MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > The black wave is coming #walkaway movem...

The black wave is coming #walkaway movement exploding

Voters want ideas and solutions. Not fascism. Not hatred. Not discrimination.

The party of no ideas, no solutions. The party of hate and blame. Democrat party comin roost.



Yeah, right...a "black wave." Is that something all your alt-right buddies have been told to spew about now to sow more dissension prior to the election?

And what the hell is "" ? Nice try, puppet.


It's a short URL service for YouTube. You = OWNED!


Funny considering I coined the phrase “black wave” myself.

Unlike “alt-right” which is this years leftwing lemming “neo-con”. Same brainless responses. Same lack of ideas and solutions party. Same hate filled obsessed demokkkrat lemmings. Just a new decade. Don’t worry lemming, tomorrow they’ll come up with a new term to spoon feed you to use.


Fox "news":
"...They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy."

Factual Reporting: MIXED
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 45/180

Overall, we rate Fox News strongly Right-Biased due to word and story selection that favors the right and Mixed factually based on poor sourcing and spreading conspiracy theories that later must be retracted.

A suggestion. You should find an accurate news source.


Fake Fact Checker! Fox news is the ONLY credible cable news. That's why it's most popular.

Libtards are stupid because they watch CNN & NBC and read fake news.


Lol fox news = "you can't trust the big news outlets!!!" Next commercial break "fox news the #1 news in Merica"

So you "can't trust big news outlets" but they are the biggest and should be trusted🤔🤔.

The cognitive dissonance is hugely bigly in that crowd


That's why it's most popular.

It's most popular because all the brainwashed zombies of the right wing watch it exclusively.

Intelligent people diversify their news sources, therefore no single "non-Fox-News" source is going to be as popular.

That's a criticism of the Fox News viewers more than anything, it speaks volumes.

The fact that you even hint at considering popularity to be a good guideline, or a good reference for credibility, is HILARIOUS.


Let me think Hannity is a news show, don't you?

Even though Sean Hannity himself said "I never claimed to be a journalist.”


I respect Sean for saying that, because he isn't a journalist.The problem is that people like Arianna Huffington think that they are.


And huff post is exactly as credible as Fox so that’s a fair analogy


Voters want ideas and solutions. Not fascism. Not hatred. Not discrimination.

Must be why 3 million less people voted for Trump than they did for a divisive, scandal-ridden Hillary Clinton. Because even she was better than the fascist, hateful, discriminatory Trump.

You should spend less time posting and more time praying to the Electoral College Gods. Because that's the only thing that gave you what you wanted.


Who's to say if Trump were to have run his campaign in a popular vote election that he wouldn't have gotten more? But we don't,so he didn't. It's like a football team going for nothing but field goals and complaining afterwards that they should be worth more than touchdowns. You play the game based on the rules set forth. If Hillary's goal was to win the popular vote, she deserves the loss she got because that's not the way we do it.


Oh course we know who would win in a popular vote election, Hillary would have plain and simple.

What, you think people would vote differently if there was no electoral college? No, they would still vote for the candidate they support, and that would've put Hillary in the whitehouse and not the orange megalomaniac.

So much for Merican democracy 😕 (now stop thumping your chests and acting like you can bring democracy to other nations when you don't have it yourselves)


That's nonsense thinking,and your showing your hand with your bias or your ignorance. The football analogy is perfect,but you choose to ignore it. BOTH candidates campaign trying to get the most electoral votes, because they are smart enough to understand that the popular vote doesn't mean shit. This is the reason that we have a electoral system, as if you don't already know this, because otherwise candidates would ONLY focus on densly populated areas. So basically, farmers, ranchers, rural industry and manufacturing and a ton of other important parts of our economy would get zero consideration at election time. Screw anyone who lives in Alaska, Idaho, Minnesota, both Dakota's,etc...they simply wouldn't be worth trying to represent. But again, I think you already know all this, but acknowledging it doesn't allow you to whine about winning the popular vote and still losing.


I didn't even read your response.

I refuse to waste time on the hypothetical.

Hillary won the popular vote. Your democracy is joke and so is your president.




One more post where the resident demokkkrat lemmings all respond with the same ol cliche hate and zero substance. Still no demokkkrat platform.



Maybe the Democrat don't have any no ideas, no solutions. But neither do the fucking Republicans. They have been pushing Reaganomics shit since the 80's. Which usually leads to a recession. Which they usually leads to people voting for the opposite party to fix it. And with Trump Tariffs. Things going turn to shit pretty soon.

This Walkway thing seem more about making conservatives feel better. Your never going to get a die-liberal to leave the party and anyone in the center can see that the far-right is just as bad and the far-left.


What a terrible idea. Telling a millennial democrat to walk away from the democratic party is like telling them to join the Bernie/Ocasio-Cortez movement which all millennial democrats are already tempted to do.
