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Democrats have abandoned the working class to embrace open borders

This article has many quotes from top Democrats as late as the 1990's where they appear more hostile to immigration than Donald Trump. But now there are many examples of people being excommunicated from the party and public life for very minor comments. You are not allowed to be a Democrat unless you are in favor of the entire package.

Democrats stopped Bernie Sanders, but Republicans couldn't stop Trump.


More lame, bland, meaningless trolling from Trollhouse, possibly the most useless and least entertaining sock account on this site.


Like I said--what's sad is that he isn't even the only Trumper I've seen make such asinine claims. There are thousands of Thrillhouses on every comments section of every news article about Trump. Scary thought, I know.


I wish I could say this is just a Thrillhouse thing but there are plenty of moronic Trumpanzees who keep slinging this "Open Borders" term around.

If Democrats were so "open border" then Obama wouldn't have deported the amount of immigrants he deported during his presidency.

Also, there can't very well be open borders when there is already a fcking fence on the southern border, you imbecile.

Furthermore, democrats would have to vote for the abolition of all immigration laws if they were truly for "open borders".

Thrillhouse...I've asked you before this genetic? Or...did you live under power lines as a kid? Did you drink the mercury from a thermometer when you were a kid or something? Did you drink that gray matter from your Etcha-Sketch? Did your mother drop you on your head five or six times?


Here's the ultimate conspiracy for them:

-Obama secretly had guns funneled down to Mexico with the "Fast & Furious" program.

-Then the Left was supposed to disarm America, banning guns, using false flag school shootings.

-Finally, Hillary would open the borders, allowing the armed Mexicans to freely invade and slaughter us all!

It's only because God sent us Donald Trump that this plan was stopped!!!



Wow...they can believe all that but think the notion of Trump possibly being in bed with the Russians is "just SOOOOO far-fetched". They can believe all that but scoff at news that claims Trump is a racist. They can believe all that but think Mueller's investigation is a "fake witch hunt" while wanting yet ANOTHER investigation opened into Hillary despite the last SEVERAL ones yielding no results or indictments.

No wonder people call these Trumpers "tinfoil hat-wearers".

Sadly, you're not even joking about that "God sent us Trump" thing and that's just awful. I can't believe Trumpers actually believe that God "gifted" us with Trump. They call a racist, adulterous bully a "gift from God". That's...sick.

I saw evangelicals trying to claim that the Kavenaugh accusers were "instruments sent by Satan" and that "God's Christian soldiers" saved Kavenaugh.

I mean...I have no words. I really don't.

I'm so happy I'm not religious anymore. I followed Christianity once when I was teenager until I learned I was surrounded by hypocrites and couldn't stomach this murderous "loving" God another minute. I still believe in "something" but I don't believe in whatever sick god those Trumpers believe in.

You know religion has overstayed its welcome in our society when you have Trumpers calling a man who has children thrown into cages "a gift from God".


You know it's pretty hard to tell exactly where you actually stand on this political issue, you've stated several times that you hate feminist and PC propaganda and yet you are now stating that demacrats need to take the house in order to put a leash on Trump and yet it's mostly the demacrats that fuel the feminist and PC propaganda... if I were you I'd be more worried about the feminist than Trump these days, the #me too movement have turned women into unpredictable beast who will look for absolutely they opportunity to ruin a man's life for no reason at all, just recently in New York a white woman accused a 9 year black boy of groping her when security cameras showed that the boy's backpack brushed up against her, so she basically traumatized the poor boy for no reason, there was an other incident at a New York club were a woman was with a bunch of her friends when she thought a bouncer touched her rear end then proceeded to put the bouncer in a chock hold until he passed out then the security cameras showed that it was her girlfriend that touched her.

My point is the the person you should really be scared of is your little wifey, you may think you two are on the same page when it comes to PC and feminist but it's most likely just a ploy, the only thing that is truly driving your hatred for Trump is that he is targeting immigrants like your wife, which may actually save your life. It's just a matter of time before she could turn on you, so it's probably a good idea to sleep with one eye open for now on and watch your back... just something to sleep on, lol!


Ah, Lady--the last of the butthurt simpleton trolls from the BVS boards--STILL having a hair up his/her a$$ over what I said about your precious (now defunct) DCCU. XD

On your first paragraph--you're damn right I want the dems to retake the house in order to harness Trump. No matter how much I may hate several democratic PC policies--I hate Donald Trump even more. I'm a realist. Suppressing Trump is the only hope our country has at this point.

On your second paragraph--has anyone ever told you that you're curiously transfixed on the subject of my wife and the fact that she was an immigrant to this country? You sound jealous, Lady. You know--perhaps if you stopped acting like a creepy stalker on an internet forum and straightened up your act you might be able to fine that girl (or boy...for farm animal--whatever floats your boat--no judgments) of your dreams. They say there is someone out there for everyone so I'm sure there is some sort of parasitic life form that might take an interest in you eventually. Hold onto that hope, Lady! Never let anyone tell you the love isn't possible!

Also--my "wifey" is US citizen now, so the fat sloth can't do a damn thing about that.

Finally--you seem to have some deep-seated hangup with women. Just because your blowup doll (or in your case, some pool toy or something) deflated doesn't mean it turned its back on you. XD

Also, I recently celebrated my 11th wedding anniversary so I guess I'll have to wait another year for my "wifey" to turn on me. :) I tell ya! My wife sure is pulling the long game on me! O_o


Yeah fucking right! I'd rather die than get tied down and lose my freedom...I mean if that's what floats your boat than that's up to you, if you like the fact that you have to give up your many past freedoms than fine, but I'm willing to bet that in your marriage it's your wife that wears the pants, cause I'm under the impression that you're too much of a spineless pussy to stand up to your wife if you have disagreements, lol!

PS: To answer you numerous questions to Trump supporters on how exactly they are benefiting from Trump well my brother who just returned from tour in South Korea has said that Trump has done a good job that supporting the military and he receives quite a hefty pay check from the Trump maybe you should consider joining the military, HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!


Spoken like a true meathead incel!


It's funny how they resort to the same propagandized platitudes over and over again as if it holds any substance outside their own little back-scratching bubble.

Mah freedoms being taken! Vote republican or we all gon die!


So far, EVERY.SINGLE.TRUMPER I've ever met online is an a$$hole, tinfoil hat-wearing moron. I've yet to meet a single reasonable one online. Off the net in the real world I know a grand total of three reasonable Trumpers. That is all. The others act like Lady_A$$hat here.


You sound like some white trash bumpkin with the way you describe marriage as being "tied down" and "losing your freedoms". Maybe it works that way in whatever hick town you live in but, in the world I live in (the real world), marriage is not a sacrifice of freedoms. It's calling growing up and being an adult. You might want to consider trying that sometime, Lady. :)

Like Frogarama below said--you sound like a real meathead if you view relationship this way. No wonder you're so embittered over the fact that I'm a happily married man going on 11 years now--you're some pathetic meathead who can't hold onto a long, committed relationship because no woman can stand what a miserable piece of $h!t you are. XD

Thank you, Lady. Little-by-little, you reveal little pieces of the inner workings of your personality and they're all garbage.


HAHAHAHA. Don't even need to read this post to get a big laugh out of it.

The pubs never have embraced the working class and prefer to court the 1% and open gun laws.. Proud much?


Its amazing how fast they forgot about the migrant caravan.
