Notice I said 'some Trump voters', never said this was directly Trump himself although his rhetoric/policies says otherwise. Not hard to put two and two together.
Actually, for any rational-thinking person (which excludes those suffering from DTS), it would be extremely difficult to look at this woman and assume she voted for Trump.
"She looks more like an Obama voter for obvious reasons".
Aside from your racist stereotyping, It's hilarious that in every other instance you Trumpbots love to brag (lie) about so many African Americans apparently loving Trump while going on about a non existent Black Republican wave. But here it's like "Ohh she's Black so she can't be a Trump supporter. She must be a Democrat!"...
You's are a sad and self defeating lot. Try not to be a hypocrite too and report me Yuma.
If you think a mob of black Trump supporters spontaneously materialized in a deep blue Los Angeles suburb, I have some Detroit real estate I'd like to sell to you. Translation: You aren't very smart.
Nah you aren't because you're response further proves my point...
Do you think it's more likely the female attacker was emboldened by Maxine Waters and Bernie Sanders setting the tone against migrants and by the racist propaganda at PBS? :p
You frame this having anything to do with Trump and the rise in hate crimes as the wrong assumption while desperately coming up with your own more stereotypical assumption from 1992. Good one hack...
Also hate crimes against Latino's and Hispanics in California have increased by 17% since Orange Man's election according to the DOJ by the by.
We all know blacks are over 90% demacrat. Theres no need to pretend that those that believe in a black wave republican body are in the majority of republican and conservative thought. Learn to see the spectrum of the entire group your railing against before you just conclude the group is singular and acting hypocritical. reply share
How cute! A Fox listener attempts to make up a statistic out of his/her own head instead of using a faux stat from Fox's propaganda machine. Nice try. But, that's not how it works, bud. A stat isn't something you make up.
If you had been reading the papers lately, then you would know that Rep. Maxine Waters had been receiving death threats.
Rep. Adam Schiff, Rep. Al Green and Rep. Andre Carson, a Muslim have all received threats. Just to name a few which is more than "zero".
"Your hate..."
You're obviously projecting. Trumpettes have so much hate that you cheer toddlers being tortured because they're Hispanic. Don't forget to pray next Sunday for your sins cast from Monday thru Saturday.
Yeah he's got that republican tactic of projection down pat. Accuse the other side of what your own side is guilty of in spades.
But in his case it doesn't appear to be any special tactic. He's truly oblivious to any wrongs by conservatives because he literally parrots what the right wing demagogues say without a shred of independent thought.
A lot of hypocrites go to church so I wouldn't be surprised if he does. Trump likes to promote Christianity which is a joke coming from that anti-Christ.
Trumputin's supporters are poorly educated (his words, not mine), therefore I'm sure it would be time consuming to figure out how to click on a link. Furthermore, I'm sure his supporters prefer to remain poorly educated and lazy. Continue to blame failure on hard-working immigrants.
Why would you say that? I'm not following. (And you would lose the bet.)
Yet speaking of assisination attempts - what are your feelings about Sarah Palin telling her followers to 'reload and recharge', put Gabby Gifford in her 'crosshairs' on her Facebook page, and almost succeeded in having her killed? Can you explain why Rethuglikkans are so violent?
You're forgetting that most people in this country want sensible gun laws. It's the conservatives who are stupidly fighting to have people with mental problems armed with military style weapons.
I blame both shootings of Gifford and Scalise on conservatives and their gun lobbyist benefactors who only care about making more money.
Something really fishy about this story. A "woman" out of no where starts clubbing a 90 year old man and then 3 guys join in the fight. Where they in the same family? Was anyone charged? Did anyone stick around to talk to the police? All we got is some one driving along that called CNN claiming she heard "go back to your country"? Maby a 4 year old witness. The man was clearly attacked but I have my doubts as to the narritive. Especially the alleged witness that was driving by. I doubt she was even there.
I am reasonable. But this story sounds like bullshit. We've had other stories before were some histronic people come forward claiming they were witnesses.
I bet you if the victim was a white man, aged 92, and the story remained the same, you would have zero suspicions of the story. You wouldn't be calling it 'fishy' at all. You would be outraged.
The story would still make the news, only difference is it would also be included on all the conservative media, as well: FOX, Breitbart, OAN, Rush, etc. if it was a white man.
Hannity. Tucker and Judge Jeanine would lead the pack to hunt down the perp who did this to the 'poor 92 year old man who was minding his business, visiting relatives'. Let's give it a week and see how much coverage Sean. Tucker and Jeanine give this story...I say "none".
This video documents a Trump supporter harassing a woman wearing a Puerto Rican T-shirt. Obviously, the dumb idiot is too stupid to know that Puerto Rico is in the U.S. Meanwhile, a lazy cop and/or Trump supporter/sympathizer does nothing to intervene as the man repeatedly walks up to the woman in a threatening manner. Thankfully, no injuries.
Have to apologize to those 'some' Trump voters above (knee-jerk reaction) as this seems to be a case of dindu nuffin worldstar black edition. Basically Laquisha Jones, 30-year obese lady hit him with a brick because he slightly bumped into her 4 year old child. Then she went ape shit crazy ratchet mode with a couple of other dindu guys that joined in and yeah... their genetics kicked in... *cough*
Anywho, she's being held on a $200,000 bail. She’s been arrested five additional times in the past, with a prostitution conviction. The witness did not photograph the other suspects who are alleged to have taken part in the attack, but identified them as African American males.