Why hasn't Trump started WW3 yet?
Does an anti-war left exist? Many leftist claimed to be against Bush but were happy to go along with Obama. Some defected, but probably weren't really leftist. They were probably not ideological and thought generally that government was out of control under Bush then were disappointed when the worst of it was expanded even more under Obama. Hardcore leftist intelectuals will even say Obama wasn't left enough. This doesn't mean they reguard Obama's wars in Syria, Libya, Yemen and elsewhere as ideological failings. That wouldn't make any sense. If a vegan drank some milk you wouldn't say he needs to do more you would say he needs to do less. The most obvious clue to me is when you ask a leftist who his favorite president is and the answer will always be FDR or Lincoln. If you ask a right winger who his favorite president is, you might even get a retort about the choice being "least awful" rather than favorite. The leftists are a little too excited to tell you about their very powerful establishment.
The Progressives were equally excited and openly promoted WWI as a means to take control of the economy. The intellectual class admitted that WWI had nothing to do with America but that if they could push us into it, they could seize the means of production and use them for their own ends. A war economy is a command economy where instead of building cars that people want to buy you build tanks that the government wants to buy. Economists call it stimulating. It was a success. Slogans like make the world safe for democracy are now mocked as make the world safe for McDonnalds, but it was a progressive idea of sacrifice for the greater good, your sacrifice for somebody else's greater good naturally.
The interests behind war continue to be left wing. We didn't invade Iraq to steal their oil or rape their women. We gave it away to Israel and China. War is always marketed as humanitarian effort to free people from dictators. War is advertised to the left the way commercial products are advertised to women.
If you ask about media, leftists prefer the mainstream to the alternative when the mainstream has cheered every war for obvious reasons (Jewish control). They denigrate people who oppose war as "isolationist". People on both sides can't avoid noticing the media has taken incivility to a new level with Trump where the only time they weren't criticizing him was went he shot a missile at Syria. World leaders even came together to say "Trump finally became president" that day. You'd think it was a comedy skit and they were stereotyping American interventionism. But it was just ordinary out of touch leftism.
Throughout the election we were told Trump would start WW3. Hillary was perhaps the biggest warmonger of all time. It didn't make sense. But this was history repeating itself. Barry Goldwater was an anti-war candidate who ran against the pro-war LBJ and was accused of the same thing. Psychiatrists said he was crazy for being against war which lead to the Goldwater Rule. "Hey hey LBJ how many kids did you kill today" is forgotten and LBJ is highly regarded as a progressive alongside FDR.
All these wars are started with false flags. Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, Golf of Tonkin, USS Liberty, incubator babies, WMDs, chemical weapons, election hacking. Leftists keep falling for them. Trump is the resistance.