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Ivanka simply 'didn't understand the rules' about using her private email

Poor Ivanka T-rump, that Wharton graduate. She's saying she 'simply didn't understand the rules' given to her about NOT using her private email on official government business. So she 'mistakenly' sent out hundreds of emails discussing government business to White House contacts. Wooops! Wha'ts the big deal?

Austin Evers, from American Oversight, a group which submitted the freedom of information request that led to the discovery of Ms Trump's use of personal email last year, said "There are serious questions that Congress should immediately investigate."

"Did Ivanka Trump turn over all of her emails for preservation as required by law? Was she sending classified information over a private system?" he asked.

Peter Mirijanian, a spokesman for Ms Trump's counsel Abbe Lowell, said in a statement: "Ms Trump sometimes used her private account, almost always for logistics and scheduling concerning her family."

Yes, and Republicans didn't like when Hillary used her emails to plan her daughter's wedding.

SO the question is: when do we protest in front of the White House and chant, "Lock her up!"


Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Is her excuse that she was too lazy & incurious?

FFS, she was on the stage a hundred times when "Lock Her Up!" was chanted.

Was she not curious about the reason?

IN America, if one is accused of a crime, charges are filed, the accused puts on a defense, a jury of peers decide & a judge imposes a sentence. In TRUMP WORLD, they started with the sentencing.

Did she never hear her father screech about the emails? Did she not hear him ask RUSSIA if they were listening?

Like her Daddy, Ivanka is a fucking ignorant idiot. But! China just awarded her trademarks on new voting machines!


FBI said private servers are perfectly legal.




That was fast, I thought you would be supporting Avenatti about now. What about Baldwin? Wheres the support for that poor guy. By the way someone else already posted about this.


Bubba, I haven't heard you chant "Lock her up!" yet. What's taking so long?


First, I think we need to assign a Special Prosecutor on this and make sure it is thoroughly investigated. I think Mueller would be perfect for this job. After he is done with the Trump investigation he can start on the Ivanka investigation. This might take some time so please be patient.


Mueller has his hands full with T-rump.

I say let's wait until the Dems take over the House in January. Then they can investigate and grill her for hours on end - just like the Republicans did to Hillary - and stretch this out through 2019. Let's keep askiong her the same questions over and over again on multiple days in front of Congress.

Let's see how quick it takes her to perjure herself.


Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Hillary should know that as well.


Bubba's gut is trolling about Avenatti & Baldwin?

That's SO 90 news cycles ago.

Catch up, fat boy.




By the way someone else already posted about this.

Someone else had already posted about McRaven when you made this topic:

Oh and you mentioned Pete Davidson's news FROM NOVEMBER 3 as if it was new and didn't even mention the apology and inviting Crenshaw onto SNL the next week... Even THAT is old news.

So you've become a hypocrite now in addition to being a whiny crybaby who complains about everyone else's posting habits?

Or shall we just shorten this to TROLL?

Seriously, you have nothing better to do with your time than this constant bullshit? I'd love to have that much spare time.


This is all old news, please try and keep up.


What do they have to do anything? Last I checked, Avenatti (clown as he may be) isn't running our nation. Last I checked, Baldwin wasn't one of Trump's TOP AIDS. Who the hell cares about those two?

I swear--no matter what sector of the internet I visit--you Trumpers ALL employ the SAME defense tactic for Trump: When it doubt--DEFLECT.

But I'll indulge you on this one--I was personally never a fan of Avenatti and was horrified when I heard news of his presidential bid. I think he's the dem equivalent of Trump in many ways and don't want that clown near the White House either.

Having said that, this conversation is about Ivanka Trump. Try to keep up, stupid.


Its just ironic that 2 people with extreme TDS were arrested. Karma Kramer?


For Avenatti, the charges were apparently *cough* trumped up.


hehe nice!


For Avenatti, the charges have now been dismissed by the DA.


You don’t find it ironic that Ivanka used her private email after her daddy’s campaign to “ lock her up!” ?

That’s not ironic to you?


Ivanka is not the Secretary of State though, Hillary is a longtime Politician that should have known better.


Ivanka is a Senior Adviser to the President who attended nearly every campaign rally where he attacked Hillary and chanted “ Lock Her Up!”


