MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > So T-rump said “ cash” on the tapes...

So T-rump said “ cash” on the tapes...

CNN played one more tape last night of a person to person conversation between Cohen and T-rump. Recorded in September 2016. Something about Cohen needing money to “ set up a company” to funnel money to pay off a few people - like mistresses. But how to do it? How to pay off these women?

T-rump is distinctly heard saying “ cash” , despite the spin from Giuliani.

Uh oh.


Yes, Trump definitely mentions it first. Cohen's "no, no, no" seems to be the reply to it.


Let's see how the Rethuglikkans react to this.

Will they blame Hillary or Obama for him saying 'cash'?


Will "But his tapes" now be the response to "But her emails"?


This is far more serious than Hillary's emails. But T-rumpkins will disagree.


In the eyes of the trumpets their supreme leader can do no wrong.


Today, Giuliani came out of his rubber room, and is trying to set the record straight. He's saying T-rump said "check, not cash" - even though the tape clearly has him saying just the word "cash"; nothing else before it.

Sort of like trying to get us to believe he meant "wouldn't" when he clearly said "Would" last week, when he committed treason.

And who is this friend "David" they refer to when talking about helping with 'the problem'. David Pecker, CEO of the tabloid which did a 'catch and kill' with McDougal? Or T-rump's David Dennison, the alias he takes on when having affairs?
