Certainly, but I think deep down he has to have some concerns, because as a shameless Nixon worshiper he has to be aware of the history of how his idol acted in a similar situation. Nixon pulled the same shit, promising blanket pardons for all his Watergate co-conspirators that included any perjury convictions incurred from lying to congress the day after Senate Watergate hearings began. His closest aides Haldeman, Ehrlichman, and Mitchell all played along. They were indicted on perjury, obstruction of justice, and conspiracy to obstruct justice all to protect Nixon. The indictments accused them of making “offers of leniency, executive clemency, and other benefits” to the Watergate burglars to secure their participation in the coverup. The president was named as an unindicted co-conspirator.
Did Nixon deliver? LOOOLZ! As news of Nixon's resignation to avoid facing impeachment became imminent, Haldeman's increasingly panicked calls to Nixon to secure their pardons were never returned. Dick had left them high and dry. His lawyers felt if Nixon granted those pardons he would be ensuring his own indictment for complicity after he left office, so Nixon did what was best for Nixon.
Roger's gotta be aware of this history. Donald is going to do what is best for Donald. I think he's coyly playing on Trump's vanity to ensure he follows through on his surreptitious promise to pardon him. Playing victim to the evil deep state he's setting Trump up to be the hero of his narrative by riding to his rescue with a pardon, a role Trump might just find too irresistible to pass up. We'll certainly see but Stone's got to know he's betting his future freedom with his gambit rolling the dice on a guy as unreliable as Trump.