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Time Magazine photo of Trump/Putin as single entity

This is the freakiest thing I've seen in a while (and I've seen some freaky things--I used to live in Los Angeles!).

Time morphed the faces of Trumpie and Pootie into one person, and man, it could give you nightmares. I remember something 60 Minutes did a long time ago when they took facial photos of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and I forgot the 4th guy, and combined all their features into one could have sufficed as the face of Big Brother for a 1984 movie.


The dictionary definition of “fake news”. Thanks for posting.


I love how lemmings like you have latched onto and adopted Trump's Soviet era propaganda techniques, notably whataboutism and calling anything you don't like "fake."


For the Trumpholes, just putting "fake" in front of anything they don't like makes them think they've won an argument and that's all the proof they need.


Why didn't they show Obama's face morphed into George Bush's face when Obama extended the timetables for the wars? It's because Time magazine is Zionist and wants Americans to die for Israel. Do you realize the only time the media praised Trumps is when he shot missiles at Syria?


If Time magazine is so Zionist, why are they critical of drumpf? Considering he's the one that moved the embassy to Jerusalem, which favours the Israelis..bigly, and hurts the Palestinians so..Ugely. you'd think they'd be sucking his little orange pecker🤔 (you know Melania ain't 😂🤣🤣)


Fun fact, Trump said the new embassy in Jerusalem was only going to cost the U.S. between $250K and $400K. The actual price tag was recently revealed as over $21 million. It's as if everything Trump says is a fucking lie.


Nah uhh.....fake news.... demokkkrat... . Hillary.....nothing burger...... MAGA!!!!

Thems the truth!

(I bet 21 million is just the starting budget. It will be more before their done. I'm sure some sweetheart backroom deals are being handed out to cronies)


A picture of Trump and Putin morphed. You call it news?

That's what I call propaganda. Time magazine is click bait. They have a history of lying to us for example the bacon and eggs in the shape of a frowning face and later a happy face, or the global cooling becomes global warming covers.


A picture of Trump and Putin morphed. You call it news?

No, it's a magazine cover. News would be the story inside regarding the Trump/Putin summit.


Yikes! That picture gives me the willies.


MY EYES! Ze goggles, they do nothing!
