Oh, oh, oh, Snowflakes cryin'
I was thinking about all the snowflakes and this song came to mind.
I was thinking about all the snowflakes and this song came to mind.
I really wish it wasn't about sides with Trump supporters. It would be nice if they could actually look beyond the politics of winning and losing, or whether or not something hurts Trump or the GOP politically. Then you all wouldn't be so quick to hop on board conspiracies involving spurned ex-boyfriends and pedophile rings in Pizza restaurants. But I guess that's asking too much, and you'll just continue to be the party of "haha, people are pissed off." I mean, you didn't see the left out there exclaiming "haha, Roy Moore lost" or "haha, still no wall." All you heard were sighs of relief. It's because they aren't political victories as much as they are moral and logical ones. Unlike you, we aren't on board with something just to laugh in your face when we "win." And when we "lose," there's no room for tears, because we're all too busy shaking our heads at the failure of humanity.
shareRoy Moore raped 30 underage girls and we never heard another word about it.
shareSorry, wrong post
shareAll this does is indicate how shitty we feel about this Autocratic Regime.
Doesn't matter how crappy pubs act, if the Dems react in kind, pubs CRY, CRY, CRY because their own tactics are used against them. Talk about Crocodile Tears ! Boo hoo. Pubs want to ruin this Great Country, and Dems aren't quick enough to Stop It ! So bad for them ! We'll enslave millions of people before you know it, the 1% will be even more the Majority, and a ton of Yokels will be waving their pitchforks and American flags, with their missing teeth and how Great Freedom in the USA is. They are getting Manipulated by Rich Pigs, and because of poor education, they eat that Pig Slop, and think they are being fed.
Crocodile tears is ALL I hope it is, and not something real that happen to the Dems..I'd hate to have to totally turn on Trump..I voted him and know he is helping America, I mean, I even attacked Black Lives Matter and Hillary Clinton..I mean Dems have enough Clout..I WANT Reason to still support TRUMP dammit!!
shareAny rational person understands the difference between a TV comic having fun at the POYUS expense, and having the POTUS going off the rails with bizarre rants on a daily basis. His bizarre behavior feeds the late night shows
Tell him to tone it down and act Presidential, people will have less to react to.
But if he continues to enjoy being in front of his base crowds while he screeds awful things about every minority that crosses his mind -- women accusing rape, Puerto Ricans, shit-hole countries, must I go on? -- are they going to take this guy seriously as the Leader Of The Free World? Didn't he just claim to bring an Armageddon like Never Before Seen down on North Korea, and now he's praising Kim Jung-il (?) for being such a wonderful guy? This guy has no road map. He's a creep when it comes to domestic policy, and who knows what he's trying to do with foreign policy?
The guy's a joke, he has no idea what he's doing,and we have to suffer for it.
And his acolytes will ignore his jerkiness and talk about how libs, blah, blah, blah,
Give me some substance, not your partisan BS
Record unemployment under 4%. 102 stock market records. Consumer confidence a 30 year high. All due to a pro business pro American voter Trump policy. You’re welcome.
shareYou are a Trump supporter. Quit lying.
shareDon't respond to thrilljerkoffs. He's awful and doesn't make any attempt to find common ground. He's the epitome of what's Wrong with the wrong-wing and he enjoys it. Don't feed the troll.
shareWho said I was a Trump supporter? So you are trying to say that Dems are gracious losers? If that was the case then all the mainstream news and tv personalities wouldn't be saying horrible things about Trump and his family, right? I have said this literally dozens of times, Dems hate Rep and Rep hate Dems, its just the way the World works now. If Hillary had won the Rep would be doing the same exact thing the Dems are doing now. But the problem is that the Dems have stooped to a new low in their tactics. Here is just a small sampling of just how great the Dems are:
Sarah Sanders kicked out of restaurant.
Kirstjen Nielsen heckled at restaurant.
Pam Bondi harassed at movie theater.
Kathy holds up a severed head of Donald Trump.
Madonna says she want to burn the White House down.
Maxine Waters incites violence during a speech.
Colbert mocks Donald Trump every night.
Fallon mocks Donald Trump every night.
Corden mocks Donald Trump every night.
SNL mocks Donald Trump every Sat night.
Kimmel mocks Donald Trump every night.
But free speech you say? Of course its free speech, Dems love free speech. The only ones allowed to have free speech are the Dems, if Trump says something, then the Dems get their panties in a wad and say, "You can't say that!" There is just one question that nobody has been ever able to answer, What makes one Party better than the other?
"Who said I was a Trump supporter?"
You did with this:
You even got chastised by Rorikon by reposting it here:
Are you really going to sit there and say you're not part of the MAGA crowd, and Trump is not achieving it? Honestly, you should wear it as a badge of honor. It's either that or you're an establishment crony swamp member that the MAGA crowd was opposing in 2016. Take your pick, I guess.
"Making America better by honoring Veterans."
I didn't say making Trump better. I am not a part of the MAGA crowd. I am just here questioning why people think one Party is better than the other. I did the same thing when Obama was President. Every 4 to 8 years there is a flip flop. I am just fascinated by people sometimes, why do we think one person is better than the other?
I made that post to prove a point that no one cares about the positive things going on, everyone just wants to talk about the big ticket items. Like Trump bad. Democrats good. If Hillary was the correct choice for President then why isn't she President right now?
There is just one question that nobody has been ever able to answer, What makes one Party better than the other?
Republicans cater to the republic who are just in it to pass legislation in exchange for donations from the wealthy and their lobbyists. They know how to manipulate the MAGA crowd and religious crowd into voting for them to maintain the power of the elites.
