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What's wrong with this picture...

Donald Trump talks privately with Vladimir Putin for TWO HOURS during the summit in Finland. Details of the talk have not been made public, nor revealed to any of Trump's top advisors either.

A meeting between Trump and his top Security Council chiefs about previous and current Russian attempts to tamper with US elections lasts THIRTY MINUTES on Friday, July 27. No plan or agenda is drawn up for co-ordinated action by Intelligence agencies.

This country is being run by a criminal.


I imagine that anyone who thinks otherwise of Trump is influenced more by things that have little to do with actual truth.
Trump was a crook before he took office, with his college scam having bilked all sorts of people, but he's always been an ass, out for himself and a habitual liar.
In the last 24 hours, he's came out hollering about a conflict of interest between him and Mueller, apparently from a past business relationship turned sour. Absurd stuff. All the screaming and flailing about he's doing, his efforts to rally his base while condemning the FBI, the press etc, sure as heck doesn't seem like the behavior of someone who doesn't have anything to hide.

If you think Trump is innocent at this point, you're either a complete partisan hack or dumber than a box of rocks. Truth be told though, I don't think it matters much to his supporters, the truth. These are strange times!


Trump is clearly far more invested in colluding with his handler to rig the upcoming midterms than doing anything to prevent it.

The objectives of the two meetings are diametrically opposed. So naturally he's going to spend more time in the meeting that benefits him.


Trump's inaction is predictable, even expected. What galls me is the failure of Republicans, both elected and just average everyday Republitard citizens, to recognize how great a danger this is to the country. It seems almost cliche' now to say they put Party over Country, but I just can't fathom how they ALL seem to be such idiots. And not just idiots, but verging on being TRAITOROUS idiots.


I think the majority of them are cowards. They're afraid of standing against their party going it alone.

But I think there's no doubt that there's a cabal of Republicans that are either compromised or co-opted by Russia. There's the circumstantial evidence you point out, but also an emerging body of evidence this is the case. From the NRA funding that they're so desperate not to hold hearings about, to the highest reaches of GOP leadership in congress being fully aware of Russian machinations prior to the election of Trump yet fully enabling him once he took office.

These quotes got some wide play a year ago in WaPO. That’s when a recording emerged of House Majority leader Kevin McCarthy bringing the conversation about Russian meddling around to the DNC hack, Trump and Rohrabacher.

“I’ll guarantee you that’s what it is. . . . The Russians hacked the DNC and got the opp [opposition] research that they had on Trump,” McCarthy said with a laugh.

Ryan asked who the Russians “delivered” the opposition research to.

“There’s . . . there’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” McCarthy said, drawing some laughter. “Swear to God,” McCarthy added.

“This is an off the record,” Ryan said.

Some lawmakers laughed at that.

“No leaks, all right?,” Ryan said, adding: “This is how we know we’re a real family here.”

So they already had a pretty good idea Trump was owned in Summer of 2016. Where did McCarthy get this idea from? The article explained it was from a conversation McCarthy had had earlier that day with Volodymyr Groysman, then and now Prime Minister of Ukraine, who had taken over the office two months earlier in April 2017. Both McCarthy and Ryan had met with Groysman separately earlier in the day.


Yeah, I suppose it's a case of once you head that down road--putting your lot in with either accepting Russian help or looking the other way--there's no turning back. Another cliche' is to say that "history will judge" these scumbags, but it's true, and one good thing that comes of news events moving so fast these days is that that history will be here sooner than they think.

I'm looking forward to the lid being blown off the story about the Russian money that was funneled into Republican campaigns via election donations made by the NRA. That be good for some laughs. Two separate groups that promote and enable mass murderers--the NRA and the Russkies--financing a group of greedy, self-serving, righteous scumbags like the kind of encapsulates a little bit of everything that's wrong with American culture, politics, and this country's whole value system right now.


Yeah and I don't think a lot of people are aware, as I certainly wasn't until the NRA Russian money scandal broke, just how effective they are in their GOTV efforts in presidential campaigns.

NRA does a lot of coordinating ground ops, knocking on doors, getting people to go to the polls, and ad buys. They act like a shadow campaign wing of the Republican party. So while we were reading stories of how disorganized Trump's campaign was and how he was too stingy to spend money on GOTV efforts where Hillary had 3 times his dough in her coffers, the NRA was flush with 60 mil in cash, disproportionately from Russian sources I'm sure we'll find out.

And not just for president too, they work in coordination getting out the vote to get their choices in congress elected. Ever wonder why GOP is so terrified to do anything the NRA disapproves of? Not only will they lose the GOTV efforts, NRA will actively try and subvert them by running ads and coordinating efforts against them in primaries if they cross the NRA.
