MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Democrats take the House!

Democrats take the House!

Bad night for T-rump, as the Dems have been declared the winners of the House. Let the investigations begin!!!

First up: they will subpoena his tax returns.

Let the subpoenas fly like confetti!


How will you read them if they are confetti?


His taxes are up first. Sources on the left say the ways & means committee will be asking for his tax returns first. If he refuses they will fight him on it. Lol! Poor T-rump.


Thank heaven! I think all Presidential candidates should have to disclose their taxes. He only said he would so he'd "look" transparent.



I can't stand politics, but I have to say, this election night won't be so bad, because at least for the most part republicans can handle losing...I wonder how many pussy protests will fill the streets, and how many people will take videos of themselves crying and put it on Facebook, and how many morons will block traffic and ruin everyone else's day because of this?

How many people will have to retreat to their "safe spaces", or have "cry-ins" at college campuses because of this? How many people will whine, cry, scream, and attack anyone who disagrees with what happened tonight?

You want an answer to all of those questions: The answer is none.

When democrats lose their whole lives are ruined and time stops while they weep. And they don't stop until the next election cycle. Thank god the country doesn't have to deal with that shit again.


Its a little known fact that the ocean was filled with the tears of democrats. Its also the reason the ocean level is still rising.


Now, now, you try and point out they they are violent thugs and it makes them respond like violent thugs.

The other thing this result will do is strengthen the Republican's. Why? Because they will take stock and do things even better. When Hilarity lost she was too busy blaming everyone and everything but herself to learn from it.

And what will the Dem's do with this new power anyway? Make the country better? Nope. Personal vendetta's against the President? Yep.


Sadly, true. O, for people who actually want to govern!


This is at odds to your relief in learning Dems will subpoena his tax returns.


Sounds more like Republicans during Obama's tenure.


“We will make him a one term President “ - Mitch McConnell when Obama won in 2008.

Yes, they lose gracefully.


"We will kill you. That's the Proud Boys in a nutshell.
We will kill you like Bill the Butcher and the Bowery boys.
We will assassinate you."

The Proud Boys outnumber Antifa 10 to 1.


So liberal speakers are being deplatformed at a rate of 10 to 1 over conservatives?

Antifa is worldwide, and wealthy, jewish trustafarians, the sons of Wall Street and Hollywood. Proud Boys are some multicultural pull yourself out of urban poverty type group that you only heard about because the media needed to burn a witch from Charlottesville. And they screwed up thinking it was white like George Zimmerman. You'll never hear about them again. Antifa will continue deplatforming.

What about MS-13? What does any of this have to do with liberals crying over Trump winning? Your problem is you don't have any videos of liberals crying over Bush who caused massive wars and crashed the economy. Trump allegedly hates freedom of the press, as the media cheers Antifa and deplatforming.


Why would liberal speakers be deplatformed 10 to 1 when I just told you the Proud Boys outnumber Antifa 10 to 1? Are you retarded?

Antifa doesn't support any specific political candidate. Its goal is to combat fascism emboldened by Trump. MS-13 doesn't support any specific political candidates either.

The Proud Boys commit violent acts specifically in Trump's name.

Trump is responsible for it all. Congratulations.

Time to go back to your cave again?


Trollhouse trolling because he lacks the intelligence to make actual conversation.

Poor baby.


Ahh, the old "anyone who disagrees with me or has a different viewpoint is a troll" argument.

Solid stuff.


No, I never say that, but feel free to believe whatever makes you feel superior to others. It seems to be a need for you.

Trollhouse trolls all over this site and posts ludicrous B.S.


No, Thrillhouse is just short bus material. It's really that simple.




It's true, Thrillhouse projects himself as the kid who had to ride the short bus to and from school.


Peeing my pants laughing!


You can find the videos on youtube.


Now the country will be dealing with investigations, subpoenas, testifying in front of Congressional Committees and Grand Juries, perjuries, criminal charges, convictions, plea deals, and sentencings. And that's just the beginning.

In other words, those 'pussy protests' and selfies have finally paid off.


Sometimes the good guys win.


There are no good guys.


But they hold the Senate and the Senate is the one that confirms the SCOTUS judges.


It will be hard for T-rump to be nominating SCOTUS judges when he will be in front of a Grand Jury for the next two years.


1) You're being silly.

2) Even if he were in front of the grand jury for the next two years, it would not take every solid moment of his time.

3) When asked who'd make a great SCOTUS nom during the primaries, he said he thought his ultra-liberal sister would be a great choice. HE'S not making these nominees.

4) After people scraped their jaws off the floor and started complaining about a woman who's all for partial-birth abortions being nominated by a "conservative" candidate, he started asking who real conservatives would nominate. Some people have said he got his list entirely from the Heritage Foundation (he got at least five names from them), but it's clear that the mind that blurted out, "I think my sister would make a fine choice!" is NOT the one who made out the list of nominees.

5) That list has already been compiled with nominees to spare, so it's only a matter of him signing the paper shoved in front of him.

6) There's always a chance that the Dems realize that McConnell was right about the way obstructionism plays to the nation. A lot of people out there have either had children of their own or babysat for others, so they know all about how childish obstructionism looks. I'm not crazy about Trump getting another four years, either -- for different reasons, obviously -- but I can't think of a better way to do it than for the libs/Dems to prove they're too immature to be allowed to govern. Eventually that thought might just dawn on the "loyal opposition."

7) I personally think Trump has about as much to do with the running of the country as Obama said he had to do on the night our Ambassador was attacked in Benghazi. Trump's there to make money out of office, which I'm hoping Mueller puts a stop to for all time. His aides and cabinet members are doing the heavy lifting while Trump's running around with his "Make America Great Again" rallies. They would still be doing the heavy lifting in the next two years.


This is excellent news! I actually stayed up for the election last night despite it costing me sleep for work this morning and I don't regret it.

As an American, I've found it absolutely horrific how this orange conman has been running around almost entirely unchecked. I feel that, at the very least, some measure of sanity will be restored.

If it's like what you said and he's gridlocked, I can live with that. Donald Trump is a dangerous man unfit to be president.


Yes!!! Dems have the House. It may not have been a Blue Wave, but a lot was accomplished all over the country.


I'm betting there will be even more staff resignations in the coming weeks.

There was one pundit who was on cable news last night (MSNBC?) who worked in the White House for Bush 43. When the Dems took over the House in 2006, she described the White House as being in 'chaos', due to all the investigations the House started. She described how investigators were coming in at odd times to extract information off her (and others) computers - from calendars to emails exchanged. She was under the instructions by her superiors to "let them take what they want, don't hide anything". And that was under Bush 43!

Imagine under T-rump? I'm sure the directions won't be the same.


If there are charges worth pursuing I wish they file them already. Was this all that was needed? A simple majority in the house? No all we need is Robert Mueller to get fired so the scandal can become real. It'll be water gate all over again.
