MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > "fake news" Vs. "Lugenpresse"

"fake news" Vs. "Lugenpresse"

How is drumpf's saying "fake news" different from Hitler's saying "Lugenpresse"(lying press)?

(Can't wait to be accused of hate in a ranting off topic reply from a certain trumpet)


If you don't know the difference between a Nazi dictator and a duly elected president stating facts that most Americans agree with then you are to be pitied.


If you don't know that Hitler was democratically elected as well, then you are to be pitied.

And most Mericans don't agree with drumpf. Most disagree, hence his less than 50% approval rating.


Hitler was never democratically elected. He was appointed as chancellor by Hindenburg after being soundly defeated in the 1932 presidential election. Try reading a history book.


He was still elected as part of the government democratically and then changed the government to a dictatorship....and the people let him.


Nope! Hitler was never democratically elected, although the Nazis were the biggest party at the time of his appointment. Furthermore, "the people" had absolutely no say once the Reichstag Fire Decree was issued by Hindenburg in 1934. Anyone opposing Hitler after that point would've faced the full force of the German government.


Exactly, the Nazis were a large party in Germany's democratic elections of 1932. Then over two years they slowly took more and more control.

So Hitler and the nazis were elected. With less than the popular vote. Sounds like another similarity πŸ€”



Reported for insult.



Except it's not an "insult". Not only are you IGNORANT of history, but you're also IGNORANT of the English language. You should go back to school and learn the English language.



If calling someone "ignorant" is an insult, then you just insulted me. Reported.


You sound unfamiliar with parliamentary democracies. In the UK for instance Prime Ministers are first elected as the MP for their local area. The political party who receives the most number of seats in the House of Commons gets to form a government and the leader of the party that wins is made PM. In Australia the PM is elected through a vote by members of his or her parliamentary party that wins.

But it would be stupid to say the British or Australian PM isn't "democratically elected" because they are. They're just not directly elected.

Just like it would be stupid to say Hitler wasn't democratically elected to the chancellorship because he was selected by his party in power. That's the way it works in democratic parliamentary setups, and Weimar had a hybrid system where one could be directly elected or elected by the party reps in parliament.


Hitler was selected by Hindenburg, who wasn't a Nazi. Your argument has been completely demolished. Thanks for playing.


You know what? You're finally right about something. Congrats.


Easily disproven by a Google search. "Lugenpresse" has been used by many political movements in Germany (both left and right) since the 19th century. You're basically saying that the Nazis are the only people who accused the press of lying about stuff. LMFAO


I never said they were the only ones. Just pointed out a similarity.

Geez slow your roll bud


The term 'fake news' was coined by the left in 2016 and Trump was savvy enough to turn it around on them.


Must make you and the other demokkkrat media lemmings feel good to piss on the graves of 6 million Jews. You do it every chance you get.



I'm really starting to think you are some sort of Russian post bot that uses an algorithm highly reliant on the terms "demokkkrat", "lemming", "hate" and "platform".

I don't think I've seen a post of yours without the use of all those words 🀣


Reported for anti-Russian ethnic hatred.


Now that's a stretch. I said nothing about ethnic Russians or demonstrated any hatred.

Get a life πŸ‘‹


Replace the world "Russian" with "Jewish," then tell me it isn't offensive.


It wouldn't.

If a car is made by Russians it's a Russian car. If a bot is made by Russians it's a Russian bot. If a stove is made by americans is an american stove. If a bot was made by Israelis then it would be an Israeli bot.

No ethnic hatred.


You're peddling a conspiracy theory about an ethnic group. That's deeply racist.


Not a conspiracy, openly known Russia utilized social media platforms, using bots and paid advertising on them to try and influence the outcome of the 2016 election.

Love how obvious things are conspiracy, yet the outlandish things your supreme leader says are unassailable.


You're accusing a random person on the internet of being "Russian" because you don't like their views. That's textbook ethnic hatred.


No, I'm saying I think they are a Russian bot (based on their posting patterns), not a Russian.


He's either trolling accusing you of racism for suspecting Gd5150 to be a Russian bot for his redundantly repetitive posts or he's completely ignorant that Russian troll farms are a real thing.

My money's on the latter. Either way, that's clearly his problem.


It's still an ethnically charged accusation. If you automatically accused everyone who supports Israel of being an Israeli agent, you would rightly be accused of anti-Semitism. You are guilty of Russophobia.


You appear to have a problem differentiating between the Russian people and the Russian government.

The Russian government has attacked the United States as well as several European countries in an attempt to weaken democracy and the impact of sanctions against them. Supporting a foreign government that attacks the United States appears very anti-American which is why your identification is being questioned.

BTW, a Russian colleague of mine had to flee Russia after working there a lifetime only to have her pension and life savings stolen by their corrupt government. Ask yourself how Putin, a government employee and politician ended up with billions while my colleague had to restart a new career when she should have been enjoying her retirement.