Democrats also cater to the wealthy and the republic, but they divide their efforts to also include the working class individuals who make up the majority of our democracy. And those in the party who cater only toward the working class, and completely disregard the elites, for their efforts they are called libtards, SJWs, and cucks by the same MAGA crowd who complained about the very same swamp in 2016 that the "libtards" are still standing against. The MAGA crowd does this because the establishment wants them to.
But, but, but Kavanaugh is just a victim of a conspiracy cooked up by the democrats to derail his confirmation (which they wouldn't attempt if they knew there was no attempted rape), and the democrats just want another libtard on the SC (which is impossible to get under a republican White House), and there's no way the establishment would confirm Kavanaugh to side with corporations over the working class (actually his entire record), right? Okay, sure.
So now you're stuck in a pickle. You've been MAGA all the way up to this point, praising everything Donald Trump has done. But with the Kavanaugh confirmation, we see just how swampy this Congress and White House are. So now you're playing this game that the MAGA crowd are idiots, and the establishment is awesome. That's even worse than the MAGA crowd. You are part of the Ben Shapiro, Jared Kushner cronies who want nothing to change except more money going to the wealthy. At least Bannon had his head in the right place regarding foreign policy, similar to Bernie's, and much better than Hillary's. But you... you have nothing going for your ideology. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. You can't defend it. And you are now worse than MAGA. Congrats.
Basically you want me to think, act and vote just like you. The last time I checked I am an American and I can vote or not vote for whomever I want. You are also mocking me for the choices I make, well couldn't I mock you for the choices you make? That seems fair right? This is whats wrong with America now, we belittle and mock each for what we stand for.
Whats ironic is that Trump supporters think that Hillary supporters are idiots. Can one idiot be better than another idiot? And an idiot divided is still an idiot.
If Democrats are better than Republicans, then why do people still vote Republican? If Democrats were the ones in control of everything then wouldn't that be Communism or Socialism? North Korea has one Party in charge and I hear its a wonderful place, and don't forget about Cuba.
Don't act like you are better than me just because we don't think alike.
You already proved you are a partisan though. You are ok with Kavanaugh lying under oath because you want Kavanaugh to protect Trump from Mueller. Kavanaugh is the only one on the list who said a sitting president cannot be indicted. So Trump and the GOP go full-on support for Kavanaugh, and you tag along like a little lemming to protect your dear leader. You can't pretend with me, kid. We all see right through you. Problem is you've become too transparent that you're pulling the "I'm not a Trump supporter" routine that has become standard on this board just the last few weeks.
Trump supporters do not think Hillary supporters are idiots. Trump supporters think Hillary supporters are losers for supporting a loser candidate. That is the full extent of their thought process.
"If Democrats are better than Republicans, then why do people still vote Republican?"
Because there are a lot of ignorant people who vote, and republicans have a lockdown on them.
How do churches maintain their tax-free status? By getting churchgoers to vote republican by talking about abortion. Do republicans ever try to overturn Roe v Wade? No. Yet the preachers never complain about it, and churchgoers continue to vote republican. But all that matters is their tax-exempt status continues.
How did Alex Jones grow his supplement empire? He used to be an anti-Bush, anti-establishment guy peddling 9/11 conspiracies. Hardly anyone knew who he was except the truthers. After Obama was elected, he joined the birther movement and went full right-wing. BOOM! His overpriced supplement empire explodes due to the influx of right-wing viewers. They bought that overpriced crap in loads... "to stay ahead of the globalists." LOL
Trump got those same idiots to be against TPP even though they had no idea what it was. After he cancels it, he slips it into NAFTA. Do they care? No. All they care about is jerking off to liberal tears, which you've done multiple times on this board. Still not a Trumpster? lol. K, bud.
And you are ok with Ford lying under oath? Was anything proven to be true in a court of law?
There are also a lot of stupid people that vote Democrat, since you voted for Hillary that means you are stupid.
If you would stop complaining and support the Republicans then Trumpsters wouldn't call you snowflakes. Its funny that people like you only support America when your "candidate" is in office.
If I am a Trumpster then you are a Anti-Trumpster and Hillaryite. Hillaryites are known to be anti-American as well.
What are Ford's lies? Here are Kavanaugh's:
He lied about growing up in a town plagued by gun violence.Now tell me, Ackbar... how in the hell can Ford's story be proven to be true if Judge refuses to testify and the republicans who are in control do not force him to? There is absolutely nothing Ford can do here. She is at the mercy of a Congress who has agreed to push Kavanaugh through. There's no way a self-described non-Trump supporter can be this ignorant. You are the epitome of a partisan hack. share
He said that he did not expose himself to anyone, because if he did, word would've traveled throughout campus. Word of Kavanaugh exposing himself to Ramirez actually did get passed around Yale during their tenure.
He lied about being respectful with Renate.
He lied that a Devil's Triangle was a drinking game.
He lied about being focused on academics, athletics and going to church every Sunday when his own year book and Mark Judge proved otherwise.
He lied that boofing refers to farting.
He lied that the Beach Week Ralph Club referred to his weak stomach when everyone knew him as a sloppy drunk.
He lied about his knowledge of stolen memos in 2003's memogate, when emails proved otherwise.
He lied about knowing about Judge Kozinski's sexual harassment, which was described as impossible for a clerk of Kozinski's due to the famous gag list.
He lied that Ford's allegations were refuted by people she says were there. They weren't refuted. Ford did not allege that Keyser and PJ Smith were in the room. She alleged they were at the gathering, and their statement was that it was an uneventful one. The only person she put in the room with her and Kavanaugh was Mark Judge, and he refused to testify.
Here are Blasey Fords lies:
The Accuser = Dr Christine Basley-Ford, who is just an innocent woman wanting to do the right thing – yet has accused Brett Kavanaugh of a Sexual Assault 36 years ago, and wants the Public to believe her. KEY = Her FAMILY MAIDEN NAME IS BLASEY. Here are the KEY FACTS she provided about her Allegation:
1 – Unable to name the exact year it happened,
2 – Not remembering where the location incident took place,
3 – How they gathered together that night.
