MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Hey Rog, how ya like that judge now?

Hey Rog, how ya like that judge now?

What's that, Rog? Speak up, can't hear ya, boy! What? Still can't hear ya...maybe you should make a post online! What? No posts either?

Cheer up, Rog--once you're behind bars you can give plenty of jailhouse interviews!


Oh, please GOD let's see that gag order applied to Trump one day!


Suddenly Roge goes quiet. What gives?

He went crawling on his knees to the Judge begging forgiveness...and then went silent.


Slap on the wrist, she went from "you're a danger to society, your online post could have incited somebody to shoot me dead" to "you're free to go home"

This is a person who not only lied to the judge about not knowing what a crosshairs was (Roger Stone previously instagrammed a photo of himself in crosshairs in reference to himself under Special Counsel's investigation: "I am in Mueller's cross hairs." and lied non-stop to the judge's face about every question asked, but also repeatedly demonstrated a willingness to threaten violence against public figures (remember he was banned from twitter for threatening violence against CNN reporters), threatened to kill a person he suspected might turn evidence against him, threatened to kill that person's support dog, destroyed evidence, intimidated witnesses, coerced witnesses, lied and obstructed constantly, ahem posed with weapons on social media frequently, not to mention colluded to conspire to rig the US election against AMERICA for personal profit, etc, and the judge let him go home AGAIN. That is an example of WHITE PRIVILEGE.


Today, Special counsel Robert Mueller notified judge that Trump friend Roger Stone posted Instagram image that could violate gag order

On Friday, the judge discovered Stone was about to release a book that could include details of the legal cases he's been involved in, violating the gag order. She demanded to know why he didn't inform the court of the book and gave his lawyers until Monday (today) to respond.

Then, on Sunday, Stone posted an image to Instagram suggesting he was "framed" by Mueller, which again is against the gag order. He deleted the post hours after the press contacted him for comment.


This guy better bring a toothbrush and clean underwear when he's summoned to court. He really wants to go to jail.


Definitely looks like he's TRYING to get his bail revoked. It would be the capstone to his bullshit victim narrative of being persecuted by the deep state.

It conveniently distracts and obscures the larger truth behind his case that we know from hard evidence in the form of his own emails, text messages, DMs, and additional evidence laid out in his indictment. At numerous times throughout the campaign both publicly and privately to Trump campaign officials (as well as Trump himself according to Cohen's testimony) he'd acted as a back channel to Julian Assange providing prescient updates on document dumps. He lied about all of it in his testimony to congress. He was also in direct contact with Russian GRU through its fictitious online "Romanian hacker" persona Guccifer 2.0.

The evidence makes it as clear as day that Roger Stone colluded.


I’m sure if he goes to FedPen T-rump will pardon him, and he knows it. Probably why he doesn’t care?


That’s a risky game to play.


Certainly, but I think deep down he has to have some concerns, because as a shameless Nixon worshiper he has to be aware of the history of how his idol acted in a similar situation. Nixon pulled the same shit, promising blanket pardons for all his Watergate co-conspirators that included any perjury convictions incurred from lying to congress the day after Senate Watergate hearings began. His closest aides Haldeman, Ehrlichman, and Mitchell all played along. They were indicted on perjury, obstruction of justice, and conspiracy to obstruct justice all to protect Nixon. The indictments accused them of making “offers of leniency, executive clemency, and other benefits” to the Watergate burglars to secure their participation in the coverup. The president was named as an unindicted co-conspirator.

Did Nixon deliver? LOOOLZ! As news of Nixon's resignation to avoid facing impeachment became imminent, Haldeman's increasingly panicked calls to Nixon to secure their pardons were never returned. Dick had left them high and dry. His lawyers felt if Nixon granted those pardons he would be ensuring his own indictment for complicity after he left office, so Nixon did what was best for Nixon.

Roger's gotta be aware of this history. Donald is going to do what is best for Donald. I think he's coyly playing on Trump's vanity to ensure he follows through on his surreptitious promise to pardon him. Playing victim to the evil deep state he's setting Trump up to be the hero of his narrative by riding to his rescue with a pardon, a role Trump might just find too irresistible to pass up. We'll certainly see but Stone's got to know he's betting his future freedom with his gambit rolling the dice on a guy as unreliable as Trump.


It's a conspiracy!

But is it illegal that Roger Stone talked to Wikileaks? Hillary talked to Google, and Facebook, and Apple, and Amazon, and Saudia Arabia, and Mexico, and England, and Obama, and the FBI... A lot of people would have to go to jail. At least Stone was blowing the whistle, not strangling you with it. These giant corporations are just going to do it again in 2020.