Before the Benghazi inquisition, nobody gave a shit about private emails. There wasn't even a slap on the wrist for it. When it looked like the inquisition was going to fail, republicans needed something to attack Hillary with, and private emails was all they could come up with.

It's not just Ivanka either. Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus, Gary Cohn and Stephen Miller have all been caught using private emails for government business.

So either admit Ivanka did something wrong worth investigating, or admit the attack on Hillary, and all of Trump's rallies mentioning emails, was nothing more than a political smear campaign cooked up by a pathetic political party.



Every time someone uses the term "TDS" the world loses additional IQ points. If TDS is as you Trumpers describe it then 90% of the world must be suffering from it. What you Trumpers call "TDS" I call: "Normal reaction to an orange psychopath".

And, if you ask me, TDS could just as easily be changed into HDS (Hillary Derangement Syndrome) and is, honestly, much more fitting than TDS. Hillary lost the election over two years ago and the Trumpers still mention her on a daily basis and use her as a model of "everything wrong with the democratic party" even though many dems and independents hate her.

And I can easily throw yours back on you and do you one better: is it ironic that it seems every person arrested in the Mueller probe ALL have dirty money practices and questionable Russian connections?

For a man claiming to be innocent of any Russian dealings, he sure has the stink of Moscow permeating every facet of his administration.


I'm still waiting for the Republicans to organize the "Lock her up!" chant outside the White House. What's taking them so long?


They're waiting until Donald releases his tax returns.


YES! Then it will be a "Lock THEM Up" chant - two birds, one stone.


I tell you--Donald is getting to be so disgusting and so slimy that I feel like I need a shower ever time I see his picture or read one of his ASININE tweets.

How much lower could this orange turd sink?



Every day he goes lower and lower.

I long for the days when he lied about the size of his inaugural crowd in January, 2017. That was nothing compared to the bullshit he's raking up now.


Yeah, really. What he's raking up now is life and death stuff--LITERALLY. We know have confirmation that we have a president who will openly defend pre-meditated murder if it leads to financial gain to do so.

We now know we have a president who thinks Kim Jong-Un is "a good man who treats his people well".

We now know we have a president who thinks it's OK to OPENLY tell the entire WORLD at a Russian summit that he trusts a Russian dictator more than US intelligence.

We've known for years that Donald wants to be a dictator but now we're witnessing just how scaly his hide really is. I don't even know what will happen to our country if he gets re-elected in 2020...


Make it 3 people....Remember when Stormy Daniels was arrested and you were gloating???

Oh yeah - let's forget that one. It was called 'a set up'. Let's scrub that one off the wall.


No, I don't remember that, can you find that post?


Yea right, she didn't know about private email servers!!!!! BS!!!


Ivanka passed zero classified info on an account.
On the other hand you had someone with a server in her bathroom that contained at least 110 classified docs that she damn well knew didn't belong there.


We don’t know if it was classified or not.

Hillary did this when there were no rules on private servers.

Ivanka did this in spite of the rules that were now in effect.


Comey said they were. Plus Ivanka is a noob while the beast had been in govt for decades.


All this is proving is "noob" Ivanka is unqualified for the job as Adviser to the President, since she can't understand rules on private email servers, and paid no attention to her father's 2016 campaign.

SO once again - LOCK HER UP!


They investigated to make sure Hillary didn't send classified emails to people who weren't privy to seeing them. She didn't.

They didn't like her private email server because they believed it was a potential security risk. It wasn't.

Even with all the paid Russian hackers trying to bust their way into the DNC's private conversations, they couldn't get into Hillary's private server.

Ivanka's personal account doesn't have that kind of protection, and Ivanka's emails have not yet been determined to be non-classified sent to non-privy individuals. They should thoroughly investigate it to make sure, huh?


Let’s not forget the catalyst that uncovered the use of Hilary’s private email; the death of an American Ambassador and three additional govt. officials in Benghazi on 09/11/12. Her private server was discovered during the investigation of that event. She used private email to attempt to
cover up the fact that the embassy asked for additional resources but were denied. The media has done a fine job of glossing that little tidbit over. Now I don’t know what Ivanka’s use of private email was for, but I doubt it pertained to the death and subsequent cover up of four Govt. officials, so give it up.


the real scary thought here is that she is probably getting classified information in the first place since her daddy thinks she is the best thing he ever did, wonder who and what her nanny is privileged to her passwords scary
