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Day 1, Democrats in control, stocks tank.

22,960.63 −385.61 (1.65%)




The apple announcement about their 4Q sales had NOTHING to do with it, right?

Please, keep are one of THE best arguments against Trumps base and FOR IQ tests being necessary before being registration to vote that there is. You are more a better example of how incredibly insipid Trumpys supporters are than 1,000 doggiedaddy threads.


Trumpers, much like their orange cult leader, are always their own worst enemy.


Not to mention the weak manufacturing data which hit the news as well. That's T-rump's economy for you.


At least I don't make dozens of new threads everyday about the same thing. Top scientists have theorized that bubbas may be super intelligent. You decide?




That is the DEFINITION of Fake News.

You’re an idiot who worships an idiot. THAT’S a fact.


All idiots worship idiots with power. It goes with the title.


Yup, have to agree, people did the same thing with Obama.


And you don’t see the irony that you’ve lumped yourself in with the people you’ve derided and mocked for months?

My GOD are you dense!


I haven't derided or mocked anyone, just stating the facts.


So...self-delusion is a trait you share with your orange idol?

I mean, we knew it...but you putting up proof is nice.


He is not my idol, and I like irony.


Stocks tanked for 2018. Worst year since 2008.


22,686.22 −660.02 (2.83%)

Dems take control and the stock fall like rocks. Way to go! You should be very proud of Pelosi.


It’s T-rumps economy not Pelosi. Apple an factories have been hit hard because of T-rumps Trade war with China in the last two quarters.



1 more day!!!!
posted 7 days ago by Doggiedaddy (5547)
39 replies | jump to latest
1 more day until the Dems take over the House! No more ass kissing Republicans running the House!!

The Dems are in control now. What are they doing?


The Dems are in control now. What are they doing?

They have vowed to open the investigations into T-rump and his companies, and they are set to vote to reopen the government and put 800,000 unpaid federal workers back to work immediately.

In other words, more than the Republican House has done in two years.


Thats awesome, hopefully they won't waste too much time and money and make America better. How long will it take for them to vote on a spending bill?


Two bills passed tonight , with even some Republicans voting with them on each! More than what Ryan’s House ever did.


Looks like they got Trumps memo and are going to MAGA now.


Liberals should be cheering the trade war with China everybody knows we get our goods from China because they get the low low prices from Human Slave Camps


So why was Ivanka's line of products made in those Human Slave Camps exempt from the tariffs in the trade war?


The secret truth is the world can't work without slavery and all them politicians know it.


Your trolling posts about the stock market are getting so old.


Stocks have been dropping through all 2018 but, like a troll does, you wait until today to even acknowledge it.

Don't you have any tactics other than the most expected, most bland, most dull, most uncreative, most uninventive trolling?


Trolling? I just post the facts.



It's just the trend created by Trump's inept handling of EVERYTHING. Why would business rebound just because the Dems take the majority in the House of Reps? Hell, they aren't even getting confidence from this pro-business administration, why should things get better when the adults in the building want to rein things in? Didn't that tax cut fix everything? I guess not.


But they'd started tanking as soon as Trump announced his tariffs. Then, as someone else pointed out, Apple announced lower earnings -- which even Trumper par excellence, Rush Limbaugh, had predicted DURING THE PRIMARIES! Some of this is like a flock of starlings -- one goes, they all go; one turns, they all turn. But most of it was Donald Trump refusing to listen to people who knew better.


If the stock market tanked because Trump announced his tariffs, then why is the stock market up today? If Trump is responsible for the stock market going down then who is responsible for it going up?


Don't confuse a one day rally with a trend. The market is trending downward for months thanks to Trump's mishandling of the economy with is trade war.

Trump's shutdown will probably make the recession come quicker since it not only effects Federal workers, but also nearby businesses, contract workers and other businesses that depend on tourism for national tourists sites as well as delaying tax refunds.


That is quirky, and more like the starling effect than anything else. But there also goes your Democrats argument. They're still in charge in the House, but look! The stock market went up!

My guess is we're going to have quite a rollercoaster ride, averaging in a downward direction.


It just cracks me up everyday, stocks down! Trumps fault! stocks are up! silence...

Definitely going to be a roller coaster ride the next couple of years.


The stock drop has nothing to do with Democrats being in "control" in the House. The Repubs are in the Senate. Stay tuned!


The American people have zero confidence in the demokkkrats handing the economy. Same reason the markets skyrocketed the day after Trump and Republicans swept in 2016.

Educated working Americans have known the demokkkrat party is totally bankrupt. They have no ideas. No solutions. No platform.

As has been confirmed over the last few months since the Pilosi party took back Congress.

Fortunately the Trump boom rolls on and the American people are benefitting tremendously despite the efforts of the worthless demokkkrat media and their lemmings.


Actually, people with high levels of education do not tend to support Trump. Trump did horribly among voters with advanced degrees. Trump was the first Republican to lost Orange County California since the Great Depression. That speaks volumes. Trump's base is composed primarily of poorly educated working class white males, plumbers, carpenters, those types. His supporters tend to be simple middle Americans.


He even said during his campaign “ he likes them dumb”, meaning his supporters. And that’s what he got!


Stock market skyrocketed even further the day after midterm elections when the results were in: Democrats take over the House.


The stock market has known the dems would be in control for months. I bet you really crushed your college boards.


If the "stock market" knew the dems would be in control then why did it crash on Jan 3?


Because of Apples quarterly report. You’ve asked this many times and it’s been answered over and over again.


So why did the dems let apples stock go down? I thought they were in control?


Because the orange idiot hurt sales in China with his infantile tariffs?


Apple stock went down in the 4th quarter under republicans - who were in control.