4 – How she got home
5 – Did not tell anyone of incident at the time
So this is her Real Factual based victimization. I do not know any other actual “Victim” that cannot remember specific traumatic emotional distress of any attempted rape, including one where she also Feared for her life. Each of us remembers Traumatic moments of each of our lives, even 50+ years ago. Whats going on inside her head/mind?
Current Job – Dr Christine Blasey-Ford is a Professor at Stanford University – who Mentor’s a College job title Program named “CIA Undergraduate Internship Program”
Ford can’t remember the year the incident happened, she can’t remember how she got to the house party, or how she got home. She told no one about it at the time and the issue came to the forefront during a couples therapy session six years ago. Her therapist’s notes never mention Kavanaugh and actually mention four boys involved, although she says there were only two.
1. Fifteen year old girls do NOT go to a party alone. They didn’t when I was 15, they didn’t when my daughters and granddaughters were 15 and they don’t today. 15 year old girls (and boys) tend to travel in groups. If Ford was at a party, then she was NOT at that party alone.
2. Fifteen year olds are not allowed to drive and they weren’t in 1982 – or 1962. Ford would have gotten a ride to that party, most likely from an adult. And no, she didn’t take a bus. People who can afford private school for their children don’t live in the sort of neighborhood with a bus stop on every corner, nor do they allow their 15 year old daughters to go to a party alone on the bus.
3. IF an incident such as she describes, with an assailant attempting to rip her clothes off her, had actually happened she would have been disheveled and VERY upset. Fifteen year old girls don’t simply take such an incident in stride. This was a PARTY – other people were present and likely a number of girls. She would have been noticed as she left that room disheveled and upset, likely crying. She would have been noticed by those other girls, including the one that she went to the party with.
4. Girls TALK and bad news travels around the world before good news can get its boots on. If this had happened then everybody would have known about it. It would not have stayed quiet for 35 years only to be dragged out in an attempt to blow up a Supreme Court nomination.
5. The reason that lie detector testing is not valid in court is that it is relatively easy to manipulate the results. Among other things, habitual liars and sociopaths are well known for passing them.
One final thing: Those psychiatrist’s notes are MEDICAL RECORDS and therefore LEGAL DOCUMENTS. The shrink didn’t write down the information incorrectly. Ford has simply made up a lie.
Ford said she told no one of the incident in any detail until 2012, when she was in couples therapy with her husband. The therapist’s notes, portions of which were provided by Ford and reviewed by The Washington Post, do not mention Kavanaugh’s name but say she reported that she was attacked by students “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” The notes say four boys were involved, a discrepancy Ford says was an error on the therapist’s part. Ford said there were four boys at the party but only two in the room.
shareIt’s a weird date. Keep in mind that Ford, aside from being a Bernie supporting academic, is a psychologist. Part of getting a degree in psychology is going through analysis. One would think that, even if, as a shy 15-year-old, Ford was too afraid to go public with her charge against Kavanaugh, when she went through psychoanalysis on her way to her degree, she would have spoken about this alleged assault, especially because she says it traumatized her for years. But she didn’t. Instead, suddenly, in 2012, she’s bathed in flop sweat from an incident decades before.
So what happened in 2012? Coincidentally (or not), 2012 was another election year.
In 2012, Romney ran against Obama. Up until his 47% gaffe, Romney was doing well. He actually had a shot of winning.
For the Democrats, as has been the case since Bork, having a Republican in the White House, especially with the ever-aging but never retiring Ruth Bader Ginsburg a perpetual risk, raised the specter of a conservative judge getting appointed to the Supreme Court. With that in mind, one Twitter user, who must have an amazing memory, remembered something interesting he’d read back in 2012:
https://t.co/hxaYqQfPI0 March 2012, the left was preparing for a possible Romney win. They assessed that Kavanaugh would be his Supreme Court pick and this accusation was ready to go. Then Obama won so the story died. Now its reemerged. Read last few lines of this 2012 article
In 2012, Romney might have won the election. In 2012, Toobin stoked Democrat fears that Kavanaugh, a conservative, might get on the Supreme Court and overturn Obamacare. And in 2012, Ford, a psychotherapist who undoubtedly had years of prior therapy herself, suddenly can’t stop talking about her hitherto undisclosed claim that Kavanaugh was a bad boy almost 30 years before.
So here’s the question: What do you think the odds are that, when Romney seemed within striking distance of the White House, and Kavanaugh seemed like a potential Supreme Court nominee, Ford came up with a story about Kavanaugh trying to rape her? Knowing Democrat fanaticism as we do, it’s easy to imagine that, in 2012, while Ford couldn’t go back in time to 1983 to make contemporaneous claims she could still try to lend an air of verisimilitude to her otherwise unconvincing narrative by concocting a tale for a therapist, thereby creating a “just in case” record.
If this supposition is true, Ford positioned herself so that, during a potential future Romney administration, she could torpedo a Kavanaugh nomination. As it turned out, her plan took a few more years to come to fruition than she had originally thought, but it still might work.
Keep in mind her 4 (or 2) boys statement was in 2012 – but in 2018, it changed to 2 guys!? If she remembers Brett, surely she remembers the 2nd boy. What was she and her husband in “Therapy” for and what caused this – as an average 98% of families do not ever need such treatment. So we see there was documented “Mental Stress” upon her. Now – what affects did her Stanford CIA MKULTRA college position have on her Mental Illness? Was she CIA MKULTRA Mind Controlled then or now? But wait, there are still 1 or 2 more “Mind Altering” MKULTRA connections to this specific CIA Stanford position that will be exposed.
