A caravan of migrants is nearing Mexico's border.
Thousands of migrants are about to be at Mexico's doorstep. And US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is about to meet with officials in Mexico's capital.
Here they come again (bringing their Honduras flags with them to wave them in their newly conquerrr I mean accepted country). More and more to reap the benefits of the booming US economy. Guess we'll soon see how many will turn back, stay in Mexico, and how many will try to get into the US.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=behsmaHh2bg < - Look at 1970+ and the slow Mexican takeover.
Germans, Italians, Irish, British, Scandinavians, Russians, Canadians ect. -Not diverse
Overwhelming Mexican majority with, and I quote, "only five white majority." -Yes diverse
It's also interesting to note that 40% of Latinos support Trump as well for some reason.