MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Yahoo says Biden would be the oldest Pre...

Yahoo says Biden would be the oldest President if elected.

Yahoo also has Biden winning a second term.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, who is looking to become the oldest candidate elected president, said Friday that he wasn’t interested in pledging to serve only one term in office.

Biden, who would be 78 on Inauguration Day 2021, said in an interview on ABC’s “The View” that it is fair for voters to ask questions about his age as they weigh his candidacy. Asked if he would only serve a single term if elected, Biden said, "No."

Sanders: Born: September 8, 1941 (age 77 years)

Biden: Born: November 20, 1942 (age 76 years)

Apparently liberals use a different kind of math.

Let the brainwashing begin!


Apparently liberals use a different kind of math.


If Biden wins in 2020 he would be the oldest candidate elected president. Sanders would be an older candidate but not the oldest candidate elected president since he would have lost to Biden in the primaries.


I have come to the conclusion that I see things differently than everyone else. Why is Sanders losing? We haven't even voted yet. Sanders would be the oldest president elected since he would have won against Biden in the primaries.



Oh boy where to begin.

"who is looking to become"

Those are really the only words you need to focus on here. Biden is looking to become the oldest candidate elected president. Sanders is also looking to become the oldest candidate elected president. But only one of them can achieve it in 2020.

As always with you I can never tell if I'm getting Poe'd or not.


Its been one week since he made the announcement and now we have Biden winning a second term, really? c'mon man! I know the dems have no interest in backing Sanders, which is why all the polls suddenly have Biden winning already. Am I the only person that can see through the madness?



Apparently liberals use a different kind of math.

What's the different kind of math? Do tell - this should be good....


Biden wins implies Sanders did not win, so I'm not sure where the Math problem comes from either.


Apparently, Bubba can't figure out his own posting either. Surprised?


I don't get the general American public. Why do they keep wanting to elect 70+ year olds? If Trump can get in with no experience, so can a younger person also with no experience if not some slight experience.


"If Trump can get in with no experience"

And if we keep electing Trumps to the presidency we will ultimately doom our country for good.



The last two voted in from the red team were complete idiots. There is definitely a pattern going on here.


old people?


Thats Bernie Sanders. Who will be the oldest when he is President.


Biden is older than dirt.


And Bernie is older than Biden.
