MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > After 18 months of demokkkrat meltdowns ...

After 18 months of demokkkrat meltdowns over “Russia”, poll has it at bottom of list of issues Americans care about.

Despite the mainstream media’s push of the narrative of Russian political meddling, the poll shows it is not the most important issue to almost any Americans. The latest Gallup poll survey shows that not even one percent of Americans surveyed believe the Russia issue is the most important issue facing the country.

And at the top of the list? Illegal immigration.


Can’t wait for brovember and the “blue wave”.



The lefties here seem to have forgotten about illegal immigration.



Quelle shocker. And why would it be?


And the #2 issue is POOR LEADERSHIP.

Great link! Gracias.


Lying Froggy! Category is "dissatisfaction with government/poor leadership (19 percent)"

Among partisan groups, there is little variation in what Republicans, Democrats and Independents view as the top problems. Four problems made the top five of issues: immigration, government, unifying the country and lack of respect for each other, according to Gallup’s website. Rounding out the top five list for Republicans, the economy and moral/ethical decline were tied. Race issues were included among the top five issues for Independents and Republicans.


The slash means those phrases are equivalent. You really struggle with comprehension.


Doesn't mean it's not important.


Im sorry I have hard time when people say,"demokkrats, cuckservatives, libtards, republicrats....etc"

If youre gonna discuss politics, be mature or you dont be taken seriously.
