If Dems want to be known as the Party of Infanticide...
...they're going to lose in 2020. They're becoming increasingly radicalized. Blue collar Americans won't go for it.
share...they're going to lose in 2020. They're becoming increasingly radicalized. Blue collar Americans won't go for it.
shareRepublicans fully embraced abortion.
shareI have to agree. If they try to make 2020 a referendum on abortion they will lose.
But they won't because, like you say, they've fully embraced abortion.
They had the opportunity and spent it on guns for mentals and poison for rivers. They embraced abortion. They just use it to string along suckers. Bush did nothing, Trump did nothing. Suckers keep thinking, but next time ...
shareDemocrats are for open borders. Republicans say they're against open borders. Are working class people suckers? No. They have no choice.
shareDerp, Rushy is good. Look on the bright side, if you could just vote out those pesky Democrats you could build a wall! Suckers!
shareHillary was for open borders. Bernie is absolutely not for open borders. He says so all the time and that it's a Koch brothers dream and as you know, they are not Democrats.
shareYou win the "stupid post of the day" award!
share2017-2018 Republicans controlled the House, Senate, and presidency. Just like they did from 2001-2006. Did they actually try to pass any laws to outlaw abortion? Nope, they did not. It's because they don't actually care, they just pretend to care in order to get the vote of the religious right. But when in office they do nothing.
How many times do you need to get duped before you begin to realize that elected Republicans don't actually care about the issue of abortion?
Its true. Republicans pretend to care about abortion to get the religious voters but in practice they only do the bare minimum because they don't really care about it.
The way to test whether a republican actually cares about abortion is to ask how they feel about it in the case of rape or incest. Thats where most republicans prove they are pro choice. If its a life then it shouldn't matter how the pregnancy occurred.
Yes, but Republicans don't approve of post birth abortions, like the left.
sharePost birth abortions is the death penalty. Republicans support that way more than the left does.
But if you are talking about right before birth then you are only partially correct. The left is not in control of near-birth abortions. That is not a pro-choice conversation. Pro choice ends at 24 weeks. After that its up to the rules of pro life. And within the rules of pro life are these scenarios where DOCTORS (not democrats or lefties) can decide to terminate a birth. This is why you are having such a hard time stopping it. The doctors are basing it on stuff outside of pro-choice ideology. In order to counter it you have to counter whatever science they are implementing to reach those conclusions.
In all likelihood the republican party won't be able to do that. So they just talk as if its a pro choice issue. It is all part of the game. Repubs talk about abortion but they don't actually care about it. They pretend to care to get more votes from idiots. A prime example is Donald Trump. And you buy into it every time thinking things will change. Lulz
Repubs are at least smart enough to know that if they actually banned abortion then they would never win another election.
Well said.
shareLook, I'm an independent, but I'm sick of this "Dems are the party of infant killers" rhetoric you Trumpers sling around. In reality, there are PLENTY of pro-abortion people on BOTH sides, so you can sh!t-can that hypocritical notion that it's only the dems.
Secondly, I have first hand life experience where I've known pro-abortion people and people who've had abortions and you know what? Many of them are republican/democrat.
Me, personally? I'm against abortion unless it's in some extreme special case (IE: The child has a deformity so massive it will be born and live as a vegetable and the mother's life is directly threatened). But I have no illusions here: BOTH parties have people who are pro-abortion whether they want to admit it or not.
A swing and a miss. I’m no Trumper. And if you’re for killing children up to the moment of birth, then yes, the infanticide label fits whether you’re tired of it or not.
Yes, both parties have people that are pro-abortion, but as anyone knows, if you’re looking for the pro-abortion side, you’ll have better luck with the guys with the D after their names.
Pro abortion is the rhetoric, it's a matter of personal liberty, freedom means people get to do things you don't like.