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Melania not too happy with "hoebag" comment by conservative

Looks like a Conservative House candidate from Oregon is in the 'crosshairs' of First Lady Melania T-rump after referring to her as a "hoebag" earlier this week.

Mark Roberts, the “independent conservative” who’s running for a seat in Oregon’s District Two, made his comment (which has since gone viral) as a response to Charlie Kirk's tweet (he's the founder of conservative cult/ group Turning Point USA). Kirk tweeted out that Melania only has five staff members, while Michelle Obama had more than forty.

Roberts tweeted back: “Did you know the First Lady works by the hour?” #thinkdirty #hoebag."

After a few days of apparently pondering what Roberts tweeted, the FLOTUS responded via a statement released Wednesday by her spokesperson Stephanie Grisham:

“This is just more hypocritical intolerance from those who oppose her husband’s administration,” Grisham said . “To say such ugly words about a mother, wife, and our First Lady is not just a pathetic attempt at getting himself in the news; it is disturbing and despicable.”

RNC chair Ronna Romney McDaniel tweeted: “This attack on @FLOTUS is disgusting and everyone should condemn this candidate and his candidacy.”

Shortly after the Tweet went viral on Monday, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy stepped up to defend Melania, by asking Twitter to ban Roberts' account. Calling the attack 'disgraceful', McCarthy wrote, “Comments like these have no business on any platform.” Conservative FOX host Laura Ingraham agreed with McCarthy, asking why the account has not been closed and the statement taken down.

Roberts had a simple defense: “It’s that whole 1st amendment thing,” he Tweeted back, and included a screenshot of a message from Twitter saying the content did not violate “Twitter rules or applicable law.”

Rethuglikkkans hate when that First Amendment gets in the way.


I'm actually kind of surprised "independent conservatives" like this even exist that deploy trump-like tactics calling his wife a hoe in opposing trump. No way can I see any aspiring liberal candidate, "independent" from the Dem party or otherwise, saying such a thing.

Maybe there's an audience for this brand of anti-trump conservatism in Oregon.


I can't imagine an aspiring liberal candidate doing this, either.

This guy is going to the extreme right by calling her a hoebag- but really rather similar to how T-rump trashes women during his candidacy.


Yeah but typically conservatives of that ilk are caught up in the Trump cult. There hasn't been another politician that's found success with such "going low" tactics prior to Trump.

But maybe this guy is just a far right fringe loon expressing his true colors who just got a bunch of national pub by doing this.

A couple months ago it was reported there's a pro-pedophile, pro-rape, white supremacist running for congress in the Virginia Republican primary for a seat that's currently held by a Dem.

Remember this? Trump has inspired the loons to come out of the woodwork to run for political office.


Well, to be fair, in Virginia that guy is probably considered a moderate.


You think? I wasn't aware that Virginia is that hard right of a state. West Virginia and I would totally understand.

But this is a state that did vote Hillary and Obama twice.


Rural VA is a bunch of redneck country fucks...I know because I've visited there. It makes West Virginia look cosmopolitan.


Yeah but I'd call that a symptom of Rural, Anywhere USA before I could start saying Rural of one state is categorically worse than Rural, other state. Every rural area I've ever been is pervasive of bumfuck ignorant rednecks.

Even out here in California there are rural districts that send morons like Devin Nunes to congress every two years and stretches of red districts that voted Trump. Like the one burning down right now because of wildfires but whose inhabitants refuse to believe in climate change.

West Virginia has all those rural mountainous regions where the hillbillies roam but are too isolated to get dental work and roast squirrel dish is actually a thing. Now that's where I could see a pro-incest candidate emerging. lulz. West Virginia also had a history of breeding Klansmen.


Lolol #hoebag


She used to get pooped on by Arab shiehks for a couple grand a weekend before cuckold drumpf wifed the whuuuore




#ThinkDirtyHoebag ?
😂🤣 This is awesome, loooooove it!!


What does it carry?


I'm surprised she hasn't threatened this guy with a lawsuit - yet. She did that to some blogger last year when he said she was a former prostitute. I guess she had issues with the word 'former' ?


As if she gives a crap, she married him for money. I don't think she can stand the pressure any longer. There is nothing shameful about prostitution btw,it is the law of supply and demand.


Tell that to Giuliani. He has no respect for women exploiting their bodies for profit-so he has no respect for Melania.


giuliani doesn't understand human nature, ALWAYS WILL BE DEMAND FOR PROSTITUTION
