MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump reversed Obama era university rape...

Trump reversed Obama era university rape tribunal presumption of guilt

This is something I don't understand about liberals. They believe that it is impossible to have sex under the influence of alcohol that isn't rape, because you cannot legally consent to sex while under the influence. But the whole reason many young women drink is to give up consent. California wants signed consent forms before sex is allowed. I think we should prosecute these women for drinking underage rather than prosecute men for having sex if we are going to be having a police state. What do liberal men get out of this for themselves? This is like feminist revenge against beta-males. It's women who have psychological issues like not being desirable enough to get the alpha and so they violently lash out against betas. If they can destroy a beta's life they can convince themselves they are victims and on a higher plane. They aspire to be rape-worthy because according to psychological studies women see their value including self worth as something socially ascertained rather than anything intrinsic. I think the rate of fraudulent claims for rape is about 50% compared to about 5% for every other crime including things like insurance fraud. We don't prosecute it.

There are so many laws against every little thing like driving at a normal speed which happens to be above an arbitrary speed limit, or letting your kids walk home from school alone. Regular people including most liberal men do not benefit from these things so I think there must be some underlying psychological issue, like believing that making everything illegal gives you compatible advantage because you see yourself as more of a weasel than the next guy so he's going to get arrested before you do or something like that. This is why we support taxes yet hope to carve out loopholes. Snitching on your neighbors is what people in communist countries do because that's how you get ahead and you don't have any sense of community or belonging. I assume sex-negative men are all lying scoundrels but I don't have enough understanding to see what they are getting out of it like mental satisfaction of protecting women, but by outsourcing government to the role of husband?


Delusional post/rant/rhetoric/BS, but funny to read.
