Why Young Men of Color Are Joining White-Supremacist Groups
So far the "Alt-Right" consists of racist Nazis who hate women according to the mainstream media.
A gay Jewish Greek-Brit who has a black husband is apparently a Nazi; Milo Yiannopoulos.
Now we have all these people of colour seemingly marching alongside the KKK and being included within their fold.
Or, and this one might blow some minds around here, are the "Fake news" networks trying to paint a version of events which doesn't match up with reality?
Is Libertarianism no longer the central tenet for some citizens of America? Are some people wanting a nanny state which distorts the truth and 'others' those who don't conform to the standards set by unelected groups?
This isn't a pro-Trump or anti-Democrats opinion being presented by me. I'm just curious to see if those who are politically minded on MC can agree that the media (On both sides) lie to them and try to shift their weight through intimidation and fear of being on the wrong side of history.
I certainly don't have any answers but I'm finding more and more questions to ask about how the US political system is being ran.
Feel free to share your thoughts on the matter.