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Winning? Democrats shut down the Government again.

Once again the Dems hold America hostage by not compromising with the President. Ironically the Dems blamed the Rep for not compromising with Obama. Facts and history my friend.


Stock market plunges to 22,445 and hours later T-rump shuts down the government - all on Christmas weekend. As he said on December 11 - he takes full ownership of the government shutting down.

Be proud, Bubba - be proud! This is part of winning, isn't it?


Ironically the Dems had no problem funding the war in Syria. Winning?

The Defense Department expects to spend roughly $14.3 billion in Syria next year in 2016, the highest level yet, with the State Department accounting for another billion in foreign aid.


According to T-rump ISIS is finished, so that’s money well spent by the Dems.

Next year is 2019 not 2016

If you have a problem with $14.3 billion in Syria, you must be crazed with the $5b for the wall Mexico is not paying for.


ISIS is finished? Surely Trump is kidding, or too ignorant to know the truth. More of his lies.


According to him, we can pull out of Syria because ISIS is defeated. And his base believes it.


Then his base is as ignorant as he is.


No argument there.


Ironically the Dems have no problem giving NATO $686b a year, yet they can't authorize $5b to secure America. Winning?

The following infographic provides a breakdown of military spending across the alliance, with only five of them meeting the 2 percent goal: Estonia, Greece, Poland, the United Kingdom and the United States. U.S. defense expenditure in 2017 came to just under $686 billion, equating to 3.6 percent of GDP.


"Ironically the Dems have no problem giving NATO $686b a year, yet they can't authorize $5b to secure America. Winning?"

T-rump promised us Mexico is paying for the wall. Why should Dems be irresponsible to taxpayers and authorize $5B for a wall your boy promised Mexico was going to pay for?

In case you need a refresher:

“I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall.”



Ironically, Obama had many broken promises, here are the top ten. Winning?

Obama abandoned his commitment to "unprecedented" transparency.
Obama has failed on his promise to close GITMO.
Obama failed to end the war in Iraq and finish the job in Afghanistan.
Obama broke his promise to pursue a "tough, smart and principled national security strategy."
Obama broke his promise not to raise taxes on the middle-class.
Obama failed to grow the middle-class and Americans' incomes.
Obama broke his promise to allow Americans to keep their plans and lower costs under Obamacare.
Obama failed to make immigration a top priority and pass comprehensive reform in his first year.
Obama failed to "nail shut" the revolving door of lobbyists working in his administration.
Obama broke his promise to bring both parties together to enact a bipartisan agenda.


Obama isn’t President any more. T-rump is! Live in the present not the past. Ask your President why he wants us to fund the wall when he promised us Mexico will pay for it ?


From now on I will live in the present. I don't remember Trump saying that Mexico would pay for the wall.


T-rumps promise for Mexico to pay for the wall is the present you idiot. That’s one big reason his base supported him. Try to keep up.


Absolutely! I remember he saying Mexico would pay for the wall. What a joke.


I dont know anything about this wall you speak of since I just live in the present. All I know is that Trump is President and America is getting better everyday.


The wall is mentioned in national news every day, nearly every hour of every day. You're not living in the present if you don't know anything about the wall I speak of - you live in your delusional world.


This is what Trump prays for...a base of people with the morals of a robber baron and the memories of a guppy.


Here in the primaries:

May 2018:

During one of his rallies 2016:

Do you need more of his drivel or are you accepting he's a disgusting piece of crap?


Doggie told me to stop living in the past, so thats what I am doing.
"Live in the present not the past."
Doggie - 2018


Just like a Trumpite. Not willing to own up to his/her own ish. Typical.


Trumpite? Thats a new one. Am I allowed to go back to the past?


The only thing true in your list was Obama's failure to close gitmo. Everything else was a lie.


All Bubba has in his weak trolling arsenal is whataboutism.

Wow, your creativity is about as high as your intelligence.

But that's why you troll: No intellect available for actual conversation. That's why all trolls troll. That's why all trolls sound like they're run by the same bored 13 year old kid.


Oh, just Move The Goalposts ! He's losing on all fronts - that GRINCH ! - and you bring up Syria? Obfuscation much? Just avoid the pinball machine that is Trump's brain ! Trump wants the US to have the Greatest Military Ever In the History of The World, so how does he want to balance the US budget (like a good businessman, which he is not) while withdrawing troops and cutting the budget? Do you want to explain all the spending the State Department does? Is that separate from the Defense Department? Is there anyone who wants to Man that Helm while Trump is at the Rudder, undermining any sense of having advisers who temper the whims of a despot? In this instance, I don't think so.


Oh c'mon bubba, did you forget what Trump has said?

Can't blame dems on this. GOP even presented him a bill hoping he'd sign but apparently raged when he didn't see the funding for da wall.


He didn't sign the bill because there is no funding for the wall. If Obama can get his "forced insurance mandate" then why can't Trump get his wall. Its only $5b.


You really canNOT talk about Trump without mentioning Obama or Hillary. I suspect there's some hidden, dark, sweaty love behind all this. I bet you'd be pulling their pigtails because you really liked them.....





Funny how Ivanka killed THAT one....




Obama isn’t President any more. Face the consequences of voting for T-rump.


Thank goodness.


So building a wall against our southern brethren is akin to wanting affordable Health Care for All. I guess ....


The wall is difficult to compromise on.

What do you do, only build half the wall? Make it half as tall as the Republicans want?

Either you build it or you don't.


“I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck, because the people of this country don’t want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it…. I will take the mantle of shutting down.” - Donald J Trump

Don't tell me even his base of ignorant incels don't take what he says to heart!?! That means NO ONE believes what he says!


If Chuck is against the border wall then he is for criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. I am glad that Trump is standing up against the swamp. That includes Republicans as well.


Yeah...that’s about as deep and insightful and nuanced as one would expect from a supporter of Donald Trump.

Meaning not at all.

Which I felt I had to spell out to you since you’re continuously so dim you actually bring down the name “Bubba”.

You again tried to pivot away from the fact that your orange idiot SAID he would take responsibility for the shut down. And he did until he had to. Then he ran from responsibility like he does from a salad bar.


So... did Trump lie again when he said he was the one responsible for the shutdown?


No...he’s lying now when he says he ISN’T.


Oh ok


Stop with the wall nonsense already. Why waste money on a wall that's not going to do anything to stop rich people from importing third world labor?


Don't know until you tried. At this point the just walk over. At least this will require a little effort to criminally gain access to our country.


I think there are all sorts of walls and fences and what-not along the border. The coyotes bringing people across will find a way, even with a big, expensive wall. The real problem is rich people refusing to pay American citizens decent wages.
