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CNN: Trump's right: The economy is doing well and he deserves some credit

CNN praises Trump for turning around the economy is just his first year. What a great President Trump is says CNN.


How are you benefiting from the economy? Provide detailed examples.


My paycheck is slightly more and I am still safe. Trump keeps Americans safe. Vote Trump.




That was really funny Bubba.



I have nothing to add so I'll just say "ditto" to what Doggiedaddy and eYeDEF said.


But inflation has eaten away any increase. The real inflation rate is around 6%. What is the increase in your check? And 30 million will owe taxes for this year since the government has set the withholding too low.

Trump is keeping Americans safe from what exactly?

Are my future Social Security payments and Medicare safe? According to McConnell, they don't appear to be.


Inflation has been happening since money replaced bartering and beads. Since I have been working since I was 16, I have never had to pay the government or state. People that have to pay either make too much money etc or don't know how to do their taxes. If lowering taxes is bad then raising them would be better. Would you be happy with higher taxes and inflation? Here is liberal math.

Higher taxes + inflation = good

Lower taxes + inflation = bad

If you don't know what you are being kept safe from then you don't live in America.

Are they safe? No one knows. Trump will only be President for 4 or 8 years. It will be up to the future Presidents as well to help make sure there is social security and medicare. Trump can't be there everyday to wipe your ass, you will have to do your part and stock up on toilet paper and not rely on the government for handouts.


My point was that your paycheck is lower. You're deluding yourself if you think you're making more money. And you're wrong about wage growth. There used to be increases in wages even with inflation. That's not happening under Trump.

The taxes were lowered for the rich. Trump said the middle-class would get $4,000 more in their paycheck. Nope, that didn't happen. Lies! Nevertheless, 1 out of 5 Americans (30 million) will owe taxes because the withholding is too low.

I have higher taxes and inflation because no deductions.

Trump is hurting the middle-class and working-class with his trade war. He's hurting farmers and manufacturers who have said they will need to layoff workers.

Republicans refuse to raise the minimum wage and Trump is repealing a rule that will allow more people to get time and half for overtime work. Millions of Federal workers lost their raise this year. Seriously, civil servant workers are middle-income people trying to survive and feed their families, too.

Republicans are trying to destroy the Affordable Care Act which is why premiums are high. Four million have lost coverage. The Republicans want to allow insurance companies to discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions which will make it impossible for half to get insurance again even if they can afford it. Trump is allowing mergers of large health insurers which will raise insurance costs more.

No infrastructure improvements because Trump gave all the money to the rich.

Average Americans aren't benefiting. Most don't have money in the stock market which is in a correction now, anyway.

Republicans need to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid now in order to pay for the tax cuts for the rich. That was the plan all along. Raising interest rates assure it.

"If you don't know what you are being kept safe from then you don't live in America."

It sounds like you're mindlessly repeating a line, but you don't know yourself. So I'll ask again, safe from what?


"My point was that your paycheck is lower. You're deluding yourself if you think you're making more money. "

How do you know my paycheck is lower? Do you have access to it? Pants on fire

"And you're wrong about wage growth. There used to be increases in wages even with inflation. That's not happening under Trump."

After adjusting for inflation, however, today’s average hourly wage has just about the same purchasing power it did in 1978. Last time I checked Trump wasn't President in the 70's. Pants on fire.

"The taxes were lowered for the rich. Trump said the middle-class would get $4,000 more in their paycheck. Nope, that didn't happen."

Its not paycheck, its per year. On average people might see that much but its based on a litany of variables. Pants on fire.
Income Tax Rate Income Levels for Those Filing As:
2017 2018-2025 Single Married-Joint
10% 10% $0-$9,525 $0-$19,050
15% 12% $9,525-$38,700 $19,050-$77,400
25% 22% $38,700-$82,500 $77,400-$165,000
28% 24% $82,500-$157,500 $165,000-$315,000
33% 32% $157,500-$200,000 $315,000-$400,000
33%-35% 35% $200,000-$500,000 $400,000-$600,000
39.6% 37% $500,000+ $600,000+

"1 out of 5 Americans (30 million) will owe taxes because the withholding is too low."

The GAO says 21 percent of taxpayers – or about 30 million people – aren’t withholding enough taxes from their pay this year. On the other hand, GAO said, nearly three-quarters of taxpayers will have withheld too much during 2018 and will receive a refund next year. You should review your withholding to make sure you’re on track. Mixture.

"I have higher taxes and inflation because no deductions."

Thats not my fault or Trumps. Meh.

"Trump is hurting the middle-class and working-class with his trade war. He's hurting farmers and manufacturers who have said they will need to layoff workers."

In 2017, the total U.S. trade deficit was $566 billion. Thats a lot of billions. Mixture.


