MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Let the good times continue to roll on!

Let the good times continue to roll on!

Despite the blue dribble, the democrats squeak out a majority in the house. With the democrat media/party showing a new found concern for defacite spending in the last year, they can finally bring their extensive list of solutions to the table to balance the budget. Good for America.

We can also look forward to their extensive list of solutions to tackle the healthcare disaster thanks to Obamacare. Hopefully they can address the endless increases in premiums that Obama told us would drop by $2500 per year. Really looking forward to that. Good for America.

We can also look forward to more conservative constitutional Justices being appointed due to the tremendous gains made by Trump/Republicans in the US Senate. Good for America.

The hundreds of millions poured into out of state elections by billionaire democrats and Hollywood all failed. Obama once again proved to be worthless as all his high profile campaigning failed. As did the Oprah’s. She should stick to giving away cars. Good for America.

The election wasn’t ideal but the democrat media blue wave was proven to be the lie we’ve all known it was. With the democrats in charge of congress, we can count on them to overplay their card, accomplish nothing substantive, and help Trump secure reelection. Good for America.

The thunderous Trump boom rolls on. American voters win. Trump wins. It’s a great time to be American.


26,011.59 +376.58

What a boom says top scientists!

Republicans are always happy to be an American.




26,180.30 +545.29 (2.13%)

OH no u didt!

lolz libz tearz


Thats an even bigger boom. The Trump rolls on!


Its funny that the libz are silent today. Trump knows what he is doing.


American voters win. Trump wins. It’s a great time to be American.

I agree.


It will be even greater when Mueller releases the results of his investigation. Wouldn’t you agree?


Those pesky tax returns may reveal the lying fraud




Sure, its only been 2 years. Its almost like Geraldo Rivera looking for Capones vault. Maybe they will televise it!


It’s almost like Republicans investigating Hillary’s emails. Only Mueller already has charges, convictions, verdicts and flippers!


Flippers? That was the name of my pet dolphin. Its after the midterms and you said he was going to release them, well its after the midterms. I needs my Mueller!



Because anyone would trust a link YOU provided.....


Sqeek out? They won by 8 percent of the vote and now have 235 of the seats, despite heavy gerrymandering in some states by the ruthless right.
