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Drunk T-rump supporter brutally harasses woman for wearing a 'Puerto Rican flag' tee shirt

A T-rump Rethuglikkkand brutally harassed a woman for wearing a tee shirt with the Puerto Rican flag on it, telling her not to wear that shirt in this country, because it's 'Un-American", while a cop stood by and ignored her pleas for help.

Mia Irizarry said she went to Illinois' 'Forest Preserves of Cook County' on June 14 to celebrate her 24th birthday. She wore a tee shirt which said "Puerto Rico" below the neckline, and the Puerto Rican flag below the wording. Irizarry said a man approached her and asked why she was wearing that tee shirt, which he called "un-American". (Little did Trybus know that Puerto Rican residents have been American citizens since 1917 ).

Feeling threatened as the Rethuglikkkan, Timothy Trybus, continued to brutally harass her, Izzarry called to a police officer standing near them to intervene in the escalating situation. The police officer did not acknowledge her, or move in to help.

"You should not be wearing that in the United States of America." Trybus gets closer to her and asks "Are you a citizen? Are you a United States citizen?" He continued, "You're not American, if you were American you wouldn't wear that. You know that right?"

Irizarry calls out to the officer: "I am renting this area and he's harassing me about the shirt that I'm wearing. Officer, I'm renting, I paid for a permit for this area. I do not feel comfortable with him here, is there anything you can do?""

The officer is seen walking away from her, and turns to the man to tell him to be quiet. Eventually, Izzary's brother arrived at the scene, and told the man to back off. A female officer finally intervened, and threatened the man with arrest for his conduct.

She recorded the incident as it was happening, and the video has since gone viral, seen by millions of viewers, and made headlines across the country (except on StateTV or StateMedia).

Trybus has been arrested for the incident, and charged with assault and disorderly conduct, according to a police report.

The Forest Preserves released a statement:

"After the June 14 incident, we immediately launched an investigation pursuant to our personnel policies into the response of our officer. The investigation is ongoing and the officer involved has been assigned to desk duty pending the outcome."



The officer standing there doing nothing to diffuse the situation is the most outrageous part. Drunk morons are going to be drunk morons but we have to expect police to step in when they see trouble starting and outright harassment.


The cop should be fired - period. He did not do the job he was trained to do, and have the responsibility to do.

I wonder how much coverage this story will get on FOX or Breitbart? I'm betting none.


Zero brutality. A harmless town drunk gave the pr her ration of sh*t and went on his way.


A police officer's job extends far beyond refraining from police brutality. The man was very clearly harassing the woman for her heritage. That cop had an easy opportunity to get in there and diffuse the situation but failed to do so. This isn't an issue of right vs left, this is an issue of common sense. His ineffectiveness and failure to act reflects poorly on police officers at a time when all cops should be working to boost community relations.


She felt threatened by the Rethuglikkkan who was relentless. That’s more than enough for the police to intervene. It doesn’t have to rate high on the scale of brutality.


According to the NY Post today, this cop has quit the force.


He should have been terminated - not up to him to quit.


The termination process for something like this can be a lengthy one. I'm guessing this was heading one way and he knew it so he quit before they could fire him.


The man is now facing two felony hate crime charges.


I've read two news stories reporting the details of this incident. One in the New York Times and one in the Washington Post; neither publication is known for favoring Trump. Yet neither story identified the harasser as a Republican or Trump supporter.

You did the same thing yesterday with your "road rage" post.


According to Doggie, this is a Trump supporter:

Hahahahaha! What a clown.