"Republicans refuse to raise the minimum wage and Trump is repealing a rule that will allow more people to get time and half for overtime work. Millions of Federal workers lost their raise this year. Seriously, civil servant workers are middle-income people trying to survive and feed their families, too."

It will be more than ten years since its last increase — the longest that the federal minimum wage has remained unchanged since it was enacted. Wasn't Obama President back then? Pants on fire.

A federal judge issued an injunction against a regulation put in place by the Obama administration that would expand overtime pay to millions of workers. The action was not taken by President-elect Donald Trump, and his ability to unilaterally do so is questionable. Pants on fire.

The Senate has approved a 1.9 percent pay hike as part of a spending bill for federal agencies. During the Obama administration, federal pay was frozen for three years. President Trump wants to cancel an automatic pay raise set to take effect next year for federal civilian workers. Key word in that sentence is wants. Pants on fire.

"No infrastructure improvements because Trump gave all the money to the rich."

Trump asked Congress, controlled by his fellow Republicans, to authorize $200 billion over 10 years to spur a projected $1.5 trillion in road, bridge and other projects to rebuild what he called “America’s crumbling infrastructure." Trump unveils infrastructure plan; uphill battle awaits in Congress. Pants on fire.

"Average Americans aren't benefiting. Most don't have money in the stock market which is in a correction now, anyway."

How is that Trumps fault? Are you saying that for hundreds of years people invested in the stock market and then all of sudden they can't? Pants of fire.


"Republicans need to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid now in order to pay for the tax cuts for the rich. That was the plan all along. Raising interest rates assure it. "

Whitehouse, in his ad, starts to go down that road but then goes off course by twisting McConnell’s statement into the unsupported claim that Republicans have said that because of the deficits, “they have got to get rid of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.” That’s false. Every time Republicans have tried to alter these programs without Democratic buy-in, they have paid a political price at the polls. That’s not what McConnell said. In fact, he did not even say the Republicans hoped to cut those programs. He said changes would happen only if both parties worked together to overhaul the programs, which are under financial stress because of the retirement of the baby-boom generation. Pants on fire.


"Republicans are trying to destroy the Affordable Care Act which is why premiums are high. Four million have lost coverage. The Republicans want to allow insurance companies to discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions which will make it impossible for half to get insurance again even if they can afford it. Trump is allowing mergers of large health insurers which will raise insurance costs more."

No, they are trying to repeal it or change, but its too late now. Obamacare is here to stay just like social security and medicare. The seismic effects of the Affordable Care Act on insurance markets continue to be felt nearly eight years after its enactment. Premiums for individual coverage more than doubled between 2013 and 2017. Much of that increase resulted from Obamacare's new regulations. Some regulations-such as essential health benefits and actuarial value requirements-had discrete effects on premiums. A cluster of regulations prohibiting medical underwriting, requiring the issuance of coverage, and banning pre-existing condition exclusions under any circumstances collectively had the largest effect on premiums. Pants on fire.

An estimated 4 million adults aged 19-64 have lost health coverage since 2016, according to the Commonwealth Fund’s latest Affordable Care Act Tracking Survey. An estimated 15.5% of working-age adults were uninsured during the February-March survey, down from 12.7% in February-March 2016. Weird, wasn't Obama President in 2016. Pants on fire.

In many ways, the GOP pledge on preexisting conditions is the equivalent of Obama’s infamous pledge that under Obamacare, “if you like your plan you can keep it.” It may look great on paper, but the reality is that it is not a sustainable pledge. That was apparent with Obama’s promise when the ACA was being debated — as The Washington Post highlighted three times in 2009 and 2010 — and that’s also the case here. The problems inherent in the structure are well documented in the CBO.


pants on fire.


The Affordable Care Act operates on the theory that, in the individual market, costs could be spread among a community of people with insurance, in what is called the “community rating.” In other words, healthier people help subsidize the costs for sicker people. (People who get insurance from their employers — about half of Americans under 65 — already participate in a group that spreads the risk.)
Before Obamacare, insurance companies could consider a person’s health status when determining premiums, sometimes making coverage unaffordable or even unavailable if a person was sick with a problem that required expensive treatment. The ACA prohibited that, in part by requiring everyone to purchase insurance, in what was known as the individual mandate. Pants on fire.

Trump is not allowing anything, its up to the FCC and DOJ to approve or deny mergers between companies. If the President had power to do this then people would freak out. Pants on fire.


I give you an A for trying but most everything you said can be refuted. I know this is how politics work and people in DC do it everyday. The cornerstone of DC is to misquote, mislead and lie.


The stock buybacks that result from his tax cuts are a huge problem. So we have the vast majority of the cuts going to the wealthy, and then we have inflation going up rather quickly because of the buybacks.

