MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > 74 people shot over the weekend in the D...

74 people shot over the weekend in the Demokkkrat party capital of Chicago.

A city the demokkkrat party has kept enslaved under its ignorant rule for over a century. Another banner weekend as 74 people are shot. And worse this is quite typical for this demokkkrat party stronghold, and the so-called hometown of President Obama.

This is what happens when the demokkkrat party is left unchecked. The people are enslaved and ignored. The demokkkrat media/party solution: Ignore it and focus on the Trump/Russia fantasy.

They are a disgrace and danger to all Americans and need to be kept from power. Never in the history of the country has a political party been more worthless and more dangerous. No solutions. No ideas. No platform. Just obsessive hate.



Yes this is the Democrats fault and not the gun loving morons in the republicant party.

You know what the solution is to gun violence? Moar guns! Fucking idiots


Did the GOP offer their thoughts and prayers to those 74 people shot?


More gun control hasn't worked. The places with the most gun control have the most gun violence. Honduras and Venezuela have the highest rates in the world and total gun bans.


How about you compare your modern "progressive" nation with modern progressive nations ....


This is not news and does not make Chicago look bad. Almost two people are killed per day in Chicago on average and so this weekend was no different than any other weekend.


Interesting how you so brazenly warp the deaths of 74 dead people into an attack on the democratic party. Seems almost sickening.


what about the people that were celebrating Trump almost being assassinated? thats even more sick...


That’s because they are dead because of Democrat policies. If you want to stop the problem you first have to identify the cause.


114 people shot over 4 of July weekend in the Democrat capital of Shitcago.

Democrats doing a banner job.

Is there any city they run that isn’t a Chithole?


more sanctioned murder from the dems.

if dems keep killing each other than eventually all that will be left will be MAGA


good one
