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Trump, citing politics, looking to revoke security clearances

President Donald Trump is considering stripping a half-dozen former national security officials of their security clearances, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Monday, calling their public commentary about the ongoing Russia probe inappropriate.

Such a move would amount to an unprecedented use of presidential authority to punish political rivals. Critics quickly seized on the announcement, even as those under consideration downplayed the actual effect losing their clearances might have.

The list of former officials under consideration includes:
Former CIA Director - John Brennan
Former Director of National Intelligence - James Clapper
Former FBI Director - James Comey
Former National Security Adviser - Susan Rice
Former Deputy FBI Director - Andrew McCabe
Former National Security Agency Director - Michael Hayden

"They've politicized, and in some cases, monetized their public service," Sanders said during a press briefing. "Making baseless accusations of an improper relationship with Russia is inappropriate."


when you lose job it is put on hold or not able to access so unnecessary maybe he can send them an an official email oh yea that is closed also why can't the news media tel what the true story is Trump just thinks what ever he says is real


Punctuation. It's a beautiful thing.


It's amazing that the Trump administration has the nerve to accuse others of making baseless accusations considering his entire campaign and Presidency revolves around baseless accusations.


And saying others have "monetized their public service" is the biggest piece of hypocrisy yet. That's all drumpf and his minions do; Jared, Ivanka and Jr. As well as the orange megalomaniac himself who raised feesat his marilogo plantation (they use foreign workers at sharply disconnected rates so they don't have to give living wages to Mericans)


Talk about taking thin skin to a whole new level.

Most Americans and most of Dump's staff disapproved of his Russian Summit speech. Rather than act like a normal president (and person) and take that into consideration and consider regrouping, he essentially just doubled down on his stance and essentially flipped us all who didn't like it off.

If EVER there was proof that this man does NOT represent our country's best interests that Russian Summit was proof positive of that.


Comey and McCabe have said they relinquished their security clearance when they left their positions, so that's an empty threat against them.

Clapper has said he hasn't used his clearance since he left the position - again, an empty threat.

Hayden got the message out he doesn't care , as he'd rather continue to speak freely about the failure of this administration above all else. Yet, another empty threat.


What Trumpie is too much of a moron to comprehend is that stripping these people of their SCs does not hurt hurts the US intelligence agencies because the only reason these former employees have these clearances is in case they need to be consulted about an issue they can provide counsel on.

But I take that back--Trumpie's whole goal seems to be to dismantle, downgrade, and weaken the Federal Government, especially the intelligence agencies, who he feels are out to get him, so this isn't surprising at all.


T-rump and his supporters don't think logically. They don't think of the future, and how retaliation can harm the country.

As a matter of fact, he and his supporters don't think.

He should have been quick to strip Jared Kushner of his 'temporary security clearance' when he couldn't get cleared for the first fifteen months.


Bout time. They’re lucky they’re not being taken to the firing squad for treason. #MAGA


Not exactly subtle in your trolling, are you?


It's funny how you used to deny being alt-right.


John Brennan clearly lost his marbles when Trump took office. Why did it take so long?

Why the hell do former feds even get to keep security clearance?


Think it has something to do with experience/expertise or something to call in for the new people that take over. I can't remember the exact words but there were reasons.
