Christmas feels more special knowing we have an amazing president that prefers to celebrate Christmas rather than declairing war on it like Obama did. Obama also declaired war on white people and cops. This is why we’re so divided.
More selective outrage markdown. I'm still waiting for that other side to your moderate views you claim to have. Seems you only like to champion the liberal side of things. FYI, I couldn't find one reference to Trump actually saying Obama didn't like to say Christmas,he simply implied that after a liberal administration, it was good to have the freedom to use the expression at will. To suggest that liberals as a whole DON'T suppress the views of religion are rediculous, because they absolutely would like to. I'm actually in agreement with that mindset,and don't feel religious holidays should be part of our administration,but the truth is still the truth. I may not like it, but I won't spin it to support an agenda like so many news medias are, about this subject. Our president NEVER mentioned the previous president in his statement about bringing Christmas back to the Whitehouse, so the media has to build a strawman to burn. More fake news,but that's what they do.
FYI, I couldn't find one reference to Trump actually saying Obama didn't like to say Christmas,he simply implied that after a liberal administration, it was good to have the freedom to use the expression at will.
Wasn't actually trying to debunk anything that Trump said. I was trying to debunk what JimmyStrudel said. Because Jimmy Strudel was lying. And I really don't care if Trump ever mentioned Obama by name when he talked about the war on Christmas...his words still led people like Jimmy Strudel to form the views in the OP.
Sorry if my selective outrage bothers you Burk, but to be quite honest, i only have so much outrage to go around and idiots complaining about Baby It's Cold Outside just aren't worth my time. Trump's Presidency on the other hand is a dumpster fire of epic proportions and that's what has my interest these days. My feelings toward Trump are nothing personal against you and I'll say it again even though you didn't return it last time; Merry Christmas. Hope you had a nice day.
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I do take it personally. You play nice(like saying merry Christmas despite having no idea what my personal beliefs are)because poison is much easier to eat when taken with a little sugar. Your style of talking out of the side of your mouth only furthers the division in our country, and I take that very personally. I'm sure that's why you claim to be a moderate,to lend a little credibility to your clearly leftist stance.This "dumpster fire" of a adminstration is anything but, unless low unemployment and strong confidence in the stock market are a bad thing to you.I guess if you're a criminal who wants to gain unlawful entry to our country, you might think that,but honest Americans should love how things are going.In this very comment you accused Trump of causing a 3rd party to say something you view negatively,as if every president is accountable for the actions of every supporter. Completely rediculous. Are you seriously trying to suggest that Obama didn't have a few assholes acting out on his behalf, and unless you think that isn't true AT ALL,why mention it? You never mention the discovery of very disgusting acts violating due process in the attempt at undermining Trump's election. There is plenty of information out there that substantiating this,at the very least raising some very concerning questions,but you probably won't find it on CNN. As I've said before,I think you're smart and if you wanted the truth you could find it. Own up to being a blind liberal supporter, at least I'd respect that,but playing moderate while being a liberal lapdog is the worst kind manipulation,and again,I do take that type of shady behavior personally,as should every American.I doubt if we met in real life that I'd find you a horrible person,but the anonymous nature of the internet allows people to play a persona that isn't necessarily genuine.I imagine I'd like you, knowing full well what your true beliefs are,but I'd know we don't agree politically and find commonality elsewhere.
First things first, point taken. Trump didn’t mention Obama by name when referring to bringing back “Merry Christmas” so while you could argue the implication was strong, you could easily argue myself and others made wrong assumptions and a fair argument could be made that Trump is not responsible for such. I’ve never bought into the whole war on Christmas thing but that’s mainly because I’m able to watch 24 hour romantic comedy Xmas movies on Hallmark and it’s hard not to feel the Christmas spirit while watching Brandon Routh in The Nine Lives of Christmas.
Second, I’m not playing nice, I am nice. I believe treating people with a basic respect until they prove themselves not worth it. For me, following politics is a relatively recent thing but I long ago decided that I wouldn’t say something on a message board that I wouldn’t be willing to say to someone’s face (which was difficult when posting about a DC or Marvel movie on the old IMDB boards). I don’t call people names in my day to day life so why should I do so here? People often want the person they’re arguing with to go low because it absolves them of having to actually argue on merits and they can just return the insults. I have no desire to play that game. Or at least I do my best not to. I’m human and sometimes frustration does get the better of me (it’s almost as if I’m passive aggressive).
