MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Compare the net worth of Trump, 0bama an...

Compare the net worth of Trump, 0bama and Clinton

Net worth before running for President:

Trump family: $4.5 billion
0bama: $3 million
Clinton: $480,000


Trump family: $3 billion
0bama: $40 million
Clinton: $100 million

And don't forget that Trump is not taking a Presidential salary.

And yet frothing Dems/Lib claim Trump is the one trying to steal your money?


How in the world did the self-proclaimed 'most successful business in the world' lose $1.5 billion in 2 and a half years? That is scary - and proves he should not be handling America's money. He's very inept when it comes to finances, as we have been privy to over the years.

Thanks for sharing this - it should open the eyes of all you T-rumpanzees to the fact that T-rump is not the successful business man he pretends to be.


Why are you comparing 'T-rump FAMILY' to President Clinton and President Obama? Shouldn't you be comparing Family wealth to Family wealth, instead of Family wealth to individuals?

Oh, never mind - this is how 'FOX & FRIENDS' did it this morning, and you're parrotting it here. Gotcha!


Says the one who parrots The View.




You meat headed tribalist trolls don't even know why you post anymore.




They know no shame. Look at him switching between his PresidentAckbar and AckbarTheHutt accounts to bump Painekiller threads because nobody was interested in them. Its so pathetic.


Maddow said the same thing on her show, coincidence?


Thats also not including Hillary and Michelle. The number would probably double. Dems love being rich and love other rich people but don't like really rich people. Ironically, they love the super rich that donate to their Foundations.

Fun fact: at one time the Clinton Foundation had 10 billion, but then years later it was shut down. Where did the money go?


The money went into the T-rump Foundation - now closed. Where did T-rump's charity money go? The charity closed down by the state of NY?