She claimed to have passed a FBI Polygraph, but she already WORKS FOR IN A CIA FUNDED PROGRAM, HER FATHER (Ralph G. Blasey Jr) is a Life-Long CIA operative since the 1960s, and currently PROVIDES PUBLIC SECURITY TO ALL “DEEP STATE” OFFICIALS under Criminal Investigation today – AND HER BROTHER WORKS FOR A FUSION GPS LINKED FIRM!? How can one trust a FBI Polygraph when there is so much conflict with all these same Organizations under criminal investigation? This was clearly a CIA/FBI “Deep State” setup.
But this is just the start of her CIA and Deep State family connections.
Her Father = Ralph G Blasey Jr.
Her Brother – Ralph Blasey 3rd
Her father is a Lifelong CIA Operative into the 1960s & her brother’s firm was contracted with one Fusion GPS. Isn’t that all just a fluke?
Paula K & Ralph G Blasey Jr – PARENTS
So tell me dancer, do you think she is still telling the truth? Me thinks not.
Ackbar out.
Are you being serious? It's been nothing but crying from you libs for 2 years because your anointed queen lost! You've taken sides since then to assault, dehumanize, harass and doxxx anyone who in the smallest bit supports Trump. So go fuck yourself
shareWhat queen? I don't remember bringing up any queen. In fact, I don't see anyone on this board crying about some queen losing. Obviously, that queen that lost is more important to you which is why you brought her up. Maybe if Trump had some real accomplishments like building a wall like he promised, or actually getting rid of the TPP instead of reinserting it into NAFTA, you'd have something to talk about other than a queen losing.
The biggest doxxers out there are Roger Stone and Kandace Owens, both are pals of Trump. Trust me kid, you don't want any of this. You might as well just make another sock account and pretend like you never met me.
Let me put this in the correct perspective for you:
We may be crying this weekend ( if that’s what you wish to believe), but the one who will be crying for the rest of his career is Brett Kavanaugh.
He will always know his colleagues,his family, his friends, his foes and the public will now know him as “ the attempted rapist” or worse. That horrible title will take presedence among all others he’s accomplished in life.
Women will never want to be left alone with him in a room, and will take precaution. Men will not want to associate with him, lest they be tainted as well.
The whispers around him ( wherever he is) will always be that of “ the rapist” and not “ Supreme Justice “. The subtle finger pointing among crowds will be the same: “ the rapist”.
His name will be tainted worse than Clarence Thomas’ has been for nearly 30 years, and will share the pages of history with Thomas for all the wrong reasons.
The crying he did at his job interview last week is nothing compared to the crying this snowflake will do the rest of his life.
All due to uncorroborated accusations made many years after the fact.
shareYet still made, never proven false, and has tainted his name - forever. It is something he will never, ever escape. Just like Clarence Thomas.
They will never be an esteemed Supreme Court Judge like their colleagues, or their predecessors.
It is up to the accuser to back up and prove their claim. The accused isn't guilty until proven innocent.
OK so you wish rape upon men and women? Yeah that makes it so much better.
And we gave dr Ford a fair chance to tel her story, there was never any evidence to support her claim.
Naw just more than someone just saying it happened
shareThis is my point as well. I'm not saying nothing happened; but please keep in mind that there was no corroboration; there is no physical evidence, the witnesses SHE put out there don't back her up, she doesn't know exactly when or where it happened (if it did) and she said nothing about it for over 36 years.
In short, the only evidence she presents is her testimony, which the Democrats bring out at the last minute to delay the nomination. That's all this is.
... 'never proven false' ... this is what is often referred to as 'mental gymnastics'.
Considering that all accusations are in-fact FALSE until PROVEN TRUE - they were 100% false.
Get that isn't what you wanted, but it happened.
You're acting like this was an accurate, full scope investigation by the FBI with no interference from T-rump. If all the information was gathered correctly - which it was not - they would have testimony from witnesses who could corroborate her testimony, and prove him guilty.
Guess that isn't what you wanted, and it didn't happen after all.
guilty until proven innocent
welcome to America
No wonder the world thinks it is a shit hole
Not someone we can trust, regardless of the allegations.
Reminds me of the phrase, I think thou protest too much.
If it was so outrageous, he should have walked away, but then he wouldn't be able to cash that check where he could sell the majority of us down the river, strip us of our dignity -- we have the right to own guns but not health care.
Repubs uick and they know it and they laugh about it, just like Kavanaugh and Judge laughed at Blassey because she meant nothing to them, and that's what BK brings to the SCOTUS. It's a disgrace.
He'd be fine w/o this appointment, instead we get it shoved down our throats like a Frat Boy raping an under-age girl.
Par for the course, get used to it, Democracy !!
Except that dumb-ass. do nothing, take no stand, Jim Crow Clarence Thomas keeps cashing his checks. doing nothing he isn't told to, and we suffer the consequences. That guy has made no attempt to tell us he actually has brain cells activated. He's just a Pub zombie, a paid insider, doing what he's told, with no idea how crappy a person he is. He's in it for the money, a Black Man who's outside of the Process. (sarcasm) good for him
shareYou keep implying the Dems are better than Repubs, but I can't tell.
shareDoggieDaddy are you foreal? Most of Kavanaugh's staff are women. They are around him and in private meetings all the time. Most of us will remember him as that guy some broad made false claims against and presented no evidence to support the claim that he assaulted her 35 years ago.
shareMost idiots will try to remember him your way.
History will not, nor will intelligent people.
You leftists are so deluded. It must be real comforting to live in make believe. And I really doubt your intelligence judging from your past comments.
sharePlease, do tell us about the comfort of living in make-believe ( aka “ Trumpworld” ).
shareNo. I was referring to the delusions of the left and their inability to grasp at history yet they try to speculate about how the future will view current events from their historical perspective.
shareOur speculation is based on experience: how the future will view current events based on factual history.
