MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump has SAVED US from a war of his own...

Trump has SAVED US from a war of his own imagination!

“If not for me, we would now be at War with North Korea!”

This is while he was patting himself on the back regarding Korean denuclearization, of course.

From what I recall, the only threat of war with North Korea was BECAUSE OF Trump with his tit-for-tat B.S. tweeting against "Rocket man" last year and their pissing contest comparing button size.

I do like the first comment on that page:

1985: North Korea signs Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty
1992: North Korea signs historic agreement to halt nuclear program.
1994: North Korea signs historic agreement to halt nuclear program.
1999: North Korea signs historic agreement to end missile tests.
2000: North Korea signs historic agreement to reunify Korea! Nobel Peace Prize is awarded
2005: North Korea declares support for "denuclearization" of Korean peninsula
2005: North Korea signs historic agreement to halt nuclear program and "denuclearize".
2006: North Korea declares support for "denuclearization" of Korean Peninsula.
2006: North Korea again declared support for "denuclearization" of Korean Peninsula.
2007: North Korea signs historic agreement to halt nuclear program.2007: N&S Korea sign agreement on reunification.
2010: North Korea commits to ending Korean War.
2010: North Korea announces commitment to "denuclearize".
2010: North Korea again announces commitment to "denuclearize".
2011: North Korea announces plan to halt nuclear and missile tests.
2012: North Korea announces halt to nuclear program.
2015: North Korea offers to halt nuclear tests.
2016: North Korea again announces support for "denuclearization”
2018: North Korea signs historic agreement to halt nuclear program and “denuclearize”.


I guess the demokkkrat media shitting it’s diaper with fake concern over the so-called “nuclear war clock” last January was part of Trump’s imagination?

Demokkkrat media owned again.

The party of no ideas, no solutions.




Dude that's exactly what I referred to... The only real war threat was caused by Trump himself.




Um, no. The war threat was due to their unprecedented testing of long range ballistic missiles. Were you living in a cave through 2017?


The Demokkkrats are a very dangerous combination of dishonesty, bigotry and mental retardation.


due to their unprecedented testing of long range ballistic missiles

So Trump was going to start a war over a country attempting to protect itself from nuclear powers?

That would literally be an act validating the need to test missiles.

But of course, all TrumpKim had to do was have their meet-cute, and now suddenly Trump is PRAISING a murderous dictator that he apparently wanted to start a war with.

The mental gymnastics required to support this crap must be really working out your brain.


You condemn Kim as a "murderous dictator," but accept at face value NK's claim that their weapons are only for defensive purposes. Epic cognitive dissonance.
