Trumps re-election 2020
Trump will be re-elected. Hands down. The wall may not be build then. But he has made some of his promisses come true:
- tax reform
- 2 New conservative Surpreme Court judges.
- Entry restrictions for Muslim countries
- Dialogue with North Korea
-Nafta 2.0 is negotiated
- Trade dispute seems to pay off for him (EU is dying more and more)
- Quit of the Iran Nuclear Deal (+ pressure on EU)
- Quit of the climate agreement
But his best weapon is the media and the people. Media is against him. All Democrats are against him and half of the people are against him and he is resisting. One against them all. David against Goliath. This is his game and everybody is playing and not understandig it. Now that the Korea Dialogue in Vietnam was no success and Cohen was heared at congress in Washington and the democrats start new investigations he has great approval values. He has got 44% approval these days. This is so strong concerning all these facts.
And when democrats will play along the game and nominate a "socialist" candidate and so also a third party candidate will separate the democratic votes the win of Donald Trump will be even higher in 2020.