For example, Clarence Thomas has barely been mentioned at all in his 27 years on the Supreme Court until last week when he was referenced continuously. And those historical references to his place in court history were never about any outstanding achievements of his over the past three decades.
Yea we remember that he was falsely accused of sexual harassment.
shareYep - Clarence Thomas/ sexual harassment. That's all we remember.
shareAs if we know anything about any of the other judges.
shareAside from Kavanaugh, had any been accused of sexual assault while being nominated?
share Like that means anything. Any innocent person can be accused of sexually assaulting a woman. You act like that automatically means guilt.
I’ll take your non-answer as a “No, no one else. “
share Yea again like that means anything. Sounds like a really good tactic to just assume an "accusation" can't possibly have ever been made up. The hell with you and leftist non logic.
And even then stop trying to put your words in my mouth. Thats another leftest tactic.
So what your saying is what I keep saying even though you won't say it.
Except repubs had the power to verify Ford's story by pushing for Judge to testify. Judge was the only other person she put in the room with her and Kavanaugh. She had no reason to do so if it was false, and considering Judge is Kavanaugh's friend, Judge would've easily sided with an innocent Kavanaugh. But nope. Repubs didn't want him testifying. And that was the whole investigation right there. Ignoring the one guy that could've corroborated her story.
shareOh please how do you verify an event that no one knows when where or who was involved. This women needs to put her money where her mouth is and press charges already. Stop pussyfooting around if a crime happened and its pretty clear to me it didn't why doesn't she go to the police. You leftists are so desperate to assume he's guilty cause its the only way you could get him off the court. The time of leftist nonsense is over. Try switching tactics cause the fallacy that the burden of proof is on kavanaugh doesn't work anymore. You wouden't be satisfied if a full on prosecution went on after kavanaugh and a 6 month investigation concluded he was innocent. Its not even about Ford you wolves just won't him off the courts as its the last place for you to shove your inept policies on the American People.
shareWhy does every single Trumper online act like a mentally deficient teenager? Seriously, I've yet to meet a single Trumper online who acts like they have a brain. You sound like virtually every single other Trumper online--almost as if you guys come off an assembly line or something.
Then again--look who you voted for: a 72 year old man with skin so thin that he whines and cries like a tween girl on twitter whenever ANYONE criticizes him. A two-year old could laugh at him and he'd take so much offense that he'd condemn all children on Twitter. A squirrel could give him a stare-down and he'd insult squirrels on Twitter.
If you could vote for, admire, support and defend such a person then it's no wonder you act the way you do.
You Trumpers are the only people I've ever witnessed actually use the words "Praise God!" and "we will spill liberal blood" in the same post.
Enjoy your mentally-deficient manchild. It won't last long. :)
Unfortunately my two choices were a turd sandwich or a giant douche. I chose the turd sandwich because it wasn't as bad as the giant douche. The giant douche would have ruined my Country even worse than a turd sandwich. Just be thankful we have turd sandwich and not a giant douche as President.
shareNo one forced you to vote for either.
shareThats true but its my right and duty to vote. I voted against the giant douche. See how that works?
shareYou "I didn't vote for Trump--I voted against Hillary" people are even worse than Trumpers, as far as I'm concerned.
At least the Trumpers believe in their candidate and voted for who they thought was the right choice (as crazy as that is) but people like you are irresponsible as you KNEW both candidates were trash and chose to vote for one anyway. There's no honor in that.
If you believe in your candidate and believe they are right for the job THEN you are doing your "duty". Otherwise, you cast your vote for someone you don't believe in but consider the lesser of two evils. That's harmful thinking. That's an irresponsible way to handle the vote. If you knew both were bad then you should not have cast a vote. Now you've cast a vote for a man you just admitted to knowing isn't great but did so anyway just to keep the other candidate out. You voted for all the wrong reasons.
You're worse than any Trumper.
No one called Trump a turd sandwich or giant douche. They called him out on his public behavior, which is childish and un-presidential. to say the least. It's childish pubs who sling insults and look bad for using such ridiculously broad insults as if we are in Junior High.
Maybe that's who I am talking about, a Junior High kid. Doesn't make me feel much better, but at least I understand why this person is such an unrepentant jerk-off.
Its a South Park thing.
If Dems are better than Repubs then why do they say such hateful things?
Maxine Waters?
Corey Booker groped a woman in HS, wheres the outrage from the left?
Then again--look who you voted for: a 72 year old man with skin so thin that he whines and cries like a tween girl on twitter whenever ANYONE criticizes him.
What an asinine excuse for voting for the man. By your own admission, you voted for a man you KNEW was no good for this country and you did so JUST to make sure democrats didn't get in. You're no better than Trump loyalists--you're WORSE.
share Yea you wish that was the case but electing another democrat would be rock bottom. Trump sucks as a person and probably as a president but we coulden't afford a democrat putting 3 more libs on the supreme court. This is what happenes when Dems railroad the judicial branch when congress won't support their policies. Centrists and conservatives get pissed off. I wasn't planning on voting in november but I am now as I want democrats out. This farce that leftists are trying to paint Kavanugh as a rapist with zero evidence. Hell they can't even do an investigation cause no one knows where? When? and Who was around or involved at the party. You leftists suck you have no intention to honor the will of the people and will stop at nothing to sneak in your policies. With in the past 12 or so years it looks like the supreme court was being used to steam roll your policies on to the backs of the American people. Giving constitutional rights to syrian refugees(Blocking immigration based on religion) while you explicitly declare an American fetus isn't a US citizen and there for not protected by the constitution. Oh no we can't expect leftists to even have the balls to declare the developing fetus isn't even human. There could have been a good case made for that but nope your court decided to make it a privacy issue and declared the supreme court can't interfere with a doctor and their patients. Or worse they use the straw man that if you feel any compassion for a fetus your totally against woman's rights.
