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Anyone know how long it took to impeach Clinton and nearly Nixon?

Curious how long the investigations went before impeachment settings kicked in. Trying to get a possible average timeline between the two and if so, compare it to the current timeframe of the Trump collusion investigation happening at the moment. Cause right now he's already 1 1/2 years in with only indictments on foreign agents/campaign helpers/companies with no one really of American origin. Unless of course Trump was the only one Putin could snag but I am somewhat doubtful of that.


I don't remember the exact time frame, but pretty sure the Clinton investigation went on and on for years, until they found out Bill got a BJ in the Oval Office.


Bah, got off my lazy ass and did my own research.

Richard Nixon [1969-1974]
Watergate break-in: 1972
Investigation timeline: October 30, 1973 – August 20, 1974

Bill Clinton [1993-2001]
Sexual harassment accusation/Whitewater: 1994
Investigation timeline: August 1994 - April 1998

So maybe 2.5 years to see any real evidence. At this time if it takes 4 years of investigation he would have finished his 1st term in office and possibly brought down in his 2nd if re-elected.


Considering they’ve been leaking nonstop for 2 years. And still there hasn’t been a single piece of evidence of TRump Russia collusion leaked its obvious this entire sham was cooked up.


Leaks come from witnesses and defense attorneys that have been questioned by Mueller.

Mueller's team doesn't leak.

How do I know?

Because every time an indictment drops it reveals a ton of information the press never had.



You're just going by one of the many investigations Clinton was under while President.

Clinton's entire investigation while President actually started in March/April 1994 by the DOJ with "Whitewater" - which went nowhere until 1998, when it ended with a 'blue dress' from his affair with Lewinsky. Try as they may, they couldn't find anything on Clinton despite opening different investigations from 'Whitewater', accept the fact that he had an extramarital affair. SO it was a total of four years of investigations - and all they came up with was a blue dress with a stain on it.



Typical attempt to skew and distort the facts from the right. Ignoring the investigations that took a long time.


There is a site that has all the time line (and connected dots) of the Clinton investigation...starting with Whitewater, and how it morphed into Lewinsky. The Republicans were relentless in his eight years in office - and not one of them said it was 'going on too long' , 'cost too much money' (millions of dollars), 'witch hunt', etc. Nor did Clinton ever threaten to fire Starr, or anyone else included in the investigation. He cooperated fully - 100%.


Hmm, interesting... Funny when comparing these 2 they both had basically a 2nd term in office before the impeachment proceeding began. Makes me wonder if Trump will get a 2nd term before suppose impeachment happens. Would be hilarious if it did as it would be just so weird, mere coincidence, or other.

I actually quick skimmed a bit of the Whitewater article before making my post and thought it didn't really pertain to the impeachment process itself of Bill. I'll make the correct changes.


You're completely ignoring all the other investigations Clinton was under. Whitewater went on for years.


Mmm yes, I stand correct and made the correct changes.
