MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > As #walkaway continues to build steam, t...

As #walkaway continues to build steam, the black wave rolls on to brovember. The Presidents approval an all time high.

Latest approval ratings have President Trump passing 50%, higher than Obama’s at this time in his presidency. The Presidents approval among blacks has doubled since he was elected to 29%.

As the black community gets more educated, and more are able to be financially independent, thanks to record low unemployment under President Trump, they’re waking up to their century of enslavement under the demokkkrat party.

The black community freeing itself from the hate filled demokkkrat machine will be one of the greatest events in our lives. They can finally free themselves of the obsessive hate of the demokkkrat plantation. They can look to leaders who inspire growth, education, success, and gratitude. Rather than those emotions the demokkkrat party obsesses over like, anger, hate, resentment, jealousy, insecurity.

The same approval trend is occurring in the Hispanic and gay communities as well. The #walkaway movement is happening. With its hatefilled heart being exposed, the demokkkrat media/party will get even more desperate. We can expect more predictable attempts from the left to incite a race war. They’re already playing the Hitler/Stalin card on a daily basis with no success.

The demokkkrat media/party of no ideas. No solutions. No inspiration. No platform. The party of obsessive hate.



Oh yeah..."#walkaway!" I've heard of that...the phony movement that's pushed by the Russian bots that only Trumptards believe is authentic.

The only thing continuing to build steam is all the hot air you blow out of your ass.


The Russiabot returns to push #walkaway.

Color me not surprised at all.


I think he's a QAnon cultist.


He definitely has the mindset for it.

But he hasn't pushed any of the wilder conspiracies of QAnon, at least not yet. Or maybe he has?

This is a cult that believes that when the Mueller team releases their findings Trump will be exonerated and Hillary, Obama, and Podesta will be indicted in a massive Pizzagate child porn ring.

So I don't think Gd is there yet, but he's definitely ripe for recruitment.


This is a cult that believes that when the Mueller team releases their findings Trump will be exonerated and Hillary, Obama, and Podesta will be indicted in a massive Pizzagate child porn ring.

I believe he already shared this opinion - or something very similar. I say he has 9 toes in the circle already.


Latest approval ratings have President Trump passing 50%, higher than Obama’s at this time in his presidency. The Presidents approval among blacks has doubled since he was elected to 29%.
Which Poll has 29% of African Americans approving of Trump's presidency?


Libtard's favorite conspiracy theories: Russian Bots, QAnon, Russia elected Trump!


Except Russian Bots and QAnon are real and no one even disputes that they exist. Only a trumptard would call those "conspiracies".

As for Russia electing Trump, it's debatable and no real study can be conducted on how much Russian interference affected the election results until a full and accurate accounting of the depths of their interference is revealed by Mueller.

But rest assured, there will be numerous studies that will attempt to address this question in the followup among academics, statisticians, historians, and political scientists.


Lol. Thanks again for your daily dose of comedy. I look forward to your next bit.


So much wrong with this where do I begin. Trump has never passed approval of 50 percent.

Black community gets educated? WTF does that mean? Who says demokkkratic party, that's immature af.

If people are educated they'd see he got handed a 4.7 unemployment rate and the trend has continued. Nothing more, nothing less.

This is all insanely silly. Success and growth? More recessions and depressions happen under republicans.

#Walkaway movement is small, insanely small to the voting public. No one is inciting a race war, just like the right called Obama a Marxist. Come on....

No one is freeing people will vote for whatever is best. If anyone gets educated you better hope not, because we have more job growth and GDP growth under democrats my friend.

Brandon is also an actor looking for a paycheck.
