This isn't even the sickest stuff I've heard Trumpers say.
I've witnessed Trumpers say/post the following things:
-"The border patrol should have shot all those mothers with their children who were crossing our borders!" They were saying this in response to the news of those eight people seeking asylum here.
-"We will bathe the ground with the blood of liberals."
-"The second Civil War is coming and, when it does, we will drag you liberals out of your homes and hang you in the streets."
-"All those illegals in the detention centers should be dumped in a big hole and killed. ALL OF THEM!"
-"I don't feel sorry for those children in cages at all. It's their parent's fault. Our own come first!"
-"Trump should declare open season on all Muslims. I'm armed and ready."
-"The war is coming. I can't wait to kill you liberals!"
-"Deport all the DACA kids! DEPORT THEM ALL!!!"
-"Sterilize the immigrants to stop anchor babies!"
-"Other cultures don't integrate properly into our Christian nation!"
-"Give me your address so I can come to your door and personally teach you to respect our president!"
-"President Trump needs to send drones to Chicago and carpet bomb it!"
-"They need to take those air conditioners out of the illegal immigrant detention centers! Our own come first!"
-"Get out of our country! One of our own could have had that degree! You don't belong here!" They said this in response to the story of a DACA girl graduating from Harvard.
-"Get out of my country and go back to the Philippines! Take your family with you! We don't want you here!" They said this to a Filipino man who came to the US, went back to college, got his degrees all over again in America, became a US citizen, and made something of his life.
There are countless others but let this be a little taste of the hatred, bigotry and misery that exists in the addled brains of many Trumpers. No wonder they voted for and love Trump and his bully tactics.