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North Korea puts off meeting with US on returning soldier remains

Awww so much for signing that paper which Trump keeps touting as a success. Guess those Elton John CD's didn't hit vibe for rocket man.

Still a win for Trump though since he got 3 prisoners freed and had DPRK blow up some shit (supposed nuke sites) at their home country.


Are you implying KJU is not a man of his word? Nonsense, I tell you - T-rump said he can be trusted, cause he's honest!


Well you know, as they say, Trump's always right. I hear he trusts Putin as well, that he didn't meddle in the election. Putin is so honest it makes my legs weak and head feel faint. We can be bestest of friends.


Yes, T-rump trusts Putin more than he trusts anyone in any of his own intelligence agencies. He not only told Putin that, but he told the world that. What a guy!


Yeah by all accounts that Pompeo visit was a real disaster. Total humiliation.

Now in a pique of regret the US is asking the UN Security Counsel to cut off oil products to North Korea.

Gee, maybe the stable genius in charge should have thought of keeping the pressure on BEFORE entering negotiations with North Korea.

All for naught anyway, as if China who we're in the midst of a trade war, is going to be doing the US any favors by approving the UNSec resolution. This is why you don't start trade wars with countries that you expect to help you secure a landmark nuclear disarmament deal. Diplomacy 101 Trump has no concept of.
