Will Ron Paul get the John McCain treatment?
When he dies? McCain wasn't a maverick. Ron Paul was a maverick. Ron Paul broke with the establishment, not McCain. The more I think about it, McCain is worse than Hillary Clinton. He was the loudest voice for every war. That's his legacy, not being a maverick. He also wasn't a war hero. He created war heroes, by creating war, but he was never one himself. He was the spoiled son of the military industrial complex, and his father helped stage both the Gulf of Tonkin false flag, and the failed USS Liberty false flag. McCain killed over a hundred America troops by starting a fire on an aircraft carrier so big it took several days to put out. It was one of the worst accidents in military history. He injured his shoulder by using his ejector seat improperly, not being tortured by Vietnam. Vietnam loves him. They put him in the Hanoi Hilton where he read propaganda messages for them. The media just made up this war hero myth to give him cover when he advocates more wars.
I said McCain might be worse than Hillary, but had they been elected, I still think Hillary would have been more destructive. Remember that Obama started more wars that George Bush, and Obama didn't even need the excuse of 9/11. To this day, if liberals are even aware that Obama took us to war in Yemen, wouldn't have the slightest idea of why or what we are doing there. I think being a female democrat provides even more social capital than being called a war hero.
The good thing about McCain for us is that he lost, although I think that was his role. He was supposed to lose, politely. Go back and look at the 2008 debates between McCain and Ron Paul. The establishment stole the primary. So in terms of influence, yes McCain was given a (failed) presidential run. But Ron Paul started a movement. Ron Paul was far more influential. He introduced millions of people to ideas they never knew existed. McCain was just a cog in a machine no different than any other politician or journalist. McCain is just Lindsey Graham plus war hero status, and who cares about Lindsey Graham?
Ron Paul and Mcain are opposites. Liberals like to loudly proclaim that they "disagree with McCain's politics but respect him as a person". No. That's a lie on both counts. Do they "agree with Ron Paul's politics but disrespect him as a person"??? They only care about McCain for his pro-war politics, and don't even think of him as a person but as an object for political gain. A funny thing is going to happen. Ron Paul is going to be celebrated, widely. The media will dismiss it as crazy kook stuff by a small extreme faction or Russian bots. Maybe they'll even push for Rand Paul to retire so he can grieve. But it's going to be a crowd swell all over social media and they won't be able to dismiss it because it will be authentic. Nobody actually liked McCain not even the establishment, who obviously prefer Obama as a more effective option. The McCain celebration is forced and hollow like Kim Jong Ill in North Korea where people were executed if they didn't pretend to be sad enough. After the media is done using him, he will vanish from memory like a Casey Anthony.
Ron Paul was called racist for opposing war.
Ron Paul was called racist for opposing war.
Ron Paul was called racist for opposing war.
This is the one thing to remember above all else. It was the far left who gave us McCain by vilifying Ron Paul specifically for his opposition to war. It's what they've done throughout history. "Isolationism" was a derogatory term used for anyone who opposed the progressive era world wars. They're still doing it and McCain is finally a casualty. Good riddance.