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LOL! Bill Maher explains T-rump's QAnon gang

Last night on "Real Time with Bill Maher", Maher explained the whole QAnon phenomenon which has engulfed the right wing loons:

“This is a big movement on the right. See, we don’t hear about these things because we’re not crazy,” Maher explained. “Q is a person—a member of the ‘deep state,’ way high up in the ‘deep state’—but now he’s turning on them, and he’s revealing that the world is run by a giant pedophile ring. Really. Every president since Reagan has been part of it… you know who’s a pedophile? Tom Hanks. Steven Spielberg. And who’s gonna stop this? Trump. Because who’s more qualified to stop pedophilia than the creep who used to walk in on Miss Teen USA pageants?”


Amazing how cultlike Tronald Dump's following is. Scary, too. It's as if they're in some sort of trance. These people honestly give me the creeps. What orc hole shat these people out?


It's the largest cult in history. 40 percent of the country.


I knew our country had some crazy-ass people in it but I never knew it was this many. Sheesh!

I have some intelligent friends/coworkers and some of them revealed themselves to be Trumper. While it surprised me, I can only surmise it had to do with that fact that they're 60 + year-old boomers. Trump seems to be a dream come true for many boomers.


It has to be a cult. It’s the only viable explanation



Anyone who understands anything about psychology would not be amazed at the fact that people have segregated themselves into two extremist groups rather than look towards moderacy.

Just like I understand that people in those two groups will attempt to stereotype moderates into either a "for" group or "against" group rather than accept that people can be individuals.

It helps, when you're in a war, not to view the enemy as actual humans, but as "orc hole shit". This is because by dehumanizing the enemy you feel less moralistic responsibility for your actions.

This back and forth "I hate your president" "No I hate your president more" "I hate your president even more!" crap that we've been doing these past few decades is rather tedious and only seems to be getting worse. Instead of people learning to be tolerant of differences, we have two extremist groups that hate everyone who isn't in their group.

Now THAT, my friend, is what is scary. We're ready to start a whole new Civil war because people cannot act with basic civility to those who have different ideas than their own.


So, everyone in Hollywood is a pedophile who is trying to rule the world? I guess the Trumpanzees have selective amnesia as they seem to forget than Cheeto von Tweeto was:

A. A Hollywood Celebrity


B. A democrat

for YEARS before running for president.

I've seen a LOT of Trumpers and NONE of them EVER bring these two facts up about Trump and it's usally the quickest way to clear a room/thread of Trumpers by mentioning it.


If he was still called a Democrat, but otherwise was identical in policy and elsewhere... his current followers would hate him.

To them, "Democrat Trump" would be nothing more than an immoral, misogynistic, woman-grabbing draft dodging elitist Hollywood TV celebrity with a fake tan.


Just passing through, but this looked like a perfect segue into Her Opponent

I understand that political tensions now blind people to the results of that performance, but I would suspect that the results of the election would have been the same if we played "Political Role Switching." (i.e. Trump as Democrat, Hillary as Republican)

There are plenty of people who just blindly vote democrat or republican... but elections tend to be decided on the "swing states" or those who vote because they like the character of the nominee (or dislike the opponent).

I encourage everyone to think about this psychologically, to understand what others are thinking rather than construct strawmen and knock them down (because it makes you feel better). Burning effigies may be fun, but hatred only begets more hatred which begets violent action and war.


That was a great ep after the summer hiatus! Malcolm Nance was so informative but he was really bumming me out.


Bill Smith was even better.


Regardless of how right or wrong he is, I just want to punch Bill Maher in the mush. He is so incredibly smarmy. The day I want political advice from one of the stars of DC Cab, I'll look up Mr. T.


The only thing worse than a Trump supporter is a Maher fan.


The only thing worse than a Trump supporter is a Maher fan.

Because Maher fans are smarter, more logical and deal with reality?


Hahaha good one. I almost believed you
