MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > While Trump is raging and blubbering, Mu...

While Trump is raging and blubbering, Mueller continues to remain silent

It really says a lot about the difference between the two men:

-One of them rages and rages, calls names, slanders the other and acts very unprofessionally

-The other is silent, relents from showing any disrespect, professionally offers Trump a chance to sit down to answer questions that would clear him if he's innocent and continues to do his job in peace

Says a lot about the two men, their personalities, level of professionalism and moral tact.

Innocent or guilty, Trump's behavior about the Russian investigation has been downright detestable and unacceptable. Completely and utterly befitting not only a president but just a professional in general.

Any man of dignity and class would be handling this situation in a more professional and HUMANE manner. Raging, name-calling and spreading libel is not how a president should act. Whether Mueller has something or not is actually beside the point: the man has conducted himself in a professional, respectful and quiet manner. The same can't be said for Donnie Boy the Cheeto.

Says a lot about the two men. Mueller looks and acts more presidential than Trump.


You spelt humane incorrectly.

I guess you listened to the 'Rules for Radicals' book as oppose to reading it.


I actually didn't. Either this site auto-corrected it or the browser did.

And "Rules for Radicals"? Really? That's all you have to say? *Sigh*...does there not exist a SINGLE sane/intelligent Trumper on this site? You guys are all literally cut from the same cloth. How disappointing.


I don't support Trump you fucking idiot.

I'm just calling you the modern equivalent of a long-form passport belligerent from the Obama era and how you'd cut your nose off despite your face when it came to proper conversation.

Now let your mother and father onto your account here so that I can converse with people who aren't knee-jerk reactionaries.

Thanks in advance although I know you won't.

Go and clean your room.


Ah, so you're not a Trumper--just an idiot in general. That ridiculous profile picture of yours and a quick peruse of your posting history paint the picture rather well of a blithering idiot. Calling you a Trumper would actually be paying you a compliment. That's how stupid you are. XD



Did you pick that up from an K-12 book?

It must have been a top tiered one if you did.

I'll stick to decent literature if you don't mind.


LOL! Yeah...that's what I thought. My mistake was giving you enough credit in the first place to assume maybe you'd have something of subtance to post. My mistake. I give idiots far more credit than they deserve. It's my character flaw, really. :)



You bully your way in, pointing out a minor autocorrect error and then completely flub an old saying.

It's "to cut your nose to SPITE your face"

Not "despite your face"

Lolol talk about not reading and just using what you hear, and not even hearing correctly. "Despite your face" makes no sense at all, just saying.


Make posting on the Internet great again!


Condescend much?


I patronise frequently.

It helps the economy.


Go big or go home! Either patronize always or never!

(And if it helps the economy, you're welcome 😉)


Deplorables like me can't help but win.

You are also welcome 😉


LOL! Yeah, Jimmy is a fcking idiot. You can sum him up rather quickly by his "herf herf! Isn't my profile picture funny?" attitude and atrocious posting history.

I seriously hope he's only an immature teenager because if he's any older...that's just sad.


Profile picture? I never see profile pictures on this forum (or any on this site). Not on my laptop or mobile device (and I use Chrome). How can I see profile pics or add one of my own?


It's not like IMDB where we could just see them next to the name--you have to click on their name and it will take you to their profile screen with their posts and picture.

Take a look at what he posted for his profile pic and you'll quickly surmise who this guy is: he thinks he's funny and he's trying (and failing) to sling around a sarcastic/patronizing demeanor. Problem is--the guy is too much of an idiot to make it all hold together. XD


Thanks for the tip!


No problem. I was here for months before I figured it out and it was from another poster. It has a PM box as well!


You spelt humane incorrectly.

I guess you listened to the 'Rules for Radicals' book as oppose to reading it.


Are you sure you want to delete this post?


You spelt humane incorrectly.

I guess you listened to the 'Rules for Radicals' book as oppose to reading it.


Are you sure you want to delete this post?


Site was going through maintenance. "Application error."


Fake news!


I figured you'd try that, so I took a screenshot.