You progressives need to be stopped. Its time for conservatives to stop giving you the time of day you clear won't give it to us.
I don't care what you think of me and my supposed comparison to trump supporters. I won't tolerate democrats screwing the economy into the ground, forcing law abiding citizens to disarm in a country full of mass gun violance, and fighting for the rights of non American citizens at the expense of the American Tax payer.
Damn good post, crc32
shareAck, unfortunely, I wish Christine Blassey Ford was only lying, but I see evidence of it being very real and Trump is being a bully, and as I said elsewhere on the message bove, go ear the top, this time I'm not so sure they're snowflakes this time, I think this time they're right, and mocking them is out of line..
(Again, I am a Republican.,.hoping that Ford was overacting and noit raped so I can support Trump whom I voted for.)
Its up to the courts to decide if its real or not. The FBI investigated the matter and found the story to be not credible.
shareOh bullshit. Theres no evidence ford's claims are real. She's a manipulator that lies to complete her objectives. 2 front doors because she's afraid of being trapped in her house. Bullshit she rented out rooms to college students built an extra entrance so the studen't woulden't have to walk through the center of the house. Has a fear of flying yet flies on prop planes. Yea trumps a bully but that doesn't change the fact that Ford's can't keep her paints from catching on fire.
shareHmm. Very good point.
shareHer motives are irrelevent. No evidence. Claims brought at last second by demokkkrat party. Just more demokkkrat games. All predicted. The entire situation was a failed abortion of the judicial nomination process.
Wait til he nominates Amy Coney Barret. Can’t play the sex card. So it’ll be back to the race card. Some made up accusation she used the N word or hired an illegal yada yada.
The demokkkrat leadership in media/party is an obsessed hate filled group who must use the most simple minded tactics to cater to their ignorant lemming followers. The American people know what’s up and brovember is going to be yuge.
Your back! Where have you been?
shareAck, unfortunely, I wish Christine Blassey Ford was only lying, but I see evidence of it being very real and Trump is being a bully, and as I said elsewhere on the message bove, go ear the top, this time I'm not so sure they're snowflakes this time, I think this time they're right, and mocking them is out of line..
(Again, I am a Republican.,.hoping that Ford was overacting and noit raped so I can support Trump whom I voted for.)
Sorry, but his own testimony on that Thursday showed he was one of those entitled fools who thinks everything should just be handed to them. From his partisan attacks to his belligerent attitude to his professing his love of beer (really? THAT was necessary??) to his questioning the people that were questioning HIM (seriously, the man is a judge....does he not know how a hearing goes? I don't remember a lot of defendants answering counsels questions WITH questions)....he is cut from the Trump cloth of uncouth behavior and does not deserve the position the Republicans handed him.
shareHow does this show that Dr. Ford's accusations are true? His demeanor by itself does not prove that they are. Your characterization of Kavanaugh, even if I agreed with it--I don't, but that aside--does not prove her allegations.
So, I ask you: what evidence backs up Dr. Ford's allegations?
It showed he is a man who feels he should just HAVE whatever he wants. While I am not 100% convinced what happened happened the way she said it did.....she was a lot more convincing than he was. He came off as EXACTLY the type of person who would act like that in high school, because he acts like that as an adult.
Now, aside from Fox News and Trump now saying it's a hoax (when just last week he said she was credible)...what PROOF do you have that it didn't happen? A 3 day limited scope (ordered by...shocker...the White House) FBI Investigation?
Sorry, what I saw from both of them out of their mouths just leans towards him being as scummy a teen as he is an adult.
So there is no evidence to back her story up. That's about what I thought.
As for your challenge to prove it didn't happen goes, I freely admit that I can't. However, the burden of proof is on the accuser (in this case, Dr. Ford) and not on Judge (now Justice) Kavanaugh. He doesn't have to prove that he didn't assault her; she has to prove that he did. She has failed in this.
As far as Fox News or Trump goes, I rarely watch TV, so you'll have to find something else to blame.
The burden of proof is true....in a trial. Or a court case.
This was neither.
True, this was not a court case, but common decency demands that someone back up accusations that they make against others, especially in so public a setting.
Let me ask you this, if I might: what evidence has she presented to back her statements up? The people she named as being able to corroborate her story have not done so. She has yet to tell us where the attack took place, the exact date on which it took place. She doesn't remember how she got there or how she got home.
She said nothing about the alleged attack until many years later.
She said that she was afraid of flying, (that was why she did not come to Washington, she said) yet she seems to fly frequently. It doesn't seem to be a problem when she's going on vacation.
And the story she told about the doors in her home seem to lack credibility as well.
crc32 puts it rather well with this somewhat earthy post:
Oh bullshit. Theres no evidence ford's claims are real. She's a manipulator that lies to complete her objectives. 2 front doors because she's afraid of being trapped in her house. Bullshit she rented out rooms to college students built an extra entrance so the studen't woulden't have to walk through the center of the house. Has a fear of flying yet flies on prop planes. Yea trumps a bully but that doesn't change the fact that Ford's can't keep her paints from catching on fire.
I don’t even have to believe her. I just had to watch his “testimony “ to see he’s not someone who should be a Supreme Court Justice
shareI don’t even have to believe her. I just had to watch his “testimony “ to see he’s not someone who should be a Supreme Court Justice[/quote]
Her testimony accused a man of sexual assault. If that had happened to me, I'd react pretty much like Justice Kavanaugh: with anger and passion, especially if I was innocent.
You said in an earlier post:
[quote]The burden of proof is true....in a trial. Or a court case.
This was neither.
I'm not saying he did not act in a way he should in a courtroom hearing. I AM saying he did not act in a way that is befitting a person on a job interview for a job for LIFE as a judge on the highest court in the land.
shareAnd I'm saying the he acted like a normal man falsely accused in a very public setting of a vile crime with no corroboration. I would have been more concerned if he had not came off as angry. Put yourself in his place: he is accused of a sexual assault in front of the whole world. You seem to take the position that he should just shrug it off.
