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Angry leftist throws drink and steals MAGA hat from teen

Tsk tsk...


Where did it say in your link he was an angry leftist?


So he's joyful he did it? I guess that makes more sense seeing he was smiling and makes it worse seeing how he knew full well of his actions.


No mention of him being angry, joyful or a leftist.

But now the rest of the story is coming out - the innocent teen was making racist remarks to provoke the guy. There are witnesses who heard the teen and his friends making racist remarks.

And tonight, when asked straight out on FOX by host Jessee Watters if he indeed made racist remarks, the kid wouldn’t give a straight answer. Did not say “ no”, instead danced around the question.

Not saying what the guy did was right, but he was provoked by racist remarks by the teen. And right wing Republicans are seething the truth has come out.


LOL, isn't that always the case? The victim-playing Thuglicans get exposed once again.


Kid could not give a straight answer of “No!” to that buffoon Watters when asked if he provoked the guy with racist remarks. Danced and danced around the question until Watters answered for him.

If you’re innocent, wouldn’t the word “No” just jump out of your mouth automatically?


Why have these racist claims been removed? Fake!


Why didn’t the kid answer Watters question? A simple “ no” would put this to rest. And why isn’t he pressing charges for assault? Because he will have to admit he provoked him with racist comments?


The left thinks this stuff is fine. Can't wear what you want if they disagree, because someone they didn't vote for won the election. Sad pathetic punk that would do that to a kidn


But I thought CNN was "fake news" 🤔

Guess it's only fake when you disagree.


Why is everybody labeled a leftist for not liking Trump?


I think he is labeled leftist for disliking speech. He chose violence.


The KKK and neo Nazis who support T-rump in his base are big on speech and abhor violence?



Ummm violence is a page from the rights playbook.

Or was it a "leftist" that drove a car into a crowd of people, killing one? Was is a "leftist" that shot Gabrielle Giffords?

When you are guilty of something it's easier to see others guilty of it. Doesn't mean they are 😘


Lefty Antifa disagrees!


Last I checked they haven't killed anyone, whilst the right has.


A State prosecutor in CA who identified as a conservative T-rump supporter posted on social media that Maxine Waters should be shot. Why is he still employed? Why has he not been arrested?

Why are Rethuglikkkans so angry and violent with the rest of the world?


You and thrillhouse said "violence". Antifa has been designated terrorist. Maybe I'll report you.


I mentioned violence and how the extreme right is responsible for killing.

Ok, but I'm not sure what for.


The leftist youth has killed common sense,lol.


The alt-right youth has simply killed, for the love of T-rump and all which is white.


That’s what I’m asking. Nowhere in the article - or any media report- is this guy identified as a liberal. No where. Which is why I asked the OP why he called him an angry leftist.

There are plenty of “ never T-rump Republicans” out there in America that the right seems to forget about. And there’s more than plenty in a Texas, where this happened. There are many Bush loyalists out there who wanted Jeb not T-rump, and others who stood by Cruz. This guy could be either one or supporting someone else.



Check your facts!

Only a deranged lefty would compare MAGA to KKK hood! Right Doggie?

Jimenez said, off camera, that what happened was a lapse in judgment that was out of character for him. He told KSAT that seeing the hat had the same effect on him that a Ku Klux Klan hood would have had.


No where did he say he was a “ lefty” or a “ liberal”. Right wing T-rumpers are saying this with no facts. As usual. They have nothing else to go on. And ignoring the fact that the teen will not deny he baited him with racist remarks.


I can sympathize, but that's just going too far.
