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Trump launches effort to end criminalization of homosexuality

Trump is such a bigot! Hates gays! Hates minorities! LOL

MSM in tears and probably will ignore this great act of humanity.



You have no credit after posting fake news Jussie Smollett story.


But what makes you think YOU have credit?


You whine about credibility and fake news when this isn't even about homosexuality. This is about attacking Iran. He's hoping stupid people like you will believe that Iran is worse than Saudi Arabia on this issue when by all measurements it is the other way around. Yet Trump has no interest in lessening the islamic fundamentalism that is coming out of Saudi Arabia and instead wants to continue selling them weapons that end up in the hands of al queda and isis.


Trump is a great man.

reply have around if you need a bucket of chicken finished.

I completed the sentence for you.


How about ending discrimination against LGBT in THIS country while he's at it. Support ENDA! End the ban on transgender people in the military!


The left preaches not allowing people with mental disorders to have access to guns, why on earth would you want transgender people in the military then?


Because being transgender is not a mental disorder, Sammy Strawman.


There are two genders, the rest are mental disorders


What's a hermaphrodite then? It's certainly not a mental issue.


Are you ignorant on purpose?


Ther majority of people on the right don't want mentally ill people to have guns, either. It's just you ammosexuals who want to arm unstable people.


Trump doesn't want mentally ill people to have guns either, hence the ban on trannys in the military


If you can get a gun, Trump has no problem with the mentally ll having guns.


You're triggered


Leave it to a gun lover to talk about triggering.

Fortunately for the gene pool, it's more than likely he's shooting blanks.


"Trump doesn't want mentally ill people to have guns either"

He stripped away new protections against allowing the mentally ill to own guns as soon as he got into office.


"not allowing people with mental disorders to have access to guns"

Why on earth would you want members of the military who are white males to have access to guns?

A U.S. Coast Guard lieutenant and self-identified white nationalist has been arrested after federal investigators uncovered a cache of weapons and ammunition in his Maryland home that authorities say he stockpiled to launch a massive domestic terror attack targeting politicians and journalists.

Christopher Paul Hasson called for “focused violence” to “establish a white homeland” and dreamed of ways to “kill almost every last person on earth,” according to court records filed in U.S. District Court in Maryland. Though court documents do not detail a specific planned date for an attack, the government said he had been amassing supplies and weapons since at least 2017, developed a spreadsheet of targets that included House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and searched the Internet using phrases such as “best place in dc to see congress people” and “are supreme court justices protected.”


Anybody who successfully complete the process and extensive physical/psychological vetting required for the military is not "mentally ill" and should be in the military. When the person commits a real crime (transgenderism is not a real crime), like threatening to murder everybody to make America white again, then the person should be subjected to the US judicial military court system (and also a mental health evaluation/treatment process).


Sorry I don't want a mentally ill person in a foxhole next to me.


Exactly. Thats why Trumps ban makes perfect sense


I have to wonder. I really do. The degree of cognitive dissonance in somebody's fetid little mind. To predict the mainstream media will ignore a story WHILE AT THE SAME TIME LINKING TO THE STORY BEING REPORTED IN THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA!

How the fuck do people like you function in society?


They depend on us and the rest of the world to help them function. Then they complain about it.


Trump denies he did any such thing (launch global effort to decriminalize homosexually....):

Q: Mr. President, on your push to decriminalize homosexuality, are you doing that? And why?

TRUMP: Say it?

Q: Your push to decriminalize homosexuality around the world.

TRUMP: I don't know which report you're talking about. We have many reports.

6:10 PM - Feb 20, 2019