Personally, I think he did fine and would have handled it pretty much like did.
The problem is, he's not SUPPOSED to be a "normal man". He is up for a job for life in a position to influence law for generations. He (and all of them ) are supposed to be above that...better than that.
This is like when Trump made his "S***-hole" comments about several nations. On the Sunday after, Greg Gutfeld on his Fox show did not go after Trump for using that term, but instead went after CNN for using that term when reporting on Trump using that term and his whole argument was "why is okay for CNN to do it but Trump can't?". The flaw in that argument (and a large portion of the defense arguments used when Trump acts like an Off-Broadway Goodfellas extra) is that CNN is NOT the Presdient. Trump (God help us) IS. He needs to be held to a higher (the highest) standard.
The same applies to a Supreme Court Justice.
And before you ask, Ginsberg was way out of line in her comments about Trump. Just want to put out THAT whataboutism right here and now.
From your last post it's clear you're against Trump and that's why you dislike Kavanaugh so much. The Democrats in the Senate were the same way, so much so that they waited until it looked like Kavanaugh was going to confirmed and then at the last minute they throw this very likely false accusation at Kavanaugh out of desperation. This way they hoped to delay, delay, delay, with endless FBI inquiries.
Kavanaugh will be a fine Justice of the USSC.
Oh I am a lifelong New Yorker, so I know what a slimebag Trump is and have for decades. Kavanaugh I did not really have a problem with until his performance. Feinstein SHOULD be investigated. Frankly, the Democrats big problem is that they try to play the game the same way the Republicans do but are so ill-equipped to do it well that they keep losing. And if they want to be taken seriously they need to shut down people like Feinstein and Avenatti.
shareThe problem is Kavanaugh proved he wasn't fit for the job when he lied under oath. Republicans confirmed him anyway because Kavanaugh is one of the few that said a sitting president cannot be indicted. Kavanaugh was pushed through to protect Trump from Mueller. Republicans fear that Mueller's investigation is going to unravel Trump's 2016 campaign in some fashion. To survive it, they need the SC as stacked as possible, not just against democrats, but against the revelation of truth.
shareKavanaugh 'lied under oath'?? What lie did he tell under oath?
shareHe lied about growing up in a town plagued by gun violence.
He said that he did not expose himself to anyone, because if he did, word would've traveled throughout campus. Word of Kavanaugh exposing himself to Ramirez actually did get passed around Yale during their tenure.
He lied about always treating Renate with respect.
He lied that a Devil's Triangle was a drinking game.
He lied about being focused on academics, athletics and going to church every Sunday when his own year book and Mark Judge proved otherwise.
He lied that boofing refers to farting.
He lied that the Beach Week Ralph Club referred to his weak stomach when everyone knew him as a sloppy drunk.
He lied that Ford's allegations were refuted by people she says were there. Ford did not allege that Keyser and PJ Smith were in the room. She alleged they were at the gathering, and their statement was that it was an uneventful one. The only person she put in the room with her and Kavanaugh was Mark Judge, and he refused to testify.
He lied about his knowledge of stolen memos in 2003's memogate, when emails proved otherwise.
He lied about knowing about Judge Kozinski's sexual harassment, which was described as impossible for a clerk of Kozinski's due to the famous gag list.
No one believes you dlancer. Your a liar like Ford is.
shareThis is why you are such a fraudulent piece of trash. None of you Trumpsters can explain or defend republicans avoiding questioning Judge. Instead you just say "she's lying" and completely disregard the opportunity to gain the proof you've been screaming for.
All I want are answers from Judge. YOU are afraid Kavanaugh may be guilty, and if he is, you want him to get away with it. You are a disgusting, loathsome, piece of garbage.
here we go again. Can't come up with an argument so now every one that disagrees with you is garbage. Go knock on Mark judges door and bitch to him if all you care about is what he has to say. Stop hounding us with your lack of knowledge on the burden of proof. you'll never play fair with conservatives so we feel no compulsion to play fair with you. No one gives a danm what your opinion about conservatives and i certainly don't care what you think of me as you have demonstrated a clear lack of critical thinking skills and now your back to name calling. Go cry in a safe space somewhere else cause grownups are talking here.
shareIf you commit a crime, you don't get to tell the cops to spend only half a week looking into it. You don't get to tell the cops who they can talk to. And you certainly don't get to tell the cops to do things when it's convenient for you. That's the treatment Kavanaugh received here.
When we're all accused of a crime, we are subject to due process. Before that due process begins, have our accusers fulfilled Burden of Proof? Of course not. That's why we need an investigation that actually examines the details. Why is Kavanaugh allowed to skip having those details examined? And why are you so happy that the elites get this treatment when we don't?
If I accuse some one of a crime that happened over 30 years such as "Officer this one guy some time during the 80s tried to choke me, not sure when or where. I can't remember but he strangled me. Even if I padded it with "I passed out so I can't remember where it happened". The cops will just laugh at me and no detective would even recommend forwarding the case to a prosecutor. The first things a detective or investigating officer will ask you is when did it happen where did it happen? And when you say something like a week or so ago they get real annoyed and start forcing you to narrow a location and a date down, if you have difficulty doing that they are already suspicious of your claim. And there gonna laugh at me if the event happened the during the summer 0f maby 82 or 83 not really sure. But either way if ford was assaulted she needs to go to the police. Hell she still can now. If kavanugh is guilty they can impeach him. You can't have an investigation if you don't know where, when, or who was at the party that's just futile.
But for real if you want an investigation then Ford needs to put up or shut up and go to the police. Will she be able to have kavanagh prosecuted based on pretty much no evidence? Of course not but at least you'll get your investigation.
