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Statement by John McCain on Trump-Putin Meeting

Today’s press conference in Helsinki was one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory. The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naivete, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate. But it is clear that the summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake.

President Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin. He and Putin seemed to be speaking from the same script as the president made a conscious choice to defend a tyrant against the fair questions of a free press, and to grant Putin an uncontested platform to spew propaganda and lies to the world.

It is tempting to describe the press conference as a pathetic rout – as an illustration of the perils of under-preparation and inexperience. But those were not the errant tweets of a novice politician. These were the deliberate choices of a president who seems determined to realize his delusions of a warm relationship with Putin’s regime without any regard for the true nature of his rule, his violent disregard for the sovereignty of his neighbors, his complicity in the slaughter of the Syrian people, his violation of international treaties, and his assault on democratic institutions throughout the world.

Coming close on the heels of President Trump’s bombastic and erratic conduct towards our closest friends and allies in Brussels and Britain, today’s press conference marks a recent low point in the history of the American Presidency. That the president was attended in Helsinki by a team of competent and patriotic advisors makes his blunders and capitulations all the more painful and inexplicable.

No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant. Not only did President Trump fail to speak the truth about an adversary; but speaking for America to the world, our president failed to defend all that makes us who ware are – a republic of free people dedicated to the cause of liberty at home and abroad. American presidents must be champions o fthat cause if it is to succeed. Americans are waiting and hoping for President Trump to embrace that sacred responsibility. One can only hope they are not waiting totally in vain.


That's a great statement. Looks like McCain is choosing to be an American instead of a Republican about this event (too little too late?).

Wonder how many other Trumphole weasels in the no-balls Republican Party will have the guts to agree with this?


Other Republicans are distancing themselves from Trump on this as well.

Marco Rubio tweeted a little while ago:

"Foreign policy must be based on reality,not hyperbole or wishful thinking. And the reality is #Russia is an adversary. Because #Putin doesn’t believe in win/win scenarios & thinks only way to make Russia stronger is to make U.S. weaker. Any approach not based on this will fail."

Paul Ryan issued this statement:

"There is no question that Russia interfered in our election and continues to undermine democracy here and around the world. That is not just the finding of the American Intelligence community but also the House Committee on Intelligence. The president must appreciate that Russia is not our ally. There is no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia, which remains hostile to our most basic values and ideals. The United States must be focused on holding Russia accountable and putting an end to its vile attacks on democracy."


Looks like Rubio and Ryan are getting ready to run against T-rump in 2020. Getting their talking points out there now!


Yeah, maybe if Ryan had kept his eye on the ball holding Trump to account for his complicity with Russia in House investigations instead of shielding him we might have never arrived at this point. His words ring hollow.


Staunch conservative talk radio host and former congressman Joe Walsh today in a series of tweets:

"Trump was a traitor today. I cannot & will not support a traitor.

No decent American should."

"This press conference is an absolute disgrace. Trump won't even side with America.

What Trump did today was commit treason. He cannot be supported anymore. He is a clear & present danger to America. Republicans can no longer be quiet.

I won't be quiet. I am done with him."

"Look, I'm no big deal, but today is the final straw for me. I will never support Trump again. If that makes me a NeverTrumper, so be it.

I am a tea party conservative, that will never change. But Trump was a traitor to this country today. That must not be accepted.

Speak out."


Wow, Trump lost Walsh, he lost Ryan, he lost Rubio... He even lost Brian Kilmeade on Fox & Friends.

At least Trump has some unwavering allies: Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin!


Not sure I'd go so far as to say he lost Ryan and Rubio. They very likely will be back to making excuses for him by tomorrow.


That's been the pattern. Just let the latest outrage blow over.


Probably true. Tired of dictators winning!


He also lost Fox Business hosts Neil Cavuto who called Trump's Russian fuckfest "disgusting", and Abby Hunstman, the daughter of Trump's current Russian ambassador Jon Huntsman.




Your guy is going down. He's beholden to Putin, and can't be allowed to stay in office.


543 days and no collusion.


More coordinated fake outrage over nothing.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper called it “perhaps one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president”

“Today’s press conference in Helsinki was one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory” John McCain.

Boy we’ve never seen that before. Poor demokkkrats, so obsessed with hate they’re now on the side of war over diplomacy.


^Doesn't mention Joe Walsh, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, or any other conservatives who are also outraged... While again pretending that nuclear war is the only other possibility.

Also thinks John McCain is a Democrat! LOL

Gd5150 = Joke.


Gd5250= serious Russian propaganda not

Sole purpose is to obfuscate the discussion at hand and deflect real objective facts


Mitt Romney released a statement a short while ago (Mitt’s a republican incidentally):

“President Trump’s decision to side with Putin over American Intelligence agencies is disgraceful and detrimental to our democratic principles. Russia remains our number one geopolitical adversary; claiming a moral equivalence between the United States and Russia not only defies reason and history, it undermines our national integrity and impairs our global credibility.”


Republican congress woman Liz Cheney:

"As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I am deeply troubled by President Trump’s defense of Putin against the intelligence agencies of the U.S. & his suggestion of moral equivalence between the U.S. and Russia. Russia poses a grave threat to our national security."

This thread has provided several (but far from all) examples of Republicans openly blasting the presidents actions today. What I haven't seen is a single elected Republican defending the President's actions today.


The words out of his mouth mean nothing to you, do they? Only how others react?

How’s the view from the wrong side of history, Brownshirt?


What's truly mind boggling is that all these Republican patsies voicing their strong opinions now couldn't see this coming from a mile away. Did they really think Trump was going to stand up to Putin instead of embracing him?

Apparently so.


Did Obama Pledge ‘More Flexibility’ Toward Russia After the 2012 Election?

In 2012, President Obama was overheard over a hot microphone telling President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia he would have "more flexibility" to negotiate with Putin after the election.

As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” — until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.

“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.

“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

“I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.

The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.

What I like most about the internet is that you can dig up the past. This clearly shows Obama colluding with Russia. Obama said he couldn't wait to work with Putin.


So what's your point?

The nice thing about the internet is you can also quickly find out whether Obama actually WAS more flexible Russia, rather than just saying he could be.

So why don't you research that and find out? I can guess that you don't because it doesn't fit into the narrative of your right wing talking point.


This thread is about Republican disgust with Trump's actions today. I know you have no viable defense of him so you go to that old crutch of criticizing Obama and/or Hillary but it's not relevant to this thread regarding Trump placing sole blame of bad relations with Russia on America's "stupidity and foolishness" and once again showing more faith in Putin than his own Intelligence agencies.

I remember the Obama incident when it happened as it received plenty of coverage but I'm not being drawn off the topic of our current president.


Who cares what the swamp dwellers think, they are not the President. We have had bad relations with Russia since 1945 and NATO was created in 1949 because of the USSR. Its history repeating itself over and over again. I don't know people can't see through the veil of irony. I am not defending Trump, I just like to point out this same event happened in the past. Whatever Trump does will be the wrong choice. As I have realized years ago you can't win in politics.


This clearly shows Obama colluding with Russia. Obama said he couldn't wait to work with Putin.

And what exactly was the exchange referring to?

You seem to know... And yet your post started with a question!

Which is it: A mystery, or a conspiracy?
