MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > It was 21 years ago today . . .

It was 21 years ago today . . .

. . . that President Clinton was impeached.

Because he illegally covered up an extra-marital affair. He lied about it.

A reminder of some facts of Ken Starr's White Water Investigations.

It was about an alleged illegal land deal.
The Clintons were implicated after a banker charged with OTHER CRIMES claimed that Clinton pressured him into making a loan which had been paid back YEARS before the start of the inquiry.
The investigation took 4 & 12 years.
It cost nearly $100 million of 1997 dollars.

Record scratch to today. The Dems aren't going to impeach Trump over a blow job even though it's been proved (lordy, there are checks! & photos!) that T-rump lied.

Defend Trump, all you GOPricks on this board. Go ahead. Put your defense in CONTEXT of what the GOP did to Clinton.

I double raw dog dare you.


Politicians are full of shit, regardless of whether they identify as an elephant or a jackass. What else is new?


Thank You for this important reminder. What Clinton did isn't nearly as bad as what T-rump is guilty of these days.
