I'm a proud leftist, but I'm more than happy to engage with reasonable and facts-driven conservatives.
What I can't stand, from any side of the political spectrum, are liars and zealots who aren't able to admit when they're wrong, and instead resort to spin in order to uphold their agenda.
But this thread is the same news we've been hearing since Friday. And for nearly two weeks before that we didn't hear much about it either. It wasn't until Jussie's Good Morning America appearance and the arrest of the two guys that interest sparked again. Now three days after they were released and there's still nothing new.
The narrative posted by doggiedaddy and the news 20 days ago was this:
“This is MAGA country!” : MAGA supporters brutally beat black gay actor from 'Empire'
posted 20 days ago by Doggiedaddy (6337)
149 replies | jump to latest
The two white men - wearing ski masks and MAGA hats- approached Smollet and brutally beat him."
We have since found out that the "attackers" were actually black and not MAGA supporters. The story posted 20 days ago is fake. The people that instantly agreed with doggie are now back peddling and not commenting anymore. Even the great and powerful doggiedaddy has gone completely silent on his own post.
It might take a few more weeks for the truth to come out. But eventually we all we find out what really happened.
Right that's what I'm saying. It was a big deal 20 days ago and then it kinda went dark. Then it got big again after the Jussie appearance and the arrest of two guys and their release and his lawyer hiring. Now its gone quiet again because of no new updates.
Also think about your thread involving the letter. Jussie received an envelop with racist comments against him and some white powder. The idea here is that he staged this incident because the letter incident he set up got zero media attention. Again if there was this big media agenda that you all claim there was then that would've been big news. It wasn't. It needed this second incident.
Give it time. People will talk about it either way it folds.
I think the Chicago Police have concluded their investigation and are waiting for the FBI to finish their investigation into the letter sent to Jussie.
What makes the least amount of sense is why Smollett hired two guys in the first place. All that does is create two witnesses to the hoax. He could've done this all by himself without anyone knowing.
Yes, this is clearly the most important political investigation ever seen.
Meanwhile, the same people celebrating this have been calling certain other investigations a "witch hunt" from day one.
Just like how Trump supporters are gleeful at finding a potential lie by one actor, meanwhile they turn a blind eye to Trump's constant lies and deny such things exist.
It's hilarious to watch all you hypocrites showing just how hypocritical you are.
The fact that you harp on minor criminal activities like this just show how desperate you are.
You clearly want to distract from the elephant in the (Oval) room.
Im curious to know how Trump can ever be the elephant in the room when he is pretty much incessantly talked about by both sides of the spectrum. Also, I would hardly call staging a hate crime a minor criminal act. Innocent people could have gone to prison for this. If this is indeed an elaborate hoax, I hope they come down hard on this sorry excuse for a person.