This quick inflation that we are seeing is the artificial stimulation Trump and the GOP are touting as a legitimate boost to the economy.


I have never heard about buy backs so I did some research. Apparently its nothing new, companies have been doing this for years. Whether its good or bad for the economy, I don't know.


It doesn't have to be new. It only has to be exacerbated by tax cuts that favor the wealthy, which it is.

And no, inflation isn't good for the economy when wages are stagnant.

Also, if you are just now researching stock buybacks, I'm sure you are using Google. When I type in stock buybacks 2018, I get inundated with search results discussing the record number of stock buybacks and how they are related to the tax cuts. Some discuss how it's negatively impacting the economy, and others discuss how it was illegal until 1982. How the heck did you skip all that to get to your "Apparently its nothing new" in your research?


Stock buybacks do nothing to help American workers. Remember, Trump said the tax cuts were supposed to be used for raises and to hire more workers. When surveyed, the CEOS said they were going to use the money for stock buybacks instead of workers. The money is also not reinvested nor used for R&D which can help a company to grow.

Stock buybacks help CEOs and other highly-paid execs because the buybacks propel the stock price up and they are paid in stocks.

Buybacks used to be illegal until Reagan changed the law. Help the rich get richer. Screw everyone else.


"The cornerstone of DC is to misquote, mislead and lie. "
You're projecting.

"How do you know my paycheck is lower?"

Because you said so:
"My paycheck is slightly more..."
Slightly means it’s not keeping up with inflation.

"’s average hourly wage has just about the same purchasing power it did in 1978. Last time I checked Trump wasn't President in the 70's...

You agree with me that the economy under Trump isn't doing well which was my point.

"Average Americans aren't benefiting. Most don't have money in the stock market"
How is that Trumps fault?"
Again, you agree that average Americans are not being helped by Trump which is my point.

A corporate tax cut “would likely give the typical American household around a $4,000 pay raise.” Speech at Heritage Foundation – Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Nope, I repeat it didn't happen.

Re: Fewer tax deductions and inflation:
"Thats not my fault or Trumps."

Yes, it is because Trump and the Republican's tax overhaul eliminated the deductions for the middle-class and upper middle-class thereby raising taxes. Trump's tariff war is creating inflation. If you voted for Trump, I blame you too.

"In 2017, the total U.S. trade deficit was $566 billion."
Trump was president in 2017.

If the economy is doing so well, then why is Trump talking about freezing wages which happens during recessions? Is Trump’s strong economy so weak that he can’t afford to give working-class people a Federal minimum wage especially since you said there hasn't been real wage growth since the 1970s.

McConnell is blaming entitlements for the deficit when it was the tax cuts for the rich which blew up the deficit. He is demonizing it in order to justify gutting it. This waste of money belongs to the Republicans since they are the ones who voted for it.


“He said changes would happen only if both parties worked together to overhaul the programs,”

Nonsense. The Republicans control Congress, the Senate, Presidency, and Supreme Court. They have been able to pass plenty without Democratic involvement.

Repeal definition: revoke or annul (a law or congressional act). aka: get rid of aka: gut it
Changing it would be repeal and replace, not just repeal. Republicans want to gut ACA.

One of the first things that Trump did was get rid of the individual mandate that caused the premiums to rise.

“wasn't Obama President in 2016?”
With a hostile Republican Congress and Senate that wouldn’t allow him to appoint a Supreme Court judge nor federal judges.

I don't see many average Americans benefiting and the poor are still poor. All smoke and mirrors in regard to a "strong economy" which really isn't.



"Major benefits for me are job security, soaring 401k retirement plan and higher pay due to overtime (I get a base salary plus overtime for any hours over 40 per week)."

It sounds like you would have had that no matter who is in the White House.


More jobs. Better security. Easier for future generations to have financial freedom. But hey who wants that right?


Can't believe CNN would post that unless its the truth.




At least all of the liberals who are constantly bitching on this site are here praising him when he's confirmed to be effective....right?


Liberals can't stand success or logic.


He's doing an ok job at not screwing it up. Wages are still lower compared to Obama's economy because the cost of living is slightly higher now (inflation).

It's going to be a rocky future considering his tax cuts for the wealthy are already prompting the GOP to sustain them by cutting Social Security and Medicare.

And with all those tax cuts going to the wealthy, the amount of stock and pension buybacks that result from them just drives up inflation further. CNN/Turner Broadcasting are just as much beneficiaries of it as any other massively wealthy individual.


This is what the "economy doing well" means in the USA.

Some people are getting richer. In America, anyone can get rich, theoretically. So that person could be me. If not now, maybe tomorrow or next year or something. Let's just stick with that then, whatever it is.

We all know who definitely gets richer, and it's less than 1 percent of all the people that think it might possibly be them.


It's true, he hasn't screwed up Obama's economy... Yet.
