America's obesity rate is 40%
In the immigration debate, scientific studies show that the more aware you are made about demographic change, the more against it you are, regardless of political affiliation. I think the same applies to health care. We need to reflect on the state of public health in order to realize what a failure it is. Despite having more health care than any country in the world, spending more on Medicare alone, we are a very sick nation. France has about 15% obesity. No wonder they can afford socialist health care while Vermont and California can't, although even France is making cutbacks specifically to people with preexisting lifestyle conditions. America gives out an average of almost 20 prescriptions per every man woman and child in the entire country each year. That is a lot of drugs. And yet about half of all Americans take no prescriptions. Half of the remaining take only one or two. It's a tiny minority that is very sick and very expensive, from chronic lifestyle conditions. Pharmacists will tell you the see a new patient coming in to fill a single prescription. But they come back the next time still needing the one, and needing a second one also. Then a third, and so on. It's a disturbing trend that people don't get better they get worse with health care.
Scientists predict that the rate of diabetes will be 70% before the current generation hits retirement. Kids are all loaded up with autoimmune conditions like asthma, allergies, and autism. The millitary is sounding the alarm that the current stock of Americans are too sick to enlist. That is one reason to accept transgender even though transgender necessitates intense chronic medical upkeep.