MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Everybody calls Trump Racist

Everybody calls Trump Racist

Then they use the word Russian as an insult lolz :)


You appear to be unaware that the Russian government is NOT an ally. What is wrong with you?


You seem to be unaware that the top politicians including the Clintons and the top business men see them as an alley as they do Saudi Arabia. They all getting that money look at Vince Mcmahon's Saudi shows


First you criticize everybody for using Russian as an insult for connecting Trump to Russia, then you do the same thing by connecting the Clintons to Russia.

Are these posts even real? The Trump defenders make it so hard to tell.


He's a sock account for Thrillhouse, our resident idiot.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who realizes this about TH.


Yeah, it just sounds like him, you know? Classic sock behavior--Thrillhouse's posting rate decreases dramatically whenever this guy is around. I also believe that "onlyfactsmatter" may be another Thrillhouse sock. I SHOULD point out that neither of these guys ever refute my accusation that they're Thrillhouse. They just ignore me and move on. That says it all, really.


Just because i'm revealing that all the top politicians are taking Russian money doesnt mean im calling them Russian themselves or using the term Russian in a negative way. It's just stating facts


You're stating fiction.

Only Republicans take money from Russians.


People use the word "Russian" because:

-Trump is highly suspected of being involved with Russians

-It was proven Russians hacked the elections

-A Russian collusion probe into Trump is turning up Russia this and Russian contact that

-A Russian....

....You know what? I don't have the energy to play your game here. Even you can't be dumb enough to understand why people bring up Russians in this way and why it's not racist. You're just a low-rate troll, really.

I miss IMDB...those trolls were at least fun. You're bottom of the barrel, pal.


How has it been proven Russians hacked the elections? Whats been proven is Democrats pulled a Russian Bot False Flag operation and got caught and tried to play it off as "an experiment" to see how the Russians do it Ha Ha Ha!


Russian Bot False Flag operation.

ha nice, Presidential approval


Trump IS a racist, among other things!


Please tell me what actions you've seen from president Trump that make you think he's a racist.


When he lynched that African American fellow.


Lol, I must have missed CNN that day.


Calling all Mexican immigrants criminals and racists.
Shutting down the entry of Muslim immigrants.
Calling Obama lazy, unqualified, and un-American.
. . . .among other things. Just Google Trump's racism. There is a whole list.


1. He never said all Mexicans were criminals and rapists,that's pure fiction.
2. Obama also shut down Muslim immigration, and being Muslim isn't a race.
3. Calling Obama names isn't at all racist, unless they were racist remarks,which they weren't.

So, that's 0 out of 3. Nice try. I think it's interesting that the lack of facts drove you to make things up.


You do realize Russian is a nationality, not a race. Right? I mean,'re stupid, but you cannot be that stupid. Your thread topic and the body of your post are entirely unrelated.


He is that stupid. Just read his other posts.
