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Israel expels African refugees, sends them to Canada

Why can't America do that?


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There was a large backlash against deportation throughout Israel and the government rescinded it.

"Petitions opposing the policy poured in from Israeli doctors, pilots, retired diplomats, professors, rabbis, architects and musicians, many arguing that a nation formed by refugees in the aftermath of the Holocaust has a special obligation to treat refugees with more compassion.

In a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 36 Holocaust survivors, many of them refugees from the ghettos and concentration camps of Europe, beseeched him “to learn the lesson” and not to expel Africans seeking asylum in Israel.

As a country founded by refugees,” said another letter signed by 850 Jewish clergy and delivered to Israeli embassies and consulates in the United States and Canada, “and whose early leaders helped craft the 1951 International Convention on the Status of Refugees, Israel must not deport those seeking asylum within its borders.

Many of the solidarity events are taking place under the umbrella of a grass-roots movement, “Stop the Deportation,” which was started by students...Another initiative, “Miklat Israel,” Hebrew for Israel Sanctuary, and known informally as the Anne Frank Home Sanctuary movement, signed up about 500 Israeli families from scores of towns and communities willing to adopt asylum seekers and, if necessary, hide them in their homes."

Most Israelis behave with compassion. Why can't America do that?