As for me being moderate, I think I’ve always acknowledged that I fall on the liberal side of most issues (pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, I believe in climate change, reasonable gun control, affordable health care). When it comes to these issues, the right side of the aisle doesn’t show much appeal for me. That said, I do believe political correctness has gone too far. For example I’m a huge stand up comedy fan and seeing some jokes that are deemed offensive by some just makes me shake my head. But also keep in mind that this is the Donald Trump board and the topics all revolve around Donald Trump who I find terrible. So my posts here are largely going to be in that direction.
Low unemployment is a good thing but as for strong confidence in the stock market? Even with the Dow’s 1,000 point gain yesterday it’s still down 2,000 points from this time last year. I work with 401Ks and I can tell you there are many people not feeling strong confidence given the past couple months (including myself who’s seen a $1,500 drop in my stocks over the past 2 months). I sincerely hope it rebounds fully because I personally have a financial stake (as of 11:02 AM the Dow is down over 400 points today, fingers crossed it bounces back into the positive column).
But even if stock market confidence was high, it takes more than those things to be a good President. I’ll say again that my main problem with this President is that he lies seemingly compulsively. Literally nothing he says, no matter how trivial, can be taken at face value. That’s how much he lies. And so often they’re easily verifiable lies that defy all reason. To find a whopper we have to go back no further than yesterday. He visited the troops in Iraq and I really thought he deserved the good press he was getting from that. But then brain surgeon that he is, he gift wraps a big present for liberals by saying in his speech to the troops “You haven’t gotten a raise in more than ten years. More than ten years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one……you had plenty of people that came up and said, you know, we can make it smaller, I said no. Make it ten percent. Make more than ten percent because it’s been a long time.”
This is a lie, or rather two lies. First, members of our military have received a pay raise every year since 1983. And second the pay raise for the military wasn’t 10% this year. It was 2.4% and their pay will be raised by 2.6% in 2019. Why lie about something so demonstrably false? Imagine you worked for a company that had a new CEO and after his first year he made comments during a speech that he gave everyone a 10% raise since past CEO’s hadn’t given raises in the past decade and a half. Now imagine that you and everyone in that room only got a 3% raise that year but contrary to what the new CEO said, you had gotten a raise every year you’d been with the company; what would your thoughts on that CEO be?
The problem is that this type of thing isn’t isolated for this President, it’s the norm.
I could type more but it seems pretty pointless. Aside from the fact that I've already written a novel, you and I see eye to eye on very little politically and neither of us is likely to change the other’s view. Sorry you take anything I’ve said about Trump personally, but he’s the one I have the problem with, not you. Me lightening up on Trump is as unlikely as you going harder on him (not likely in either case).
For the record, I do say Merry Christmas even though I'm the antithesis of religious, lol, but I love the social aspect of the holiday. If that was genuine sentiment, thank you,and Merry Christmas to you too.
It actually was genuine because despite our political differences I've always found my most civil conversations on this board to be with you. I've viewed ackbar, bubba, Snagswolf, ThreeTen, Culburn to be either total trolls or far right extremists (possibly all the same person) but I've actually respected the exchanges I've had with you. When you recently called a different comment of mine passive aggressive and I responded by first asking how you've been, that was also genuine because I think of conversations we had on other boards here and don't see why we can't be friendly while largely disagreeing about things.
That said, I do take exception with some of the things above and will respond in full tomorrow (but it won't be too bad because I'll be my usual nice talking out of the side of my mouth self).
Yes, those were dark days when saying Merry Christmas got you imprisoned in those liberal indoctrination centers. Good thing Trump put an end to those.
I doubt the 800,000 federal employees not getting paid this Christmas week because of T-rumps government shutdown aren’t feeling too merry. But what do Rethuglikkkans care about 800,000 federal employees with no money for Christmas?
The shutdown is Nanci and Chucks fault. Trump gave them a solution, a wall budget, but Nanci and Chuck would rather act against American citizens and continue to protect illegals. It all makes sense. Illegals vote democrat so if the dems can continue the flood of blue votes from south of the border they’ll maintain power.
A wall is only a solution for idiots like you who don't know what rope and ladders do. The rest of us understand it's just another piece of property for Trump to put his name on.
You need to watch the televised meeting T-rump had with Chuck and Nancy. He said he took full ownership of a government shutdown if it happened. That was December 11. It happened. It’s his.
I've heard the term "war on Christmas" and would like to know its origin. There never was any law against use of the expression "Merry Christmas."
There is a "war" on all holidays, or at least a movement to eliminate them. New Years Day, Easter and July 4th were at one time actual holidays; they have now become ordinary weekdays with business as usual. Stores were beginning to be open on Thanksgiving Day until the COVID-19 pandemic put a stop to this.
If anyone is trying to destroy holidays it's the retailers and others who place money above family traditions.