"It helps when you aren't bailing out failed international banks or invading the Middle East."
Both of which began before he was even elected. At least Obama's debt accomplished something.
Thanks to the recession, unemployment went from 5% to 8% in the year before Obama was elected.
Near the end of his presidency, we were back below 5% unemployment.
Bush's tax cuts, along with the wars, are what took us from Clinton's 5 trillion surplus to being trillions in debt.
Obama made those tax cuts permanent, because repubs squabbled that you can't "raise" taxes in a recession.
Bush issued a timeline before he left office.
Obama followed the timeline.
Fox News and Trump criticized Obama for pulling troops out too fast (creating ISIS).
Obama's biggest contribution to the war were his drone strikes, which Trump is happily continuing.
Hillary's biggest contribution to the war was her rhetoric against Syria, which Trump is happily applying.
You can't have it both ways, Shillhouse. This is why you will most likely leave the thread instead of having an actual discussion about it.