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What Was On the Destroyed Hard Drives- Is Hillary Finally Going to Prison

Do you think Hillary will ever be investigated for obstruction of justice?



And those left that could expose them value their lives and those of their family and friends :o/


The swamp is so concerned with Trump that they have forgotten about that 2 time loser. Can you imagine what would happen if a regular company destroyed evidence? Meanwhile Manafort is in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day. Its like we live in a bizzaro world.



Don't forget Seal Team 1 - 5.


The hard drive story has ballooned into an urban legend.

On 3 May 2016, web site the Washington Free Beacon published an article provocatively titled “Clinton Campaign Made Payments to Hard Drive and Document Destruction Company” (and subtitled “Payments could have purchased destruction of 14 hard drives”). The article reported that the Hillary Clinton campaign made payments totaling $187 to a document destruction company (American Document Destruction, Inc.) in February and March of 2016.

The article implied (without directly stating) that the Clinton campaign might have spent the funds on destroying disk drives involved in the controversy surrounding Clinton’s use of private, home-based servers and accounts for official business she conducted while serving as U.S. secretary of state.

Nowhere did the Washington Free Beacon article offer any evidence that the services provided by American Document Destruction, Inc. to the Clinton campaign involved the destruction of hard drives or data from the private server she used while serving as secretary as state. In fact, the article didn’t even offer any evidence that the provided services involved the destruction of hard drives at all (rather than paper documents). It simply noted that the Clinton campaign paid American Document Destruction, Inc. an amount of money that would have covered the costs of destroying 14 hard drives or shredding 37.4 cubic feet of paper (or, presumably, some combination of the two).

Now why would someone use a document destruction company?

Because spies and reporters and identity thieves and etc. go through people's trash.

This is like saying that someone having a paper shredder is suspicious and that they must be a criminal. It's ridiculous. Paper shredders are common office equipment and document destruction services are commonly employed every single day by companies all over the world.


Of course. And secretary of states building secret email servers in their basement are par for the course.



I never said she wasn't shady. She's a politician, that's an indictment in itself.


When will Rethuglikkkans figure out Hillary is not our President? I understand they have major voters remorse now for getting T-rump in, but why are they still so obsessed with Hillary and a non issue such as this?

There’s so much to be focused on with corrupt T-rump, his campaign’s involvement with the Russians, and so much corruption in his administration. So much more entertaining and evolving than Hillary’s email.


But there's so much whataboutism for the whatabots to blabber about in their distraction game!


Did you see Gd5150 salivating about the possibility of Hillary dying just below here? It's the next post down.

I thought he called everyone else hateful?


He’s a disciple of T-rump. I don’t expect anything better from him. Ever. He was like this on the IMDB forum too.


No. Fortunately the diaper wearing drunk will be dead soon. Going down as one of the biggest laughing stocks in world history. She took it in the ass from her husband countless times when he cheated on her. The American voters refused her government healthcare plan, and 2 bids for the presidency.

The icing on the face was her pathetic world tour for years after her 2nd loss when she was crushed by president Trump in the 2016 election and she went whining to the world about why she lost. Never once taking responsibility, blaming everything from fantasy Russian tweeter bots to married women being told what to do by their husbands.

Her loss is one of the biggest most important victories for the American voter in history. It derailed OBama/demokkkrat corruption in the IRS/FBI/DOJ/State department, and the world less than 2 years later it’s thankful for it. Thanks to the booming Trump economy due to Trump pro business pro American voter policies.

It will be seen as the beginning of the end of this era of demokkkrat corruption that started with the election of Bill Clinton. The party of hate and fail will go on to get crushed in November thanks to the black wave from the #walkaway movement in which the black community finally said no more demokkkrat enslavement.



Diaper wearing drunk? Are you sure he’s not talking about T-rump or Mitch McConnell?



I have heard that the Clinton Foundation is back in action and are accepting donations from foreign governments again.



I don't know what a "dump" is.



Thats the toilet. I usually have big dumps too. I call them toilet cloggers.


You know... once a democrat gets re-elected again this is just going to turn around. I don't get the point of having to keep referring to people that aren't in office or isn't president. I guess once Trump finishes his term be it 1 or 2, watch the left go what aboutism on Trump like how the right is going about with Shillary.


What I love best about politics is the flip flop every 4 to 8 years. Remember repeal and replace? Well neither do the republicans.


She probably just had her secret recipe for spicy fried chicken on there or something.


Probably. And that’s enough to get Rethuglikkkans foaming at the mouth. Isn’t that sad to witness?


There are a lot of reaasons people destroy a hard drive. If I buy a new PC and the old hard drive is outdated, I'll destroy it. Don't want people accessing any personal info.


not my spicy chicken!
