MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > James Woods banned from twitter for elec...

James Woods banned from twitter for election interference

The left controls the media, academia, the Fortune 500, etc... Yet they still must resort to censorship. Imagine if these institutions were controlled by people who oppose immigration, oppose war, support free speech. We would have the 1000 year Reich.

I hope Trump gets banned from twitter just to make it more obvious to people which side is the establishment.


In other news....Kellyanne Conway believes your microwave is spying on you and says the President uses "alternate facts" (aka "lies").


Woods posted a fake meme that broke rules, and now he's ranting about "free speech" like an idiot because he knows nothing about rights.

Twitter pays money to maintain a private service that they let him use for free, and he thinks it should come without rules.

His entire "free speech" ignorance is an argument for government interference and a reduction of corporate autonomy. He wants more regulations and he wants the government to force a private company to let him break rules.

He's nothing but a moronic snowflake, and your typical Reich-winger who claims to want smaller government but actually wants one tailored to their bias.

He wants Convenient Fascism.


It's funny how right-wingers only get upset at censorship when it threatens to reduce hoaxes and racism. It's also funny to see "conservatives" getting upset at a private company's right to disallow hoaxes and racism.