You published that after I made my comment.

Could be faked.


Whatever helps get you through the day, I guess.


Punting pedants out of the park works for me 😜


...Yet your posts are the most pedantic. Like with Trump, you spend your time trying to distract people away from the topic of your ignorance, but in doing so, you reveal more of your ignorance. It's a catch-22, but luckily we're on an anonymous forum where you can troll to your heart's content.


Well as you've typed out some words I'll just accept them as gospel and not make the allusion of you sounding like a long form passport Obama nut because you sound nothing like them at all.

No siree Bob!


Well, thanks for proving my point for me :)


And you for doing the same for me 🤭


Oh I see, it all makes sense now... you must have some secret love infatuation with Donald Trump, that must be why you express so much hatred towards him to hide your repressed feelings for him, I mean you're pretty much becoming him, you bash him for name calling and acting immature and yet you're doing the same thing. Maybe you should email Trump and ask him if he would like you to come to the White House and cook him a gourmet style meal and show him what he has been missing, lol!


The only love infatuation here is the one you apparently have for me, Lady. By your own admission, you've apparently known me from the IMDB days, remember every detail about me and seem to harbor an odd anger at the fact that I'm a married man.

Look--I have nothing again homosexuals--I'm simply not one, nor will I ever be. Why don't you try hooking up with Jimmy here? He seems up your alley (and age level) in regards to posting style. I'm trying to let you down easy, dude. :)


Her obsessive hanging on your every post so she can pile on at just the right moment is really starting to get sketchy.

Are you sure she's not outside your house with a pair of binoculars? You should take extra care not to get mugged when you go outside dteam. 😱


Yeah, I'd better take out a restraining order, eh?



You must have really said something to piss him/her off OR, you've got such animal sex appeal he/she can't stop online stalking you. 😍


Supposedly it's a "he" from what people have told me (which just makes it creepier) and he supposedly knows me from the Batman vs Superman board. I trolled that board. A LOT. I just never viewed myself as having much of an impression over there because dozens of people trolled that board. Apparently, I was wrong. Apparently, I did SOMETHING to really p!ss this kid off in a way I never even realized.

Thing is--most of those DCCU zealots were little pathological 12-year old sh!ts with mental disorders. I guess I burned Lady in just the right way. Funny thing is--I made my posts on that board, had my fun, and then didn't think about it at all whenever I was off that board. This one apparently thought about me for two years now. Creepy...

Yeah, I'm quite the sexual tyrannosaurus as ALL the DCCU zealots wanted a piece of me every time I visited there. XD


Jesus, you must have really insulted their comic book hero. lulz. Were you trolling for one side or against comic book fans?

Sounds like it got real personal.


Well, TJ and I (and several others that don't seem to be here) were all making fun of the DCCU. We weren't at all bashing the DC comics or the DC brand--just the Snyderverse of movies. There were some zealots over there who swore high and low that those movies were just "misunderstood masterpieces" and bashed the MCU, thinking of it all as a competition.

They would write out fcking thesis over how Batman vs. Superman was "art" and how it just "went over everyone's heads" and they flipped out any time we bashed the movies. It was quite funny. XD

There's another one who has a crush on me that I haven't seen in a few months: "GothamCat". That one followed me around just like Lady does. Both of them claim to know know me from those boards. Lady told me he used to be someone named "PoisonIvy" but I don't remember that one. I remember GothamCat, though. That one started following me after I bashed Ghostbusters 2016. XD


LOL! It is really weird the way he follows you all over this board. At least you tried to let him down gently.


They never learn, do they? XD


He is quietly doing his work, without bias, putting together a case before he goes after Trump.


Trump knows he's guilty. His strategy is to have his base reject any findings from Mueller. That's why he and Giuliani attack him and the investigation everyday. That's also why you hear them say nonsense like don't believe your own eyes or the truth isn't the truth or calling any media criticism of Trump fake news. His followers are stupid because they allow themselves to be easily manipulated by obvious tactics that have been used by other autocrats.


Well said and quite true!
