BIG his GUT has gotten.


You will like my suit, I guarantee it!


Yes, Kellyanne told us this right after his inauguration - Republicans use 'alternate facts' as she said (read: Lies). She followed this up by telling us our microwaves are used for spying on us.

Giuliani later said, "Truth isn't always truth".

Wow - what an administration!


The Queen actually shook hands with him?????? I'll bet she washed her hands later with alcohol.


Yep, to show their respect both T-rump and the Third Lady shook hands with the Queen rather than bow and curtsy (which is traditional).


but that mayor IS a loser, Londonstan is riddled with murders and crime. Every brit will admit to that.

I am not american, you can't dupe me with lies.

daily mail story:
A great, great woman': Trump praises the Queen as they celebrate the 'eternal friendship' between their nations

Top user comment:
"Welcome Mr President to the UK. You're more welcomed than Mr Khan or Mr Corbyn, that's for sure."

Upvotes 16599 down 3142

the people love him