This isn't special treatment for an elite Mr. Tin Foil Hat. This is what happens when an accusation is made and you don't even know when where who or what happened. It gets tossed out. At least give us something to investigate. Like try to be a little more creative when your falsely accusing some one.
Didn't the FBI question Judge in this latest go-'round?
shareThey questioned, but did not investigate. The guy apparently has "anxiety" issues which prevented him from testifying. When they talked to him, he said he didn't remember the incident, which isn't the same as saying it didn't happen. So we won't know until they actually investigate the matter. Will his "anxiety" prevent them from doing so? Who knows. But probably, considering how much Trump wants Kavanaugh on that bench.
shareThey questioned, but did not investigate.
An investigation requires more than simply asking someone if something happened, and letting it go if they do not remember.
If you are accused of committing a crime, let's see how far you get if you tell the investigators to only question your friends. Let's see how far you get if you tell them to only investigate for half a week. Let's see how far you get if you tell them to do their investigation when it's convenient for you. That's the treatment that Kavanaugh got, that the rest of us never get. But hey, he was investigated, and that's all that matters, right?
He denied Ford's allegations. And they were not backed up by the person that she named. I'm not saying that Dr. Ford is lying. I don't know for a fact that she is. It's possible that she is confused.
As to your other charges, they don't pass the smell test.
Democrats just don't want another conservative on the Court and they will destroy anyone to keep him off. Fortunately, they failed.
That's stupid though. It's literally impossible for the democrats to block a conservative from now until 2020. That is why Gorsuch passed in a snap. You could make the argument that democrats are specifically targeting Kavanaugh because he is the only one who said a sitting president cannot be indicted (protecting him from Mueller), but that's as far as it goes. If repubs brought up any other conservative, he would be confirmed... just like Gorsuch.
And those other items didn't pass your smell test because you have a partisan nose. Devil's Triangle being a drinking game should alone send questionable signals to your "smell test." Nobody who is on the fence would believe that contrived nonsense.
I'd agree with you if Murkowski and a few more of the liberal Republicans were to side with their party. However, in this case she didn't and if her and Flake were able to persuade just one more GOP senator to oppose Kavanaugh, he would not have been confirmed.
So it is possible to reject a conservative justice to the USSC.
As to the other thing, I have no idea what the Devil's triangle is beyond the area in the ocean in which ships and aircraft are said to vanish.
BTW, I am no more partisan than you seem to be.
"I'd agree with you if Murkowski and a few more of the liberal Republicans were to side with their party."
That just proves my point. If Murkowski voted no because of Kavanaugh's conservatism, she would've voted no for Gorsuch. It's that simple. Gorsuch is more of a conservative than Kavanaugh, but Kavanaugh demonstrated a partisan attitude at his hearing, something Gorsuch did not do.
"BTW, I am no more partisan than you seem to be."
Then you wouldn't be calling Murkowski a "liberal republican" when she voted for Gorsuch who is more conservative than Brett Kavanaugh and Merrick Garland combined.
He was falsely accused of rape. He has a right to be upset about it. Your only real objection to kavanaugh is that he's a conservative and since the rape card didn't work all of a sudden your falling on the "he's an entitled amoral person and is not acting like a proper states men" as if the democrats ever cared about that. And its not our fault Trump bulldozed his way to the top of the GOP primary but at least we only have to live with him and not another democrat. I was rooted for and voted for obama I can admit this mistake I really wanted to screw over the "Tax cuts for the wealthy cause they create jobs" stick but his railroading of his policy such as spend all our money on people that don't or will not ever pa taxes is an even more unfair then what mccain was advocating. Obama's repeated habit of acting against the will of the people will prevent me from ever making that mistake ever again. Sure he can use a cell phone and a pen when congress rejects his unfair policies but we can use our votes to dump democrats out of the white house and congress. We will never be rid of leftist but that doesn't mean we stop fighting.
shareSources that show that the accusations are false? NOT Fox News/Alex Jones/Breitbart.
Last I heard, there was no definitive proof one way or the other. He was not seen as guilty OR innocent.
Show sources that the accusations are true(And not some cocky left leaning media source) since your already trying to hand cuff your argument to avoid any info comming from what you perceive as right leaning outlets. Even then the burden of proof is on you to prove he's guilty.
"Last I heard, there was no definitive proof one way or the other. He was not seen as guilty OR innocent."
Because of the critical thinking skills of those on the left no amount of evidence will be enough. The goal post just keeps moving and moving with you guys. Until ford can make up a date, and place of the party, and actually find people that were actually there we can't even investigate if the party even happened.
Stop trying to break reality by pretending he's guilty based on all these non details. And even worse some of your leftists ken are insisting that even the accusations alone even if they are false are enough to keep him off the bench.
Wow...you are flailing! I have said countless times it his performance in front of the cameras that disqualify him.
Man, Trump supporters ARE a “bucket of deplorable”! Who knew Hillary would get ANYTHING right?
Your the one flailing and failing. Your moving the goal post again. Now your saying being upset about a false accusation and crying in front of the panel disqualifies him from being on the bench. I'm not a trumper and I've said that countless times but unlike you I don't hold that against you cause I have no intentions of follwing you or keeping up with your posts as I know you won't follow mine either. Although I woulden't be suprised if you tried to start looking up dirt or find a way to twist my words to show I'm a trump supporter.
shareYou’ve shown it yourself in spades.
shareGive it up already. You lost.
shareAs you have yet to provide any proof for your initial assertion that it is all fabricated and tried pitifully to do the Trump pivot and wanted me to prove it did (which was never even my claim).....I think anyone not fed Fox/Trump/Breitbart/Alex Jones as their only information source sees how this REALLY went down.
shareI love the snowflake song!
shareI sure did miss a lot of funny stuff.